How to choose Medical Insurance Policy ?

Does the premium amount guide your decision on whether to buy a medical insurance policy? No. Premiums are not the only factor to consider when buying a medical insurance policy. These factors need to be taken into consideration before looking at the premiums.

medical insurance

1# TPA (Third Party Administrator)

These days, companies have an in-house settlement process and thus do not outsource their settlement processes to outside TPA’s. Why do we need to look at a company providing an in-house settlement process? This is very much needed in the case of cashless settlements. Settlement processes are easier when handled in-house. Also make sure, that the company’s in-house settlement process is in your own city or in your own state. (TPA list in India)

Some of the General Insurance Companies having In house TPA’s are :

  • Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company (Basic)
  • Star Health And Allied Insurance Company
  • ICICI Lombard
  • Max Bupa Health Insurance

2# Network of Hospitals

The next really important factor is the network hospitals of the company. In the case of hospitalization, the hospital that you would visit should be there on the Insurance company’s network hospital list. Not only the number, but the quality of the hospitals should also be taken into consideration.

Eg:- If you fall ill and need to get admitted, which are the first few hospitals that you would go to in your locality? Check, if these hospitals are part of the Insurance company’s network hospital list.

3# Relation of the Insurance Company with the Network Hospitals

It’s important to note, how fast the Insurance company/TPA makes the settlement with the Hospital in case of cashless hospitalizations. This is a major factor, but only a few of us understand its importance. The Insurance company may provide us cashless hospitalization, but if the Insurance does not settle the Hospital claims on time or only has a partial payout, then there’s an increasingly likely that the hospital will increase your bill to claim the amount. If the company pays the claims on time and in full, then the Hospital would not try to increase the bills as they know, that particular insurance company is a prompt paymaster.

See how your Life + Health Can be covered for less than 5% of your salary

Family Floater or Individual Cover Policy?

For people who do not understand Individual and Family Floater Policies please read about it here. Most of the people think that Family floater’s are always the best choice compared to Individual health plans, which is totally wrong. Your requirement and your situation should guide your decision, on which kind of cover, you should choose. There are many problems that buyers do not have any idea of. They do not care to read fine prints and get nasty surprises after many years and at crucial junctures. (compare Health Insurance)

Features of Family Floater Policies

  • It turns out to be cheaper for younger families and less maintenance, as there is just one single policy for everyone.
  • Limited cover for other members in the family, if one person claims health insurance in any given year.
  • The Policy expires on the death of the oldest member of Family or if he/she reaches the maximum age of renewability, depending on the policy. So other family members will need to take a fresh policy, without having the benefit of their claim history and pre-existing disease coverage that comes from the continuous renewal of the policy.
  • Only immediate family members are included in the policy, not your parents or siblings. So it does not suit people with dependent parents or siblings in the family.
  • When children turn 25, then they are not part of the policy and will have to take a fresh policy. Apart from this, any pre-existing disease will not be covered at that time.

Features of Individual policies

  • Extra maintenance of each policy separately.
  • Turns out to be generally costlier than Family Floater plans
  • Lower coverage for each family member at the same cost of a Family floater in case of a single claim in any given year.
  • There are no age restrictions on the maximum age for the members for renewable.
  • You can avail of the benefits of Loading and Discounts until the policy lapses.

Hence, a Family Floater will not suit a Family where the oldest member is in his 40’s and they are more prone to health issues. However, younger families might want to consider Family floater plans as they are less prone to health ailments and can afford lesser premiums in the beginning. Look at Harsh Roongta talking about Family Floater Vs Individual Plan in the following Video

How much of Sum Insured would be sufficient?

Do you know, what disease you could be diagnosed with tomorrow? So you can never say that Rs.1,00,000 cover is sufficient 🙂 The basic rule here, is to take whatever you think you can afford. If a person can afford to say Rs.5,000/- as the premium per year, check as to how much of Sum Insured he would get, and take the amount of insurance offered. That would be sufficient to cover at least some risk. So never think, that you cannot afford any medical insurance policy. Take what you can afford so that at least you know that you can be rest assured, that you have covered some risk.

IMPORTANT: It’s never too early to take medical insurance and critical illness policy, because once you are diagnosed with any illness, then the insurance company will have the liberty, of not issuing you an insurance policy. So take it as early as possible and have your risks covered.

Comments? What are the other difficulty or doubts from an investor’s point of view to select a medical policy?

Jagoinvestor Group meets every month

It has been an excellent journey so far and we have to build a great community of readers who want to learn and understand the importance of personal finance. We have readers who are ready to learn much more if given a chance and they will if they are provided more support and platform.

So whats next? I have decided to take this blog to next level, so I have decided to form groups of enthusiastic people who are ready to learn at different levels and also want to join this “Jagoinvestor” movement and help to spread financial literacy. So we will group meets in different cities (Read Update). We will start from Bangalore first as I am in Bangalore. Later we will extend it to all the major cities in India like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kolkatta etc.


As I will be in Pune this coming weekend (Sat and Sun) and in Mumbai one day (preferably Saturday), We will start off these groups in Pune and Mumbai with whatever number we have, will choose one lead there and let’s kick off this idea fast :). I am sure we will have 15-20+ each place :). And we will start the group in Bangalore in July (as I will be in Bangalore only after June).

Note: As there are many readers from the Bay Area in the US (Sunnyvale / San Fransisco / San Jose). Readers there can also make the group (even 5 is ok), I have included Bay Area in Registration form Below.

What will happen in these Meets?

  • We will meet offline in person and build a community that will share their knowledge, ideas about a variety of topics that we discuss here on the blog.
  • We will also cover one focused topic in the form of presentation or session by any volunteer or expert in every meeting, it can be for 30-60 min long.
  • Discuss various strategies to invest money in the stock market (only after some meets, when more people are interested)
  • Discuss various topics like how to make better Real estate deals, tips, and tricks in investing which are not known generally to investors.
  • Build presentations and other content that can be shared back on the blog to all the readers.
  • Take up some research topic and then brain storm on the idea and find out why’s  and how’s (example, BUY OR RENT ? )
  • How to plan all major aspects of financial life in the best way and be self-dependent

Current Registrations

(Changes dynamically with every Entry)

Any thing more?

This will be an informal meet which will start from the cafe’s or odd places and later we can think about how to formalize it more in a better way. There will be leads from each city who can take up the responsibilities so that it can function independently. Each city will have the main lead of the group who can be the main person in the group and take the responsibility of the meets. The meets will only be on weekends (2-3 hrs)  so that everyone can join. In the start we will start this only in Bangalore (with me leading all the meets) and let’s see how this whole stuff goes, we can then take up this group meet idea to other cities once the situation permits and there are enough readers interested. Below is a registration form for registering yourself with jagoinvestor for these group meets, we will soon start these groups in all the cities once we get more than 10 interested people in any city. Please share your views and how we can make this concept a success.


What is Reverse Mortgage ?

What is Reverse Mortgage ?

Simple! Reverse Mortgage is the exact opposite of a Home Loan. Anyone, who has a fully owned House can get a loan. The way, this works, is that his loan money will be divided in chunks (EMI’s) over many years and given to him every month. This can easily act as Monthly income. At the end of the loan tenure, the Bank stops paying the monthly income. If one of the spouses dies, the other can still continue living in the house. If both die, the bank gives their heirs two options – settle the overall outstanding loan and retain the house or, the bank will sell the house, use the proceeds to settle the outstanding loan and give the rest to the heirs. For people who don’t know – “Mortgage” means “Loan” 🙂

Reverse Mortgage Loan in India

How is the loan paid ?

With a reverse home mortgage, no payments are made during the life of the borrower(s). Which means the loan has to be paid only after both the borrower and spouse die.  Since no payments are made during the term of the reverse home mortgage loan, the loan balance rises over time. In most areas, where the appreciation is good, the value of the home grows at a much faster rate than the loan balance. Therefore, the remaining equity continues to grow.

When both, the borrower and spouse pass away, the ownership of the home is then passed to the estate or directed by a living will or will to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries now own the home and have to sell the home or pay off the loan. If the home is sold, the reverse home mortgage lender is paid off and the beneficiaries keep the remains. Read about Real Estate returns over last 10 yrs .

Example :

Mr Ajay is around 62 yrs old, and his wife is 60 yrs old, they live and own a house in Karvenagar, Pune which is worth Rs 1 crore now . They have a daughter and son who are their legal heirs (50:50) . The old aged Ajay and his wife do not have a monthly income source, so they decide to go in for a Reverse Mortgage loan. The Bank is ready to loan upto 60 lacs to them, which means they will be paid Rs 35k per month for next 15 yrs (just an example.)

Now, they start getting monthly income of 35k per month for next 15 yrs, & they continue to live in the same home. After this point, their children support them financially and then Ajay dies at age 79. After this, his wife still continues to live in the house. Sadly she too, passes away at age 85. By this time the total loan outstanding becomes Rs 1.1 crores (It was 60 lacs at the end of 15 yrs, but after that, it starts growing.)

Now the loan has to be paid off. The son and daughter does not have money to pay to the bank, so the bank decides to sell off the property. At that time, the price of the house is Rs. 3 crores. The bank sells the house and get total 3 crores, out of which 1.1 crores is taken by the bank and rest is paid to legal heirs, which they split amongst themselves. Look at EMI Calculator

Which Banks Offer Reverse Mortgage ?

  • National Housing Bank (NHB)
  • Dewan Housing Finance Limited (DHFL)
  • State Bank of India (SBI)
  • Punjab National Bank (PNB)
  • Indian Bank
  • Central Bank of India
  • LlC Housing Finance
  • Andhra Bank
  • Corporation Bank
  • Canara Bank.

Tip from Hemant : “Star Union Dai-ichi offers annuity cover with reverse mortgage . When a person approaches the bank for a reverse mortgage loan on house property, the bank, after assessing the value of the property and sanctioning the loan, will approach the insurer and buy an annuity plan for the borrower. The annuity will be passed on to the borrower’s account on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. The installments will depend on the purchase price, age and whether the insured person opts for a lower or higher lifetime annuity. “

Important Points in Reverse Mortgage

  • Reverse Mortgage is available to Senior Citizens only. Any house owner over 60 years of age is eligible for a reverse mortgage. If wife is a co-applicant, she  should be above 58.
  • The maximum loan is up to 60 per cent of the value of the residential property subject to maximum of Rs 50 Lacs.
  • The maximum period of property mortgage is 15 years with a bank or a HFC (housing finance company.) Minimum tenure will be 10 years. Some banks like Punjab National Bank offer RML for 20 years also.
  • The borrower can opt for monthly, quarterly, annual or lump sum payments at any point, as per his discretion.
  • The revaluation of the property has to be undertaken by the bank or HFC once every 5 years.
  • The amount received through reverse mortgage is considered as loan and not income; hence the same will not attract any tax liability. How to do last moment Tax Planning ?
  • Reverse mortgage rates will vary according to market conditions depending on the wheather borrower has choosen Fixed or Floating interest rate.
  • Processing fee for the loan would be between 0.15 per cent and 1.50 per cent of the loan amount.
  • One can prepay the loan along with the interest any time during the loan tenure. Typically, there is no pre-payment penalty.

How do I apply for Reverse Mortgage?

  • Decide to pledge your house for reverse mortgage.
  • Go to the branch of the bank, who you have a banking relationship with, and provides Reverse Mortgage
  • Fill up the necessary form, the bank offers for reverse mortgage
  • You need to furnish your personal and financial details like: the property, your legal heirs, and so on.
  • Proof of ownership; you will also need to furnish property papers and a proof that the house that you are pledging is your residence.

When to consider taking Reverse Mortgage ?

Even though Reverse Mortgage seems like a nice idea, it should not be the primary tool to fund one’s retirement expenses. It shouldn’t be used to fund the shortfall in the retirement income if any. A valid reason can be – if one does not have any legal heirs or leaving money to/for them after death, is not high priority. There are many old people who have assets of high worth, but they do not have a proper, steady stream of income. One can use reverse mortgage in that case. In India, Reverse mortgage isn’t very popular yet, because of bad/negligible marketing and our mentality, where we dont take loan on our most valuable and most emotional asset “Home” 🙂 Another reason could also be that there are old / aged people who own 100% of home and are living alone with spouse are few & far between. These products might become very popular in coming decades .

Comments? What do you feel about Reverse Mortgage Products? Do you think it’ll become more popular & successful in the coming decades?

Introducing JagoInvestor Financial Calculators

Readers, I was working on building some basic calculators over the last month . They are ready to use now . The calculators are very basic and have a bare minimum look and feel , but works !! .

Please use them and provide any changes you feel should happen . one important point you should note is that all the figures are approx and the numbers you get might differ a bit from other calculators on net as the formula’s used might be on yearly compounding or payments have been considered at the end of the period rather than start . So don’t put much thinking on the exact numbers , take them as a general approx figures , anyways how does it matter if your retirement corpus is 4.53 crores or 4.58 crores !! 🙂

Financial calculators

Look at this page for all the calculators listed at one place . Below is the list of all the calculators

Provide your Feedback Please . What can be done for Improvements ? Any other calculators you want ?

Business Bhaskar Copied my GFactor Concept without permission

Some days back I had written about GFactor concept for choosing a Financial Product based on 4 factors and formulating it in mathematics , Recently one of the writers for Business Bhaskar has copied the original idea of GFactor and republished it with same name “GFactor” and all the other names like “Trap Factor”, “R/R Factor” etc, without any permission from me .

This is not a general republishing of a general concept like SIP or Life Insurance that one can just change the wording’s and rewrite the same concept . It’s just the translation of the original idea and hence copyright violation. I have mailed the editor of the newspaper to look at it . The article was published in the online edition (Link) as well as print media (Newspaper Link) .

Update Jun 1 , 2010 :  Business Bhaskar has resolved this issue with me and apolosized to me for whatever happened, they will republish the article with due credit to me .

Comments , please share your views on this issue ? How appropriate is it to copy content and translate it without permission ?

Impact on Direct Tax Code on various products

Direct Tax Code is the new proposed bill for changing the tax rules in India. If it comes into effect from April 1, 2011, it will change the whole taxation system and will change the way our taxes are calculated from years . The new tax code will have impact on Insurance Policies, Home Loans, PPF, Ulip, Mutual Funds, Shares and Taxation slab. A common man has to understand whats there in future for him so that he can plan accordingly. However the Direct Code tax is still in draft and might come into effect, but there is no guarantee. Experts feel that it can not come in its original form. Lets see what are the impacts on different investment products if DTC comes into effect .

Effect on Endowment/Moneyback insurance policies

As per Direct tax code, any amount you receive at maturity from an insurance policy (including bonus) will be taxed. However this rule will not apply for policies where;

  1. In any given year , premium paid in a year is less than 5% of Sum Assured , and
  2. The policy runs till maturity.

So if you have anyEndowment Policy or Moneyback Policy and in any year if you paid or will pay more than 5% of Sum assured as premium or make your policy as paid up in between, all the money you receive in the end will be taxed at the time of maturity. For policies where premium paying term is lesser than the total tenure, still all these rules will apply. For example , if you have a policy where sum assured is Rs 5,00,00;  then there can be two cases where you will be taxed at the end.

  • First : If you pay more than 25,000 as premiums .
  • Second :  Even if you pass this 5% rule , but you do not run your policy till maturity.

Effect on ULIP’s

The same rule applies to ULIP also. The first point is exiting before 10 yrs will badly hurt you from cost point, as all the Ulip’s are heavily front loaded and exiting before 10 yrs means the total cost is (commissions) turns out to be too much for you. Only if your total premium per year is less than 5% of the Sum assured, you can save yourself from getting taxed. But most of the Ulip plans in the country will not meet that criteria as majority of the policyholder’s pay much more than 5% of sum assured as premiums. A big number of policies have sum assured as 5 times of the premium, as it’s the minimum requirement of a Ulip policy . Read about recent war between SEBI and IRDA over ULIP control

Effect on PPF

For PPF account any amount you have accumulated till 31 Mar 2011, will be tax free in any year of withdrawal. However any new contribution made after 31 mar 2011 will be taxed in any year when its withdrawn . All these rules will apply to existing as well as new accounts. One important point you should consider here is that PPF will still remain one of the best debt product, because this “tax on maturity” rule will be applicable on all the products, so from that point , PPF will still have one of the best returns in debt segment. This whole rule applies to your EPF as well . (Tip : Read Why you should open a PPF account even if you dont need it right now)


  • Deposit more this year (2010-2011, so that amount becomes tax-free at the end .
  • Invest in your child who is below 3 yrs, so that you get benefit of tax on amount contributed for next 15 yrs, and after 15 yrs , when your child is age 18 , he/she will get that amount and it will be considered as his/her income , but at that time the tax outgo will be lesser as they will not have any other source of income , so the tax outgo will be less . This will not be a significant, but still 😉 (Read Clubbing Rules of Income tax)
  • Dont withdraw big partial chunks in between. Better withdraw smaller amounts so that in any particular year your taxable incomes remains low

Effect on Home Loans

Self occupied house

The tax benefits on self occupied home loans will be withdrawn once DTC comes into effect . At present Rs 1 lac is exempted for principle repayment and Rs 1.5 lacs for the interest repayment. After DTC comes, you will have not get tax benefits (Report on Returns from Real Estate in India)

House given on Rent

1.5 lacs interest deduction will be applicable for the home loans where the house is the second one and is given on rent. You might want to reconsider taking home loans if tax break was one of the major deciding factor .

In true sense tax break on home loans should always be secondary factor while deciding the purchase of house, because if you look back in your home loan documents, it’s clearly written that tax benefits are always as per the applicable rules of the year. So dont feel cheated and yell on govt for this.

Effect on Mutual Funds & Stocks

DTC does not differentiate between short-term and long-term capital gains, which means that any withdrawal after 31st Mar 2011 will be taxed in the year of withdrawal.  Currently any profit earned after 1 yrs of investment is tax-free in Equity mutual funds and Stocks , this will not remain so . So if you have any Equity mutual funds or stocks with you, better sell them just before 31st Mar 2011 , so that current tax rules apply to that part of your investments .

Effect on Kisan Vikas Patra(KVP)/NSC/Tax Saving FD

All of these will loose the tax benefits

Effect on Income Tax Slab

The following tax slab will be applicable


Income Level Tax
Upto 1.6 Lacs NIL
1.6 – 10 Lacs 10%
10 – 25 Lacs 20%
25+ Lacs 30.00%


Effect on 80C

Sec 80C will be replaced by Sec 66 and limit will be raised from 1.2 Lac (20k for Infa bonds) to 3 lacs . Have a look at following classification of profucts from taxation point .

Direct tax code Effects on different financial products

What do you feel about Direct Tax code ? Are you Happy about it ? Do you think it would be easy for Govt to bring Direct tax code without much fuss ? Share your thoughts

9 effective financial education tips for your Children

Do you want your children to be smart when it comes to Finance? Don’t you want them to learn all the things, which you’re learning today, from this blog & other resources? And that they don’t repeat the mistakes, we made in our lives?

Financial education of children

Financial Education for Children is as important as their regular education. Sadly, we do not have in our school curriculum. However, you can start teaching your children, the basics of money, so that they become, more aware, more responsible and think in a better way about finance.

It’ll not just help your children, but even you as a parent in many ways. Here, I present 9 things to teach your children.

How to save money

Most kids today are indulged, like never before. All they do, is spend. The money mostly comes from one of the parents. The kid asks you for a 100 bucks to buy the latest thingamajig, you question them why, they answer you, and you give them the money.

financial literacy child education

This generally, makes them believe that once they give you a “good enough” reason, the money’s in the bank (or their grubby li’l hands) 🙂 . You need to make sure, that kids understand how you save money. This will happen only, when they themselves, understand how to save money.

Hence, encourage savings.

Let them save some money for their little goals (even big ones’). If your kid wants to buy something, which you think can wait, encourage them to save towards its purchase. Whenever you give them some money for anything, ask them to save 25% of it for that goal.

Apart from this, you can give them some small amount weekly to save for that goal directly. Please buy a piggy bank for your children. You can buy a fancy one or the clay one we had in our days 🙂 It works!

How to keep track of money

You should teach your kids where the money at home comes from, where it goes and how much is saved. I’d ask them to maintain a simple table where they can write how much money they received, & when, from whom, & where it was spent.

These 4–5 things are good enough for a small child to start with. If you have a computer at home, you can make an excel sheet and ask your kid to maintain the account, while making sure, that things are very simple for the kid to understand. Don’t over do it 🙂

Once they start doing this exercise, they’ll gain an awareness of where they spend their money & to what extent. You can sit with them each quarter, and review the sheet. Don’t try to point what’s right or wrong. Just gently point out facts; that’s all.

How to pay what its worth for something

Have you ever faced a situation when your kid bought something and they were cheated & charged exorbitantly? Or demanded something from you, but they thought that it’s wasn’t that expensive?  Kids don’t always realize, just how much something costs. They just want it.

The best way to deal with this situation, would be to ask them upfront, what they think, is the price of something. If they demand a video game from you, they might not know how much it costs. So ask them, what they think is the price,  & what is the maximum they’d like to pay for it.

Many times, you will find that the price is much more than they themselves think. In which case, they might want to reconsider buying it.

My experience:

I remember, when I was young, my brother & I demanded a video game from my dad. He fobbed us off a couple of times, but later he asked us, “Pata bhi hai kitne ka aata hai?” (“Do you know how much it costs”) . We were puzzled, as we really didn’t know the cost.

financial education tips for children

We assumed it’d cost us something like a 1000 bucks, but we later found, that it actually sold for more than 3,000 at that time. Once we knew the price and compared it to the value it delivered, it didn’t make sense to buy the game. We had much better, healthier entertainment options.

And guess what? Dad bought us the game, next year! 😛

How to spend money wisely

Ask them their priorities, what they need this year, what their wishes are, and help them sort out their desires and their requirements. Ask them, what is more important? What’s secondary? This way, you encourage them to think in the right direction.

You are giving them an opportunity to understand difference between needs and wants. This might not be true for small kids below 10, but will be more relevant for children in between the ages of 10 & 18. Kids often times speak or figure out amazing things, which we adults don’t think about. Do this exercise and you might find, that your kid has real smarts!

Please share examples from real life if any 🙂 .

How to think about money

You should make sure that your child’s attitude towards money is shipshape; that they respect money, understand that it takes an effort to earn, and also understand the fact that, while money is important, it’s only secondary, as far as happiness & a content life are concerned.

Talk about money in front of them in a way, which gives them an appropriate view. Make sure, you don’t give them an impression that the family’s happiness isn’t as important as your job or business.  Read Personal Finance Mistakes

How to live on a budget

If you give your children pocket-money, make sure they live on it, the entire month and they do not come to you smack bang in the middle of month, asking for more, for things they could have managed with the same pocket-money.

This happens only when children deviate from their monthly needs and carelessly spend on what they don’t need. While, they may ask for more, because of some emergency need sometimes, over a long-term, you should make sure they stretch with that pocket-money.

Children will understand budgeting better, if you yourself practice it (ouch!). When they see how you allocate expenses each month, and stick to it, chances are, they will replicate it at their level. While, this whole thing can be tough initially, help them out, by giving them the extra money they need in first 2-3 months and then restricting gradually.

Watch this video to know how to raise a smart child about money:

How to invest

Start teaching your child, the different ways of investing. Teach them basic banking, how banks operate and what it means to earn interest on an amount. You can also buy them some games which teach investing. Ask them to deposit some amount with you and you can pay them interest per month.

When you give them pocket-money, say Rs.500 per month, ask them to deposit back Rs.250 with you, with the assurance that next month you will pay them 10% interest on that amount, i.e : Rs.275. Though you might be out-of-pocket by Rs 25, the knowledge you impart to them is priceless !

This Rs.25 gives them the important message, that saving their money and investing regularly can increase their money many times over.

When they start earning later in life, this gyan will be something, they respect you for! Also, don’t forget to open a bank account for your child as soon as they turn 12-13 yrs.

How to exercise the entrepreneurial spirit

Don’t tell me you want your children to do regular 9-5 jobs! Don’t you want to instill some entrepreneurial skills in your children right from start, so that they know what they want to do in life and take an initiative to work along those lines?

The first step:

First step is to talk about different ideas your children have. When they are small, they can have weird ideas, but listen to them, & ask them how they can make money from some idea. Ask them questions like “Can you think of some idea, using which, you can make money?”

My own brother who is 13 yrs old  makes weird stuff out of junk which can act like a toy gun! He once said, that if he can make 10 of those and sell at Rs 20 each, there will be many friends of his who will be ready to buy it. Though he didn’t do it, he surely has the right attitude.

You can encourage your child to do some random / different / creative stuff for a few hours every day (during vacations at least) and pay them extra money for it. This will help them earn some money and also help you do some work for which you wanted to pay someone!

If you have a garden, you can ask your child and his friends to do some random things for which you wanted to hire a guy anyway. This has some advantages; First – your children will understand, it’s not that easy to earn money and they have to work for it.

The second step:

Here, you will help your kids to spend some time constructively, which they would have spent playing or roaming around or playing video games. And finally, your money stays at home 🙂

Thinking a bit bigger, maybe you can really involve your child and his friends and work on some month-long project… one, that has a whole business plan, revenue model and which then earns money for 1 month (may be this can be done in summer holidays). Wow… this seems exciting, talk to your child about this today and see the response.

Ideas? Anyone?

How to handle credit

You should also start teaching your child, to handle credit.

If you pay them Rs 500 pocket-money and in the same month they demand Rs 200 extra, you can give them that money, but now introduce them a concept of “credit”. Tell them that it’s not going to be free and you are cutting Rs 50 for next 4 months from their pocket-money and paying them just Rs 450.

If you want to add some horror and suspense, make it 5 months (charge interest). This will make sure they ask for extra, only if they need to. Stick to this with discipline, and don’t fall for emotional atyachaar from your children,(they are really good at it, especially girls!)

The previous point’s example can also be used here. If you are making some small project for them from which they can earn money, loan them some seed money like Rs 1000-2000 (as a venture capitalist) and then demand the money back after 1 month with interest. (I come up with crazy thoughts at times 🙂 )


Teach your children basics of money from the very start. These tips will act as a foundation for your child’s financial education and they can build upon these learnings in the future. Most of these tips are for children, but can be used for your spouse, who may not be that good at personal finance. What say?

Comments, Can you also share your tips ? Do you think these tips will be helpful to your children? If no, then what are the obstacles?

Agents commission in Insurance Policies ?

In this article we will see the commission structure of Insurance Policies . We will look at Endowment/Moneyback/ULIP plans and how much commission an agent earns per year out of those policies.

As per Insurance Act, 1938, The insurance companies are allowed to pay a maximum commission of 40 per cent of the first year’s premium, 7.5 per cent of the second year’s premium and 5 per cent from there on. The commission paid is limited to 2 per cent in case of single premium policies. In case of pension plans, the commission is limited to 7.5 per cent of the first year’s premium and 2 per cent there on. Currently most of the policies are very much paying these kind of commissions . Let us quickly look some of the facts on Life Insurance .

  • Average sum assured of the insured Indian is around Rs 90,000
  • 1 trillion worth of policies lapsed in 2008-09 , this is mostly because investors have discarded their old policies to buy new one’s , thanks to agents who tell people about another “hot” plan in market. Another reason is that investors buy policies which have higher premium than what they can afford in reality and later feel that its time to stop it .
  • India Insurance penetration is around 7.5% of global numbers . i.e: 0.16% of the GDP, which is , against a global average of 2.14
  • As per IRDA report 2008-09 , Insurance Industry had 29.37 lakh agents by the end of Mar 2009 , out of which 13 lakh agents were added during 2008-09 .

Life Insurance Commission Example


Policy Type Premium Paying Term Upfront Commission (1st Year) Trail Commission (2nd & 3rd yr) Trail Commission (from 4th yr)
Endowment / Term Plans 15+ yrs 25% – 35%  * 7.5% 5%
Endowment / Term Plans 10-14 yrs 20% – 28%  *
7.5% 5%
Endowment / Term Plans 5-9 yrs 14% 5% 5%
Endowment / Term Plans Single Premium 2% 0% 0%
Money Back 15+ yrs 15% – 21%  *
10% 5%
ULIPs Regular Premium
20 – 40% 2% 2%
ULIPs Single premium 2% 0% 0%


Note : Some of the numbers are in range, which means the commission can lie between that range . Mostly its minimum commission + Bonus if any


  • Policy Type : Endowment Policy
  • Premium Paying Term : 20 Yrs
  • Premium/Year : Rs 1 Lacs

Agents Commission

Commission Amount
1st Year Rs 35,000 1 X 35%
2nd Year Rs 15,000 2 X 7.5%
4-20th Year Rs 85,000 17 X 5%
Total Rs 1.35 Lacs 6.75%

Q: So are you imaging which is more costly ? Mutual funds or Insurance Policies ?

Read subramoney’s article on this topic.

How to use this information ?

Agents have to make sure that they follow-up with clients and track the premium payment, this leads to overheads and regular feedback from agents side , apart from that there are operational expenses incurred by agents , so we should not forget those points . As a customer , you should be knowing how much an agent is making out of you , this should form the basis of the quality service for you . An agent should help you understand your Insurance requirement and provide you the best solution , He should assist you in buying the Policy and over the years he should update you/ help you with all the changes .

Hot discussion topic

As per a govt-appointed committee , Insurance commissions should totally be removed by 2011 . “Immediately the upfront commissions embedded in the premium paid (to agents by insurance companies) be cut to no more than 15 per cent of the premium. This should fall to 7 per cent in 2010 and become nil by April 2011”, said the consultation paper prepared by Committee on Investor Awareness and Protection. (Link) .

What do you feel about removing the commissions from Insurance products totally ? Will it impact the Insurance Industry , how much ? Do you think it will lead to fall in premium payments or new policy getting issued ? I personally feel YES . What are your views ?

What are Different ways of Buying Mutual Funds

There was a time, when mutual fund investing was limited to calling an agent and investing through him. He filled a form for you, and only bothered you for signatures; This was called as “convenient service.”.  Things have changed now though. With entry loads abolished by SEBI and with so many technological advances, we have different ways of investing in mutual funds .This article explains the different ways of investing in mutual funds: through agents, AMC’s, demat, and web portals. Lets take a look-see…

Different ways of Investing in Mutual Funds

Through an Agent

This is the oldest and one of the most convenient ways of investing in mutual funds. You just call an agent and tell him you want to buy mutual funds. He comes right to your door, & fills in the various forms. All you need to do, is sign the forms. Since the abolition of entry loads, you now have to compensate the agent for his services, and pay him commission on the amount invested. Agents can charge anywhere from 1-2% of the amount to be invested. Make sure you don’t pay him more than 1%, which is a good enough amount of brokerage, for expediting the process (filling in forms, carrying them to the Mutual Fund offices, having them processed et al.) If he gives you sound advice on what mutual funds would suit you, and would help you achieve your financial goals, you could then, compensate him more. That makes sense. Be cautious though! Check the details of the form and what is filled. Ideally, you should fill the form.

You should go with this way of investing only if you want convenience and comfort takes more precedence. Click on this AMFI Agent Search Link to search for mutual funds agents in your city. You can submit the search with different parameters and get a list of all the agents with their name, address & phone numbers. There are many agents who are linked with many companies (like NJInvest or Prudent Advisory) who provide login facility, where you can login and see your mutual funds Performance anytime . Read : How many Mutual Funds you should have ?

Direct Investing through an AMC

You can now invest directly through an AMC (simply put – the Mutual Fund companies themselves.) There are many mutual funds who provide online facilities for investing. To do so though, you need to have a folio number, which you get only after investing in a particular mutual fund, which means that you have to go physically to the AMC office to invest for the first time. Next time onwards, you can invest in that mutual fund, online through their website. Using this method, makes sure that your entire amount, e.g. Rs 100/-  gets invested and there are no charges here. The only hiccup, is the manual work involved at the start of the process; you have to take the pain of personally going to the office and then filling in the form. Sometimes, it’s a bit of a headache. If you want to invest in funds from four different AMC’s, then you have to go to all of them.

It would make sense to use this method, if the amount of investment is going to be large-ish and your tenure is  long-term. In that case, using this way, will save you lot of money in commissions. Just imagine that if you invest 10,000 per month in mutual funds, then with a 1% commission structure, you save Rs 100 per month, which is Rs 3,600 for a 3 yr period. So 3,600 is what you lose when you go with an agent who charges a 1% commission . Note, that you do not require demat account for this .

Read : List of Best Equity Diversified Mutual Funds

Investing through a Demat Account

This is one of the most convenient methods of investing in mutual funds. If you have a demat account, you can browse through all the mutual funds on the site, and just with a few clicks of a mouse, you can invest in a fund of your choice. But then again, you have to pay commission here, since banks are also agents. Some charge a flat fee and some charge on percentage basis. For eg., ICICI Bank charges Rs 30 or 1.5% per SIP, whichever is lower and HDFC charges Rs 100 per quarter irrespective of the amount invested. The biggest advantage of buying and selling through a demat account, is that you control everything from one place. Some of the players in online mutual funds selling are :

  • 5 paisa
  • Geojit Securities
  • HDFC Securities
  • ICICI Direct
  • India Bulls
  • InvestSmart Online
  • Kotak Street
  • Motilal Oswal
  • Sharekhan


Investing through CAMS or Karvy

CAMS is the transaction processing company which services almost all the mutual funds in India. They process all the buying and sending the report etc to end customer . You can also invest directly through CAMS . All you have to do is Download the mutual fund form from the AMC website. Take a print out and fill the form . Then submit to your nearest CAMS or Karvy Investor centre along with copy of PAN card, SIP form(if needed) and cheque . For now , there is no way of investing online with them .

Here is the list of CAMS offices in different cities and Below is list of different AMC forms which you can download .

ABN AMRO Mutual Fund
AIG Global Investment Group Mutual Fund
Baroda Pioneer Mutual Fund
Benchmark Mutual Fund
Bharti AXA Mutual Fund
Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund
Canara Robeco Mutual Fund
DBS Chola Mutual Fund
DWS Mutual Fund
DSP Merrill Lynch Mutual Fund
Edelweiss Mutual Fund
Escorts Mutual Fund
Fidelity Mutual Fund
Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund
HDFC Mutual Fund
HSBC Mutual Fund
ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund
IDFC Mutual Fund
ING Mutual Fund
JM Financial Mutual Fund
JPMorgan Mutual Fund
Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund
LIC Mutual Fund
Lotus India Mutual Fund
Mirae Asset Mutual Fund
Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund
Quantum Mutual Fund
Reliance Mutual Fund
SBI Mutual Fund
Sundaram BNP Paribas Mutual Fund
Tata Mutual Fund
Taurus Mutual Fund
UTI Mutual Fund

Break Down of How investors invest in Mutual funds [POLL RESULTS]

Here is a poll results

How to users buy Mutual funds in India

Note : This Poll is from the users of this blog only , so this result should not be generalised for whole country , Its just for the net savvy community.


Before choosing the way you want to invest in mutual funds , you should consider cost and convenience . If you are investing for long-term , you should definitely go through a way where there are less commissions or no commissions.  Only exception can be through an advisor who gives you very sound advice and you are confident that paying him a commission would help you get a better knowledge and returns .

Comments please , how do you invest ? What are your experiences and learnings ? Is there any other way ? Any tips from your side ?

There was a time, when mutual fund investing was limited to calling an agent and investing through him. Things have changed now. With entry loads abolished by IRDA (please provide link or full-form) and with so many technological advances, we have different ways of investing in mutual funds.

JagoInvestor Survey Results/Updates

There was a survey conducted on blog, which tried to capture what readers feel about JagoInvestor and what are their suggestions/expectations from Blog in Future. Please have a look and share your views. Thanks for every one who took the survey. I personally called random 5 people over phone who took the survey and had a talk in detail about what are their suggestions and what would they like to see here . Note ; I am changing the blog layout/design in 1 week time , please share your suggestions in comments sections .

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