Review of , Excellent User Interface is an excellent one stop destination for all your loans and insurance products Needs . BankBazaar is partner’s with India’s leading financial institutions and insurance firms, and provide all information at one single place in a very user friendly manner .

Lets see in detail what all it has to provide a retail investor like you and me in India .

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What can you compare at

  • Home Loans
  • Personal Loans
  • Home Loan Transfers
  • Loan Against Property
  • Credit Cards

Home loans section is my favorite and I am really amazed by the level of detail they ask and based on that they suggest you the best Bank suitable for you .

Anyone going to take a home loan should first go thorugh this to get an idea about it . The best part I like in BankBazaar is cool Scale type Amount and Duration Selector .Also check out there amazing EMI Calcualtor . Read an article explaining how to choose best Fixed Deposit for you .

Personal Loan is another section I like , You can find same kind of comparision calculator at many sites , but bankBazaar really goes in detail and takes care of all the details which your Bank will ask anyways at the time of Application .

Home Loan Transfer gives you information about the Bank with lowest interest rate when you transfer your existing home loan . Read an article on How Home loan EMI is calculated .

Loan Against Property This Calculator will take all your inputs and let you know how much amount are you eligible for taking Loan and for how much tenure . It will give the list of Banks which will provide the least interest to you .

Credit Cards This is for getting the best Credit card offer for you.

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Overall I think its the best place at the moment to get information on best products available on Home Loans. I hope to see many other things on Bankbazaar over time .

Financial Planning and Stock Market Seminar in Bangalore

We had a Free session on Personal Finance and Stock Market Basics on last Sunday , 2nd Aug . There were total of 17 participants , I talked about Basics of Investing and Insurance principles along with a live case study , where I proved why one of the participant was severely underinsured , I told them How to calculate the Insurance Requirement .

Another Friend Trilok also talked about Basics of Stock market to get new people learn the basics terms and get them ready for Stock Markets in case they plan to trade . Some of the important points I noticed overall are :

  • People do not understand basics , but they can understand it very well if they guided properly
  • On an average level there is too much need of good Financial Education
  • Most of the people have money but little knowledge to invest it wisely and correctly

I had put the information about the session on this blog and I expected some good number of registration , but I got just 4 people from my side . I am not sure if people missed it or are not interested in ruining their Sundays for a personal Finance talk . Let me know .

We are planning to do some more more sessions on weekends , but we really require some things from people who come . Interest to learn and Some Time 🙂 . If you are interested please Fill this form to put down your Name . The session will be in JayaNagar 3rd Block , Bangalore . Check out some pics from last session Below .

Manish giving some knowledge about SIP and its Importance

Me trying to Prove why Endowment Policies are not the Right Answer to Insurance

Trilok Explaining from Basics of Stock market and Trading , check out this Ebook on How a newcomer should Start in Stock Market .

The wonderful Audience we had

Note : The session will be totally free , you just need to COME 🙂 .

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Why to open a PPF account in India

PPF i.e. Public provident fund is the most recommended long term investment tool offered by Central government of India for Indian resident employees.

In this article we will see why one should open a PPF account even if one does not need it or have no intention of putting his money in Debt.

It may look idiotic but we will see why it would make sense. We will also see an example which will help you understand things.

Open PPF account in India

But may be you don’t know what is PPF account? you will say. Click here to Understand what is PPF account.

Lets see in detail:

Imagine a situation, you need to invest your money in some debt product which gives you assured and good returns, but you don’t want it to get locked for long period, the maximum you want is 3-4 yrs of lock in. Is it possible right now is the question you need to ask? NO!! is the Answer

  • If you invest in PPF right now, the money will be locked in for 15 yrs (partial withdrawals allowed)
  • If you invest in NSC it will be locked for 6 yrs but the interest would be taxable and hence your post-tax returns are again very less
  • Fixed Deposits are again not helpful because their post-tax returns are not attractive enough. Even if you Choose the best Fixed Deposit it won’t help
  • Debt funds are again not answer because again the post-tax returns are less

So how does opening a PPF account now helps us?

Well, definitely it can’t help us at this moment, But imagine future let’s say after 11 or 12 yrs you need to invest some money for short term; at that time, you can put money in your PPF account and it will get matured in next 3-4 yrs and whole maturity amount would be Tax-free and earn you interest of 8%.

It costs just Rs. 500 per year for PPF account to stay active. So if you need the PPF account right now, then open it NOW and if you don’t need it right now, still open one NOW so that your Loan-in-period goes down by 1 every year.

Also, once in a while whenever you feel that you need your money to go in Debt component, simply use the PPF.

Read an article on Asset Allocation to understand the good mix of Equity and Debt Component.

So, here is what I suggest: Open PPF accounts in your name, your Spouse name and your Children name at interval of 2-3 years. So, after 12-13 years, each of the PPF accounts will mature in a gap of 2-3 years.

You can use this as an investment product that gives 8% assured tax free returns. 🙂

Please comment to let me know your views. Is there any issues involved with this article content? Is there anything I have not covered? Your comments are valuable.

Why people don’t buy Term Insurance?- Analysis of a case study on Indian people’s mindset

“We have no desire to make anybody look like a blithering idiot, but we do love it when they do. “– Stephen Colbert. One of the reasons why most people do not take Term Insurance is because “They don’t get anything back at the end”.

In this article, I will show you why this is a psychological issue. Even if you get your money back at the end of the tenure it won’t make much difference. In this article I will prove that the argument “Term Insurance is waste of money because you don’t get anything back” is amazingly idiotic.

term insurance

What is the main Issue with People not liking Term Insurance

Why people don’t like Term Insurance is the question. The answer is simple: because you don’t get anything if you survive the whole tenure and hence the amount paid as premium is wasted – this is claimed by millions. Fair enough!

The first thing is, these people do not understand or appreciate the Importance of Life Insurance. Now let’s see this situation from a different angle. Assume you get the money at the end in your Term Insurance.

Let’s see a case study of a general Family. How does a family look like:

Manish is 28 yrs old and got recently married (oops!!). He earns close to 40,000 per month. His monthly expenses are around Rs.25,000 overall and he saves 15,000 per month (hehe). He also has his parents as financially dependent on him.

He is 30 yrs away from his retirement. He calculated his Insurance Requirement and it was close to 50-60 lacs minimum. Let’s take it as 50 lacs for simplicity for now. (Get more of Insurance Articles from Archives section.)

Analysis of Case Study

Now is the fun part: his current monthly Expenses are close to 25k. Now what will it be when he retires after 30 yrs?

So the average inflation for last 30 yrs was 6.5% (based on past data). Let’s assume it will be 6.5% for next 30 yrs on an average. Then the monthly expenses after 30 yrs would be 25,000 X (1.065)^30 = 1,65,359 (1.65 lacs). If he takes a Term Insurance at the start, his yearly premium per year for 50 lacs cover would be Rs.11802 for 30 yrs tenure from Aegon Religare.

Do you know how you can do your Retirement Planning in 6 steps ?

Click on image to Enlarge

Which means, he is going to pay total premium of 3.54 lacs in his entire life. How even if he gets this money back at the end, how much will it benefit him? How many months can he survive on this money? 2 months is the answer!!

With expenses of 1.65 lacs per month, the money he gets back from term insurance is enough for not more than 2 months. Let’s take maximum 3 months. That’s it!!! Are you confused with Calculations, See this Video presentation by me where I explain how to do important Calculations in Personal Finance.

So Following are the questions needed to be asked

  • Do you want to put your Family at Financial Risk because you are not getting 2 months’ worth of expenses back?
  • For a small amount you “don’t get” at the end are you not being childish to Secure your family?
  • Don’t you think you are seeing Term Insurance from a wrong attitude?
  • Are you not concentrating on “what you are not getting” rather than “what you are getting”?

We already have “Return of Premium Term Policies”, but they are themselves idiotic because they are again designed to just exploit the weakness of people who feel that term insurance is waste of money because they don’t get their money back.

Read this to understand why Plain Term Insurance is better than “Return of Premium Term Insurance policy”.

Watch this video to learn why Term insurance is better than regular insurance policies:

Reason why Indians don’t like Term Insurance’

Reason 1#: Most of the people concentrate on number and explicit data, like the money they are not getting back or it’s a waste of premium if nothing happens to them. They fail to look internal advantage which term Insurance provides.

Reason 2#: We are emotional with Money, we are more concentrated with Growing money and getting money back rather than what value it provides in our life.

Reason 3#: Most of the people think that the probability of dying is much lower than an average person which is again totally idiotic. We just don’t want to visualize a bad situation and hence do not concentrate on that situation.


In life we don’t appreciate things like Health, small moments of happiness, nature, time spent with our loved ones which are most wonderful and real things in life. Term Insurance is one of the similar things in personal finance domain.

You just need to shift your focus of view from “what you are losing” to “what you are getting” once you do this with Term Insurance and your Life, both will become wonderful.

Please comment on what do you think about this and do you agree with it. Are you victim of such mindset?

How Builders are Not keeping their Promises in Real Estate

Deepak Shenoy came up with a very nice article on How Builders are not keeping there promises while delivering the Residential Properties. He shares his views on Why it does not make sense to buy Real estate currently at idiotic prices level currently .

He also links to another article of this where he compares Renting Vs Buying a Flat. I am embedding the same video here which he has on this Excellent article. Have a look.

My take on the Subject

I am not a big Real Estate expert my self , but from Financial Planning point of view I have to say that Buying Home is an Important decision and we should look forward to it , but never at the cost of putting our self in a situation which can become disaster for our self. If you earn 50,000 per month, it does not mean you go next day and buy a Flat where you EMI is 40,000 .

Most of the people do not concentrate on Long term and have a short term view . Buying House needs planning and consideration of various factors . You need to find Value in the property which you are buying , just don’t see the value . A property worth 40 lacs may look Cheap , but its worth still be less than its price . Do you know the Formula to calculate the EMI on home loan ?

Given the uncertainty of Stock Markets in near term and no big improvement in Real – Estate sector , I am myself still not excited in Buying anything in real-estate (the main reason is that I don’t have much money).

Mohit Satyanand says

“I wouldn’t put money into real estate unless it fulfilled three conditions—

  1. It is a property I would be happy to live in.
  2. I could put down at least 25 per cent of the total cost;
  3. The EMI is less than half of my monthly savings.

With those conditions, it would be unlikely that I would exit the investment; not finding a tenant wouldn’t upset me; and with the balance of my surplus income, I could continue to build a nest egg of other assets. Read full Article

This view can look like a pessimistic views at first, but in the long run, these things pay off. Don’t take much risk that you are not alive next time to take another is the Funda you should Remember.

Please comment on what do you think about the Real – estate sector currently in your City. Also do share what is the most important thing one should look at before buying a Flat?

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A beginners guide to start investing in stock markets – Stock market strategy

This is the 4th and last part of the series on Stock Markets articles Newcomers. In other parts we discussed some important things which newcomers should know when they enter Markets.

In this article we will see how a new comer in stock market should start. Go through other 3 parts before this to get maximum out of this article .

How to invest in stock markets

Part 1 : Why Stock Markets Attract and Look Easy
Part 2 : Understanding What exactly you want to do in Stock Markets
Part 3 : 8 most Important Rules in Stock Market

“Small babies like Teddy Bears, and Market Bear likes Babies (newcomers) in Stock markets”

There are 5 things a new comer has to do , I will call it CLOPS model of starting in stock Markets .

  • Calm Down
  • Learn
  • Observe
  • Practice
  • Start Small

This model of learning is totally obvious and logical and applies to all the areas of life. Stock Markets are no different. Lets see each of them separately and what they mean in Stock markets.

Calm Down

The first thing a newcomer has to do is to calm down and not rush. Just be where you are. Most of the people come in stock markets and its totally a new place for them and every thing looks like a great “get-quick-rich” opportunity to them and they want to make most of that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

They don’t know its every-day thing in stock markets. Markets are like a wonderland for them. Markets are not going anywhere and its more true for the opportunities they provide.

So the first thing is to just calm down and do-not rush to get in. There are other important things you have to do before you get-rich-quick. Most common mistakes which newcomers do is mainly because of excitement and getting in without preparation not because of lack of skill or because of there abilities.

When you calm down first and don’t get excited you are doing an important thing which is not jumping in without thinking and making yourself ready for another important things which are discussed below.


The next step is to Learn, Learning is an ongoing process which will never stop as far as Stock markets are concerned, but at the starting level you need to learn lots of basic stuff.

Read how Stock markets are structures, what are different indices, what is Nifty and Sensex? What are the factors affecting markets? How to analyse a company? what are important things to consider while investing?

Read books, Read blogs, Read anything you can get on the subject. Some of the good resources are:

Books for Value Investing (Thanks to Rohit Chauhan to provide the names)

Blogs for Value Investing

Books for Trading

Blogs for Trading

Watch this video for beginners to learn how to invest in share market:


After learning, the next thing is to Observe the markets. See market movements, watch how prices are behaving on each news or with volumes, see what kind of patterns are developing on charts and does it behave every time in almost same way?

Look at how market behaves in relation with Nifty PE in this post.

When you observe these things, you will develop some understanding on relationship and you can validate those with what you have learned so far. A good amount of time should be given to this, markets have different faces and you need to see all the faces, just one good up move is not enough, see at least all different kind of moves.

Up-move, Down-move, trading in range. All of these in different time frame.

You can actually start this early and do it side by side your learning. Collect charts for each day for later reference so that you can see it later. If you know some programming , make a small program which can download the charts from yahoo customized to your purpose.

I have downloaded 15,000 daily and weekly charts for all the Nifty, Midcap stocks and Asian Indices. I can go back to them and test any of my strategy on those charts. Keep History to learn about the future 🙂 .


Now come the fun part and very important part, Practicing what you will do in real. So you have learned things and observed things, now is the time to practice. Before you try out anything in stock market with real money, just see if you able to make any money with practice or not.

I would recommend just have an excel sheet and put all the transactions there like

– Buy price
– Sell price
– Profit
– Profit percentage
– Time of holding the position
– Average Loss per trade
– Average Profit per trade

These are the statistics you should keep in mind and see how you are progressing each week, Don’t concentrate on each trade too much. It’s better to have a weekly target while you are practicing.  I would recommend at least 2-3 months of practice.

This step is important because when you get into market to trade, its totally a different thing. Your reactions to markets movement will be too different than what you had thought. If you jump in markets without practice, you will do lots of mistakes.

Better practice before getting in real. Important thing here is that even with practice (without money). It wont help you a lot but will give you good idea of things. The fun part comes when you start with money then you truly get idea of your behavior 🙂 .

Anyways this is important.

Some people think practice is taking all the time and they are losing all the money, which they “could” have made. This is a wrong way of seeing things.

Though it looks like a opportunity lost,  you are in learning mode and the best part is that you are not “losing” anything and getting ready for making money. There is a chapter on Practicing from a book “Enhancing Traders performance” on this post article by Brett Steenbarger, download it and read, its copyrighted material so i cant put it directly here.

Start Small

Now after you have learned things, Observed things and Practiced, here comes the last part, Starting Small, Start putting money in markets in small quantities, Grow gradually. View your self as a small baby who has just born, first start moving, then crawl, finally stand up one day and walk, once you can walk with speed then try Marathon. The same thing applies to Stock market.

But most of the new comers just want to win the marathon and start running fast without understanding that there body is not ready for marathons. they need to first know how to crawl and they want to win marathon.

You will fall a lot of times, you will have losses and will make money too. But if you don’t start small, one big loss will wipe you out of markets.

In the start it would be difficult for you to control your losses, you will need to have string of losses and the best way to tackle the situation is to start small and put little money in markets so that even a series of bad trades don’t hurt you much.

Many people may go slow and play small for learning and practicing part but when they start with real money, they start too big and that’s because of there over-confidence that are now ready to make money. First crawl baby, Marathon is long way to go. Make your legs healthy first, then dream of running.


Each and every newcomer in the market, should understand that Stock markets are places and from centuries people are trying to make money from it consistently but very few people are successful! This profession has very less success rate if your compare it with other professions like Medicine, Engineering, Computer Science etc.

There has to be some reason why you need to give time to it and learn things here. Take it as another professional course like any other and work hard on it. I think one should seriously give around 2 yrs for learning purpose.

See it as a career not just another place to get-quick-rich, that doesn’t happen in Stock Markets. Its a gradually getting rich place rather than get-quick-rich place. There is a famous quote in markets that “There are old traders and bold traders in stock markets, but not both”. that’s true!

Why it is mandatory file Income Tax Return even if your taxable income is below tax limit?

Filing Income Tax Return  is an important thing and as the date for filing ITR is approaching you should have a clear idea about how to file ITR. But is it mandatory to file Income Tax Return?

A lot of people are confused about this simple question of when to file your tax return, In this short article lets see what are the conditions under which you need to file your tax return.

Filing Income Tax Return is mandatory

Who should file Income Tax Return?

As per Indian Income Tax Act 139(1), it is mandatory to file Income Tax Return, for every individual who’s income exceeds the exemption level.

People say that if you don’t have to pay tax , you don’t have to file returns which is not true totally. Lets see the simple rules.

Rule : You have to file your tax returns if your Total Income for the year exceeds the exemptions limit. That’s it !! This is the only rule which applies.

Exemption limit can be different for male (1.5 lacs), female (1.8 lacs) or senior citizen (2.25 lacs). So if your Total income for the year exceeds your exemption limit, you have to file tax.

Do you know how to calculate your tax?

Should I file Income Tax Return even if I don’t have to pay any tax?

Didn’t you read what is said above :-). The only rule is already mentioned above. You don’t have to pay tax. This can happen in two cases.

Case 1 : Income itself is below exemption limit

In this case you don’t pay tax and don’t file your Returns.

Case 2 : Your Income exceeds, but not taxable income

Though your Income exceeds, but After all the exemptions and deductions like 80C investments, HRA, Home loan interest exemption etc etc, your taxable income is below your exemption limit. In this case you don’t have to pay tax, BUT !! you have to file tax returns because your income (not taxable income) was above the exemption limit.

What are the other cases when I have to file the returns?

There are other cases also when its more than paying tax. lets see those cases

  • If you have some form of losses carried forward in subsequent years to write off against profits in future, in that case its obvious, that you will have to file a return so that you can give this information.
  • If Govt itself gives you notice to file tax return, it may happen that you are cheating this nation and making black money , then tax department can ask you for details and you will have to file tax return.
  • If you want a Tax refund because of TDS (Tax deducted at Source by your company). This happens with people who do part time jobs for some months or with Interns in the company who are there for 3 months or 6 months and TDS is cut. So in order to get back the amount you have to file a tax return.

Watch the video given below to know why it is necessary to file ITR:

Why is it necessary to file Income Tax Return?

There are some reasons why should file income tax return, which may look simple but they have a major impact on your financial life. Lets see what are those reasons:

  1. If you are planning to take loan in future, the lender may ask the proof of your ITR filing.
  2. The ITR filing proof is also essential to get VISA if you want to travel abroad.
  3. It is also important if you want to claim the adjustment against past losses.
  4. ITR report is provided by Income Tax departments, so if you file Income Tax  Return regularly on time, it will make your future transactions easier without any complications.
  5. In some states, you can not but an immovable property if you don’t have the Income Tax Return filing proof.

Besides all these reasons, filing Income Tax Return on time makes you a responsible citizen.

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8 most Important Stock markets Rules that every beginner should follow

In this article we will discuss the 8 Key points which a new comer should understand before entering in the world of stock markets.

It may happen that you already have all of this in mind and you do understand them at a subconscious level but let’s go through them again and discuss it.

rules of Stock markets

This is Part 3 of “How a newcomer should start in Stock Markets” series. Read Part 1 and Part 2 before reading this article. We have some so called Cosmic Rules in Stock Markets which if broken will eventually ruin your someday is not immediately.

Let’s see them very briefly.

1. Don’t put all your money in stock markets:

Never ever, put all your money in stock markets. If things go wrong you will be ruined for ever. If you have 50 Lacs and you choose to put all your money in markets because “you are sure that its going to double in 4 months” this means you are also saying that “I am ready to get ruined if the markets crash and goes down to 10 lacs”.

Most of the people like to see the first picture but don’t expect second one to happen even though probabilistic the second one is more likely to happen. Better look for “low risk-or-good” returns, rather than “fatal-or-exceptional” returns. Any money which you want to throw in trash can be used for such high risk Investing or trading.

2. Cut your losses Short:

I know telling you this gives no surety  that you would follow this. It takes time to understand by making mistakes over and over again and learning from it. But still, “Cutting your losses short” is the “Rank 1” Rule in Stock Markets. One who can master this single rule can rule markets.

When you start making losses, your emotions come into play and it says to you “Its coming back and once its back to Rs XXX I will get out”. Don’t listen to it to this voice. The simple rule is “You were wrong, accept it and get out and look for something else” and its damn too tough to understand this in the initial stages.

Mistakes in Stock markets are fantastic if you learn from them. They are more valuable then the right things you do in markets.

3. Getting your priorities Right:

This means having clarity about who you are, what you want to do in markets, Read part 2 : ” Understanding What exactly you want to do in Stock Markets” for this.

4. Do not fight the Trend:

We know that markets move in zigzag fashion, up-down-up-down like this and its true. But some people wire this in mind in such a way that they always try to force market to reverse from its path and justify that it moves in up down fashion.

If markets are going up, in their subconscious mind they feel like markets will now reverse “because they move in zigzag fashion” and hence it should now reverse, this belief entices them to invest or trade in opposite direction. The interesting thing is that people don’t understand what encourages them to go against the trend.

My one and half years of trading experience (not very beautiful one) tells me that this is the reason why we do against the trend and once we control this, it can change our luck. There is no luck in stock markets, it’s simply your thinking. “Change your thinking, your luck will change”

5. Everything is Probabilistic here:

“Buy RELIANCE above 255, Target 273, Stop loss at 245”. Now our Mr. Newcomer will read this in newspaper or listen it from the GOD a.k.a “Markets Expert on CNBC” and take the trade, things will go weird or may go the way predicted but most of the times things will go wrong.

He will be wondering who is wrong? Market? That expert on TV? His Dog? Mr Obama? whom to blame? Everyone in the world but not himself. He will never look inside himself. Everything is probabilistic here, Out of 100 times things may work 60-70% (depends) of time and not work rest of the times.

When it does not work, you have to control yourself and accept that its not working rather than forcing markets to work for you.

6. Don’t listen to Stock Markets Experts on TV:

Why do I say this? Markets “Calls” are least important things in Stock markets (i believe) and you only get that least important information from TV experts. What you don’t get is vital things like psychology to trade, Money management rules, Discipline to follow every time you take the trade. Those calls are in isolation.

Market adviser

They are not generated by a consistent rule, you can get calls from here and there and all of them will be kind of random to you. Other problem can be that you don’t know the time frame of the call. If you don’t understand all that I just told the easy way to understand is to answer this

  • “If listening to TV experts was really worth, Why am I not making money”
  • “How many people do you know who make living or earn exceptional returns by trading what experts tell them”

At last, the point is not that the ‘calls and advice’ works or not? They may work but not for you. There is lot more than getting calls and acting on them.

Another important thing why you should stay away and avoid listening to them is because most of their calls are for “forcing you to trade more” which will eventually generate more brokerage and commissions for trading companies.

Read this article from Shyam Pattabi to understand more on this.

Question : Why do experts give more of BUY calls and very less of “SELL” calls?

My Answer : When some one “SELLS”, he is out of trap, he is out of stock market, he pays commission once. But when Someone “BUYS”, he is trapped in markets, He already paid once and has to pay one more time to get out, so SELL = Commission 1 time and BUY = Commission twice for sure :), Ohh.. Did I discover something here 🙂

7. Have realistic Expectations:

One of the important reason for failure in stock markets is setting unrealistic goals. You see 100% made in a week, 50% in a year, 10% in a day and you think: If 10% is possible in a day or a week then 100% in a year is a child’s play OR you think like if I buy this I will sell only after its tripled.

Once again I say “We learn from History that we do not learn from History”. Have you seen what is the best long term returns from stock markets all over the world. That’s around 15%-20%. That’s it. I am not saying that you can’t get 50% in a year ever, you will get it and everybody gets it, but sometimes.

Over long term you should have expectations of 5-10% more than what safe instruments return or have a target of 4-5% more than what markets give. So anywhere from 12%-20% is good return to expect from long term. In short term there will be chances where you get exceptional returns like 50% in a week or 500% in a year.

But let them come to you don’t force them to happen. Unrealistic Expectations force us to meet them by hook or by crook and that’s when we do mistakes and take unnecessary risk to achieve them and burn out hands badly.

“Want to understand markets, have a girlfriend and try to understand her psychology. People who are already in relationship (males) have an edge I think as Markets and Girls are very much same”

8. Be ready to Make mistakes and Learn:

Some of the best Traders and Investors who are successful today and are multi-millionaires didn’t become one overnight. They Failed miserably in Markets but never quited. They learned, learned and learned from their mistakes. Markets like Life give us opportunity to make mistakes and learn.

As I like to say “Making Mistakes in a privilege which unsuccessful people don’t get in life”. Making mistakes is Great, if you are ready to learn from them.

Part 4 : A small Guide for newcomers in Stock Markets

Don’t forget to comment on which one was your favorite and why ? I am sure we can learn a lot from individual comments 🙂

Understanding what exactly you want to do in Stock Markets

Today we will discuss the important aspect that all the new beginners must understand to know what exactly they want to do in stock markets. In this post we will see what are the different types of things they can do.

In this first post, “Why Stock Markets attract and looks Easy we saw the reasons why Stock Markets attract new people and the issues related to it. In this post let’s explore what are the different options available for you.

stock market

So, you are new to stock markets and you have heard lots of people making good money. You jump in, open a trading account, read some blogs online which claim to have 80-90% success rate and you jump in to buy some stocks. You make money or loose money which really doesn’t matter in short run.

What you are concerned with is the long term view if you are serious about investing and trading. If you are not serious, I would recommend you to go somewhere else, if you take stock market as hobby, it can be proved expensive hobby and I am telling you this upfront!

Below is the way how New comers behave in Stock Markets, click on the pic to enlarge.

Let’s see some of the most important things a new comer should ask himself/herself.

Who am I? A Trader or an Investor?

This is one of the most important question you have to answer. Are you a Trader or an Investor?

Who is Investor?

Investor is someone who buys the stock for long term. Investing in itself is a word which means that you are putting your money in something and you expect it to grow over time. This has to take with fundamentals, company’s potential, long term prospects, cash flow, profit and losses.

See it as investing in a business, now what type of business would you choose to invest in? It has to be something which will grow over time from its current levels. You are not concerned about the short term movements as the focus should be on the long term view.

If the company’s share prices are providing value over its current price and it has consistent track record along with good future prospects and many more things like these, you will buy it.

Who is Trader?

Trader on the other hand is someone who buys and sells the stock for short term. He is not concerned much about long term prospects of a company. He is more interested in what stock will do good in short term. His decisions are more based on news, technical analysis, gut feeling and things like those.

If you are a beginner to the stock market investments then you should watch this video:

What will I Trade/Invest In?

Another important question to ask is What you want to trade or Invest in?

If you are an investor you can choose from Large Cap companies (NIFTY companies), MID CAP companies or very small penny companies. Each of them offer different risk and reward opportunity. But you have to be clear with what you are going to invest in.

Because once you are clear with it you can make some strategy for it and follow it. Juggling from one stock to another will lead to confusion and is definitely not recommended.

If you are Trader, you have to choose from Stocks, ETF’s, Futures or Options. Each of them are different from one another and requires specific knowledge to understand them. Its a critical factor to know what you are going to trade into.

Once you know what you are going to be involved with you have a clear road map and then you can move forward to next thing.

What will be my Time Frame?

Another important thing to consider is the time frame for which you are going to invest or trade.

For Investors, it can be very long term (10+ yrs), medium term (3+ yrs), short Term (1+ yrs). It depends on your personality, your ability and time to be involved with stock markets.

Something which works for a person with short term view may not work with a person who has long term view. So each time frame has its own advantage and disadvantage. You just have to choose one and be clear about it.

For Traders, you again have to choose your time frame and your style of trading. You can be

  • Positional Trader whose holds the trades from some weeks to some months
  • Swing Trader (few days)
  • Day Trader (Buy and Sell on the same day)

You can trade

  • Stocks
  • ETF’s
  • Stock Future’s
  • Index Futures
  • Stock Options
  • Index Options

Understand that each time frame is different and each will yield different result. Two people with different view on market and different time frame can both make money.


You are bearish on market and you say that Markets are going to fall soon. I say that I am bullish and markets may go up. For next 3-4 days markets move up and I make money based on my judgement and then markets fall heavily and you can make money based on your judgement.

So the important thing here is no one is wrong the only thing is different time frame. So before listening to anyone you also have to understand their time frame.

Many analysts on TV channels will give calls like “BUY RELIANCE at 2130, with target of 2200, SL 2100″, Don’t go and buy RELIANCE next day because you have no idea about the time frame of the person advising you to buy such stock, what is the analysis behind it and what are the risks involved. It may work once in a while but its a recipe for disaster for long term.


” A person who wants to do everything eventually cant do anything “

Stock Markets have different kind of things and offer different ways of making money. If you are not clear on how exactly will you do things.

Its a tough game then, the first important step is to Identify what you want here, just like in Life we must be clear of what we want to do and then be good at it, learn about it and just consistently improve in it. The same we must do in Stock Markets.

Part 3 : 8 most Important Rules in Stock Market
Part 4 :
A small Guide for newcomers in Stock Markets

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