Two awesome and hidden Health Insurance products

Today, I will discuss about two  Health Insurance policies which are not very known or popular. However, these policies are unique and reasonably priced. These policies are sold by National Insurance Company Ltd and Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. The insurance policies, which I am talking about, are not single products but a combination of two or more products to create a single good product. You can consider these policies by investigating further and if they meet your requirements.  (Read Basics of Health Insurance)

Vidyarthi – Mediclaim for Students

Sold by National Insurance, Vidyarthi is designed to provide health and personal accident cover to the students. It also provides for continuation of insured students education in case of the death or permanent disablement of the guardian due to accident. The premium for hospitalisation expenses is substantially lower compared to a standard Mediclaim Policy.


  • This policy is for students aged between 3 years to 25 years. Sum insured ranges between Rs 50,000 to Rs 4 lakh.
  • Any registered institution affiliated to any state board, council, university and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), University Grants Commission (UGC) or any other government statutory authority, in India, may take this policy.
  • Educational institutions may also take a group policy covering named students enrolled with them.
  • Parents/guardians of students may also take this policy.
  • The policy also provides for continuation of insured students education in case of death or permanent disablement of the guardian due to accident.
  • Sum insured under this policy shall be progressively increased by 5% in respect of each claim free year of insurance subject to maximum accumulation of 10 claim free years of insurance.
  • The policy also provides group discounts ranging from 10% to 30% depending on group size.

Cost Structure

Now, if we look at the premium table given below, for health insurance of Rs 1 lakh for a student, parents get personal accident coverage of Rs 2 lakh and the student also gets personal accident coverage of Rs 50,000. The premium for this plan is Rs 1,111 per year which is below the average price of medical insurance purchased from any other insurance company for sum insured of Rs 1 lakh for the age up to 25 years.

Scope Of Cover

  1. Room, Boarding expenses as provided by the Hospital/Nursing Home.
  2. Nursing expenses.
  3. Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialists Fees.
  4. Anaesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre Charges, Surgical appliances(any disposable consumables subject to upper limit of 10% of Sum Insured), Medicines & Drugs, Diagnostic Materials and X-Ray, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cost of pacemaker, Artificial Limbs and cost of Stents and implants

* Service Tax Extra

The main reason why this product is not known to public is because people by themselves never take the initiative to find something better. Sometimes intermediaries, to whom people consult and buy insurance, are not aware of such products. In other countries, like US and UK, universities and colleges have made it mandatory for students to have health insurance which is not the case in India. If universities and parents take the initiative, then they can provide something better to their children as well as themselves through this product.

People can buy Vidyarthi from National Insurance directly or through the agents of that company. There are many other companies like Tata AIG, ICICI Lombard which offer similar kind of products but they are not as good as this one.  (Read details in Policy document)

Nagrik Suraksha Insurance

This is a master piece product from Oriental Insurance Company. Nagrik Suraksha is also a combination of personal accident coverage and medical insurance. This policy not only provides personal accident insurance, but also hospitalisation expenses on account of accident which other insurance companies fail to provide. In this policy, 80% of your coverage amount is for personal accident, and the remaining 20% is for hospitalisation on account of accident.


Suppose you take insurance coverage amounting to Rs 1 lakh. Out of Rs 1 lakh, Rs 80, 000 is for personal accident and the remaining Rs 20,000 is for hospitalisation on account of accident. The premium to be paid for coverage amount of Rs 1 lakh is only Rs 90 for the entire year. If you buy insurance coverage amounting to Rs 4 lakh, you can get personal accident coverage worth Rs 3.2 lakh and hospitalisation expenses worth Rs 80,000 by just paying Rs 360 for the entire year.


  • Minimum sum assured is Rs 1 lakh, while the maximum is Rs 5 lakh.
  • Policy period ranges from 1 year to 4 years.
  • Coverage is also provided outside India, but the claim settlement is done only in Indian currency.
  • A discount of 10% of the total premium will be allowed comprising the insured and any one or more of a) Spouse, b) Dependent children c) Dependent parents.
  • Group discounts available.
  • This insurance is available to person between the age of 5 years to 70 years for family package and 18 years to 70 years for individual(s)/group cover.

Premium Chart

* Service Tax Extra

You can buy Nagrik Suraksha from either agents of Oriental Insurance or from the company directly. This is really a gem of a product and most suitable for people who are looking at some exotic products and not just plain vanilla kind of offerings.  (Policy document)

This is a guest post by Kashyap Juthani from , I have added the charts and have done some minor additions and modifications .

3 thought provoking questions before you buy real estate

We have discussed Buying vs Renting in previous articles. This post is not about saying which method is superior. While buying a flat/house is everyone’s dream, there are some very important questions one needs to think about before buying real estate property. Most buyers aren’t putting in enough thought, about some critical points (which they need to). One reason could be that they are far too obsessed with increase in value, are overconfident about the returns they can generate in real estate in long run or probably because these critical points haven’t yet crossed their mind. But if you are thinking about buying real estate, you should be aware of these points…

House in India

Image source

1. What is the Construction Quality of the house & what will be its condition after decades ?

If a property comes from a great builder, does it mean it will be in existence or in great condition after 40-50 yrs? What will be the condition of the building or how much it will be in demand by others at that time?  Most of the buyers think about immediate requirement and may be 10-20 yrs hence. But should your vision be just 10-20 yrs when you are putting such a huge amount in Real estate?  Also real estate construction is going to continue for next 20-30-40 yrs for sure given the amount of demand in our country . So who all are going to invest/prefer in your house which is 30 yrs old in 2033 ? Will there be a situation when the prices instead of appreciation, actually starts depreciating because of bad condition ? To understand what I am saying just look at some building/flats which are constructed before 20-25 yrs in your city , look at that and ask yourself “At what price are you ready to buy it? , or do you at the hand want to buy it or not?”

How many of us have seen houses which are 50 yrs old today? Not many; houses which are 50+ yrs are a handful. I know when I say this, it’ll cast a pall on the quality of builders in these times. Already there are enough instances where quality construction is compromised and owners do not get the property in the same condition as they were promised! . (Learn some tricks of understanding construction quality here and here)

Another thing which happens is when a person gets a house in possession the house is all well-built, its shining and everything looks perfect. But is a healthy looking person also with high stamina? Can we judge a houses’ stamina and internal strength on how it looks, how jazzy its tiles are and what a wonderful balcony it has? No! . We really need a long time like 30-40 yrs to really have a good insight in how strong a house is. Anything will last first 10-20 yrs . Here is a video which shows how a real estate buyer got his Flat in bad condition from one of the most reputed Builder and not at all in what they were promised . Looking at the video , I don’t think the house will last for more than 30 yrs .

2. Where are you going to be there after 20-30 yrs ? what are your future plans ?

Most of the people keep changing our jobs in starting of their career . An average situation would be that a person changes his job in atleast 3-4 yrs (in the software industry at least). But at the time of buying a property, a lot of people do not think much about this. They make believe that this, is the final job or at least a “long-term job”. Then, once they buy the house, they are almost stuck (Link) .

A lot of times, they don’t take risks in career and don’t want to take up another exciting job or a better opportunity in other city or much far place in same city, because of the “Comfort Zone” they have created for themselves.You have to be really clear about this point. A lot of people travel back from abroad to start their new life/business in India and the first thing most of them do is buy a house. I would recommend better get settled properly first, start your new work, make sure the stability is there and then go for commitment of a house. (Read this comment)

Not just from career viewpoint, you also have to think about retirement and the post 50+ age point of view . If you are age 30 today, are you going to work for 30 yrs in Bangalore/Delhi/Mumbai etc and then live in same city to enjoy your retirement? Do you think your retirement life would be wonderful in City of Mumbai or Bangalore? If yes , then go ahead.

But personally I think I will be working in a bigger city and then post retirement. I would like to settle in a smaller city or may be my home town. So if you also think that come coastal region or some smaller town or home town village is your post retirement destination, then not buying a house can be your choice.

3. Compromise on Living style and Mental Fear ?

You also have to be clear on what kind of life style you want to live in your life, because after you take Home loan , then comes all kind of issues like

  • Fear of losing the job and not able to pay off the loan
  • Not able to live your life comfortably and not doing all the things in life which needs more money as you are committed to your Home loan
  • Not able to take high risk and satisfying job in life because of the commitment , One reader who owns a company told me that a lot of talented people do not join his company even though they have better work and opportunity to do what they truely love , just because of the uncertainty a startup brings with itself .

The finding of an exclusive CNN-IBN poll on the economy reveals that one out of two Indians is scared of losing the job. The poll, conducted across seven metros, also shows that Mumbaikars are one of the most worried about their job prospects. Link

A lot of people take more risk than they can handle and it leads to traumatized life , which effect health, Strainful life at Home, unejoyable life for many . Though on extreme end, but some cases might also end in Death .

Pune: A 31-year-old man allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan at his residence in Indrayaninagar in Bhosari.  The incident came to light only on Wednesday morning.The Bhosari police have identified the deceased as Piyush,alias Kishore Muralidhar Mahajan,of Indrayaninagar,Bhosari.  The Bhosari police said that Mahajan had been disturbed ever since he had lost his job.

He was finding it difficult to pay the monthly instalments for the flat he had recently bought.The police have recovered a suicide note which said he was committing suicide because no one was coming forward to help through his bad times, the police said.

Source : TNN

How to Save if you are living on Rent ?

Incase you are not planning to buy the house, you can always invest the money in a way that you can buy it later after some year or at the time of retirement. Long term returns from real-estate have been in range of 10-12%, but even if we take it to be 12-15% , We can invest our money in some equity which can deliver similar returns . You can put money in ETF’s or Index Funds and let your money grow overtime and buy real estate at some later point .


As I said previously, it’s not a buying vs renting debate. It’s all about thinking well in advance about your decision and knowing all the aspects of buying a house. If you are clear about all the points mentioned , then you can go ahead and buy anything.

Dont Declare wrong information while taking Insurance policy

An Agent comes to your home or office and tells you about an Insurance plan. It can be a traditional insurance plan or term insurance. Being an agent, he wants to make sure, you do less work. Anyway most  people feel bored or find it tedious to fill out a long form by themselves. After all, the agent is there to do it. It’s an amusing situation, that in today’s generation, we run around all day to different places to buy our TV, Fridge, Washing Machines. We inquire from a million places, read the reviews etc., and make sure you we find out each and every little detail when we buy such products for our home or our convenience, but sadly we don’t care enough to read financial documents or fill them ourselves; documents which will help take care of our little children or family when we are not around; documents that don’t even take few minutes or an hour to look at.

Coming back to the story, this Insurance agent treats the customer as King and customer also feels great about it. The maximum he will do is sign the document (after having a super quick look at the pages, making agent feel that he actually cares about it !)  The customer is a smoker, but agent doesn’t even bother to ask. Even if customer tells him about it, the agent does not put “Smoker” in the form as it might reduce the chances of getting the policy and hence no commission 🙂

Why Mistakes Happen in Life Insurance details ?

Now tax saving is coming for the year (not the protection of family, mind you !), and the customer is ready to raise his hands for questions like “Who all have Insurance?” or “Who is adequately covered through life insurance” ? The agent get his commission and mostly disappears, and customer is happily living his life under a happy impression that he has life insurance; until one day, he dies…

The family is devastated, but time goes on and once things settle down, they go to the insurance company and ask them for the Insurance Money… and Pow! The family gets sucker-punched! . The insurance company happily tells them that the customer was a smoker, but has given false information in the documents at the time of taking the policy hence by law, they are will not honour the claim! They are correct . Read a case between LIC and one customer on claim rejection.

This happens with a lot of insurance customers. They tend to give wrong information in the documents; as giving correct information increases the premium. (This happens a lot with smokers.) What’s so wrong if company asks for a higher premium for smokers? If you are a smoker, definitely from a business standpoint (and even logically) you have higher chances of dying than a non smoker. So, it’s natural to charge you a higher premium. But, if you give wrong information in the documents or try to misrepresent anything, it means company is covering a higher risk person for a a normal premium and they are very correct to reject the claim. Read this article to understand more on giving wrong or incomplete information in insurance documents.

Comment from Insurance Company Official

Sourav Shah, a senior Manager at Aegon Religare, shares some of his thoughts for claim rejection in comments section.

Hi Manish, To give you a detailed explanation of why the plan ‘iTerm’ is cheap.

The simple reason is ‘There are no middlemen – Agent – involved in selling this product.’ Since this product is sold online there are no agents commission involved and hence the company is not paying anything to the Insurance agent and thus passing on the benefit of the low cost to the consumer. We all know that most insurance products have a commission of 30-40% in the first year premium that is paid to the agent. The reason this product is cheaper because there are no agents commission involved. Secondly, Aegon Religare is the only company that has sought IRDA approvals to sell the product online since we are very keen on providing the customers what a product that they need – a simple term plan – at a price that is affordable.

Regarding the claims ratio, Manish, the 3 customers whose claims were rejected were due to wrong declaration at the time of taking the policy. They had declared themselves as non smokers. I would request all customers who are buying a term plan or any insurance product from any Life insurer, to not hide any facts while taking a policy. The insurers build up the cost based on your declaration, so its always advisable to declare truely in order to ensure that all claims are met. And if any customer faces any issue with any isurer he can contact the insurance ombudsman and he will immediatley look into their issues. Happy buying. Manish this is a beautiful and unbiased platform that you have provided for customers to clarify their doubts. Please keep up the gr8 work.

Sourav Shah
([email protected])


How to correct the false Information ?

In case, you have provided any wrong information in your policy document, it’s almost certain that your claim will be rejected. Don’t try to fool insurance companies. They are smarter than you at figuring it out. So contact your Insurance company and give them factual information . This may lead to increase in premium or rejection of policy, but it’s a better situation than getting rejected at the time when you are in the sky.

Review of ICICI iProtect Term plan

ICICI Prudential has recently launched its online Term Insurance Plan called iProtect . iProtect is extremely affordable online Term Plan whic has some very good features. Last year Aegon Religare launched its online Term Plan iTerm , but it had some limitations like no riders attached and the company didnt had much trust factor . However iProtect comes with some really great features like Accidental rider, Term upto 30 yrs , wide coverage of cities and apart from being completely online, it can also be bought by agents, corporate agents and brokers , So it you are not net savvy or dont like pure online product, you can still buy iProtect Term Insurance through offline means , however the premiums in that case can be higher compared to when you buy online,because of agents commission involved in between.

The best thing I liked about iProtect was the user interface . It was easy to operate , asks less things in the starts and you come to know about your premium just by providing basic information like Age , Term , Sum Insured etc in the start, unlike iTerm from Aegon Religare where you had to provide all the medical details and finally after some hard work it shows you your premium. Personally for me (age 27 , policy for 30 yrs) , the iProtect premium for 1 crore was just Rs 9,400 .The ICICI iProtect comes with two different Plans, one with accidental rider and one without accidental rider

Why Term Insurance is not a waste of Money

iProtect Premium Calculation Interface

Two Different Plans under iProtect

  • iProtect Option I : In this option there is pure life cover without any rider, you get the sum assured only when you die, else not .
  • iProtect Option II PLUS : In this option , along with pure life cover , you also have accidental rider , which is equal to the Sum Assured (subject to a maximum of Rs. 50 lacs) will be paid out in the unfortunate event of death of the Life Assured only if due to an accident

Other Features of iProtect Life Insurance Plan

iProtect Term Plan features

More at Document Brochure

When does the Life Cover Starts in iProtect?

The best part of the policy is that your life cover begins immediately once company receives the premium in case of non-medical cases (incase there is no need of medical examination) , However,  In cases where medical examination is  required, cover will commence from the date of issuance of the policy. Calculate your Insurance cover

Freelook up Period

A period of 15 days is available to the policyholder to review the policy. If the policyholder does not find the policy suitable, the policy document must be returned to the Company for cancellation within 15 days from the date of receipt of the same. On cancellation of the policy during the freelook period, They will return the premium paid  subject to the deduction of:

a) Insurance stamp duty paid under the policy,

b) Expenses borne by the Company on medical examination,if any

iProtect Premiums Illustrations

A) The table below provides annual online premium (exclusive of service tax and cesses, as applicable) for various combinations of Age and Sum Assured for a healthy male (non-tobacco user), opting for a policy term of 25 years.

iProtect Term Insurance premium exmaple from ICICI Prudential

B) The table below provides annual premiums (exclusive of service tax and cesses, as applicable) for various combinations of Age and Sum Assured for a healthy male (non-tobacco user), opting for a policy term of 20 years, where policy is sourced by tied agents, corporate  agents, brokers or direct sales.

iProtect Term Insurance premium exmaple from ICICI Prudential

iProtect vs iTerm Comparision

I Let us look how iProtect fares in comparision to iTerm plan. I found out that iProtect beats iTerm in all the areas.

ICICI iProtect vs Aegon Religare iTerm Comparision

What is covered under Accidental Death ?

Accidental Death Benefit: This benefit is payable subject to the conditions mentioned below:

1. The death due to accident should not be caused by the following:

a) Attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane

b) Engaging in aerial flights (including parachuting and skydiving)

c) By the Life Assured committing any breach of law

d) Due to war, whether declared or not or civil commotion;

e) By engaging in hazardous sports or pastimes

2. Death due to accident must be caused by violent, external and visible means.

3. The accident shall result in bodily injury or injuries to the Life Assured independently of any other means. Such injury or injuries shall, within 180 days of the occurrence of the accident, directly and independently of any other means cause the death of the Life Assured. In the event of the death of the Life Assured after 180 days of the occurrence of the accident, the Company shall not be liable to pay this Benefit.

Premium Comparision with other Cheap Insurance Policies

Who Should Buy ?

If you dont have Term Insurance : If you havent bought term insurance till now and were still waiting or I must say “delaying” because of your laziness , this is the time to act and finally buy term insurance online .

If you are UnderInsured : You know that you are underinsured , who still not taking the additional cover, now its your time to go and buy additional cover .

If you already have sufficient Cover : Situation changes , and so does in Personal Finance, even if you are adequately insured , It would be a good idea of explore an option of shifting fully or a part of your cover into iProtect term plan , as its a cheap plan .

Open Question, This is a new plan , we are not sure of the customer care support and how well its service is, What do you think about it ?

Comments , Do you like this iProtect Plan ? Please let me know your reasons and what you think about this plan . Are you going to take this policy ?

Review of Retirement Book “Retire Rich Invest Rs 40 a day”

How important is Retirement ? If you are not asking this question to yourself today, You are bound to pay for this in future. Thinking about retirement in early age is considered Joke in our country, every body is just running around buying cars, home, may be invest in couple of mutual funds without any plan and buy life insurance, but Planning for retirement is still a very untouched activity. With the advent of “Financial Planning” word in our country, Financial Planners are now doing Retirement Planning for clients , however even that Retirement Planning is not proper Retirement Planning is true sense .

Retirement Planning is a much much more complex process than we think and deserves a lot of effort and time if you want to successfully plan for your Retirement years . We are living in a different era, and uncertainity of not reaching our Target in retirement is much more in these times . We need a much well planned approach and systematic planning for every goal of our life and Retirement is a classic case of it.

PV Subramanyam, a CA by Education and a trainer by Profession has written a wonderful book, named “Retire Rich Invest Rs 40 a day” . I bought this book and read it and here are some of my thoughts on the book.

Review of Book

Easy to Understand : The first thing which amazed me about the book was that it was written in very very simple language, It was easy to understand all the chapters of the book. The book starts with a very nice Introduction of why Retirement is more important in these days to plan and how we under estimate our retirement needs. I am reading Subra’s Blog from a long time now and his way of writing is very different than his way of writing on blog . I must say that I consider his book to be very simple than what I had expected 🙂

No Complex Calculations : The book gives all the calculations in a easy to implement “tabular” format and its easy for anyone to actually implement the learning from the book without diving into the complex calculations .

Step by Step Guide for self-planning : The book goes through all the steps of retirement planning in easy way and anyone can easily understand and do their Retirement Planning. It would require dedication to really go through the book and understand the various concepts the author has tried to explain. With some effort and dedicated mind its a great way to plan your own retirement.

Good Examples but lacks Graphs/Charts : The book have good examples in between , which woul be very helpful in understanding the chapters and what they try to convey. But if you are a kind of reader who like to see lots of Images/Charts along with text, the book misses on that part.

Introduction of Investment options : While it might sound that the book is only for readers who already know a lot of stuff , Its not true . In between, there is good insight about various investment products one can invest in and it gives  a fair understanding of what should be the action plan after one plans for his/her retirement.\

Book reading Session in Pune

There is a book reading session conducted in Pune on this coming Sunday on 15th Aug and Subra mailed me personally to invite all the readers of this blog who wants to join them . The entry is FREE .

When : Sun , 15th Aug , 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Where : Season’s Hotel , Aundh, Pune (Map)

You can meet PV Subramanyam and Deepa Venkatraghavan, Editor there . I would say who ever can go should definately go to the Book reading session and make the most out of it .

Buy the Book

You can now get the book shipped FREE to your Home at Rs 299 , and thats 25% discount on the price, Click to buy , Buy the Book : Retire Rich Invest from

Buy from Infibeam : 30% Discount (Thanks to Rakesh for the link)


I am not an expert on any topic by any means and this review should be taken as my views on the book only. Overall The book is very good and is recommended to all. While the book targets people at any stage of life , Its must have for people who are in early stage of their life.

Tips while Buying House, Real life experiences

Are you thinking of buying your dream house? If yes , then you must be having a lot of questions and you must be looking some guidance from everyone you know, Why not utilize the knowledge of readers here.

Buying House in India

Over the last couple of days I was tying to catch up with readers who have bought flats or other real estate property and asked them 3-4 questions which could give you good understanding/points of what all you should take care while buying real estate.

You will also get to know some basic tips and tricks given by our readers here which they learnt or heard from others while making their purchase in Real estate. Overall see this article as a real life experience’s of readers on real estate and their learning out of it for others.

I hope you had a look at the debate on Buying vs Renting

Tips while buying house in India

Ankur Lakia Experience

Most important thing to take note of while buying the home :

Costs other than quoted per square feet rate. Few of costs like floor rise, parking, stamp duty and registration are fairly well-known. However, I was surprised when asked to pay for value added tax liability and service tax.

Since I bought under construction property and with all payments by cheque, I did not have much option but to pay for these costs. These are substantial costs and buyer needs to be aware of these additional costs while budgeting for the property purchase.

Biggest advice of caution will you give to new buyers :

While buying under construction property, buyer needs to do a thorough due diligence on builder’s track record on completion of property on time as well as quality of work. It is better to buy from a big name builder like Raheja, Hiranandani, Lokhandwala like (as far as Mumbai is concerned).

Even though one might need to pay a bit higher rate, it is worth it as it gives peace of mind when someone accepts all payments by cheques and abide by contractual terms. A good read from Subra on Mumbai vs Navi Mumbai Real estate .

One trick/idea which can help new buyers :

One thing which helps, is to buy little old / used property, may be 3-5 years old property. 3 to 5 years do not make much difference in usable life of property. However, usually one can get such property at much better rate than normal market price for new property.

More important though, buying little old property has several advantages:

1. One gets good idea of available infrastructure like nearby groceries, shops, availability of household help, situation regarding water supply etc which matters more to the lady of the house.

2. One can see whether building is being maintained or not. When I visited a building just two-year old, I was quite surprised to see its shabby look. It turned out that many members of society were quarreling and not paying their dues. One can easily skip such headache if buying slightly old property.

3. You can very well see the neighbours. It might be good idea to just meet them and greet them even if for only little time. It gives good idea on what standard of living is maintained by residents and whether one can easily fit-in.

For example:

my brother skipped a building which was really well maintained, with quite good location and flat available within budget. Surprised, I asked him the reasons. It turned out that almost every one of the residents was having more than one car in family and holiday trip abroad was fairly common.

My brother did not want to be part of such residency as he thought it would not be possible for him to fit in with people having such life styles since he could not afford such life style and, then, he would be odd man out.

4. There are some buildings where there is only one flat occupied on a floor, others being bought by “investors”. One can avoid possibility of living on a ghost floor by buying little old property..

Any other learning :

I am quite amazed by people stretching themselves on floating rate loans while buying property. I think people need to be aware that rates could be headed much higher, and higher enough to make material difference in their EMI obligations.

I think there are a lot of people who do not understand risks of floating rate loans or loans with first couple of years of very low-interest rates.

Meena Sivaram Experience

I will definitely give my inputs based on my experience. My advice will be more geared towards those who want to buy a house for the first time for self-occupancy and NOT those looking for immediate gains and make a killing in the real-estate market.

I am not the right person to advise those people as there are experts in that area. Here are my 2 cents:

Affordability – Do not go for over-priced properties which are beyond your means. Do not be impressed by those fringe attractions that builders dole out to impress the potential buyers like club, swimming pool, golf course, gyms, landscaping and what not…All these so-called benefits inflate the price of the property.

More important than these are the quality of construction and the basic facilities provided by the builder like earthquake-resistance (the richter scale it can withstand), the ratio of super area:built-in area, quality of material used within the apartment, 24 hr backup of electricity etc.

If you can manage your cash flow by reducing some other expenses, go for a size which is bigger than required i.e you need 2 BHK for now, go for 3 BHK and so on.

Location – This is important. I know most people cannot afford to buy a property on a prime locality like South Mumbai or South Delhi but when you are house-hunting in the suburbs, look for the development activities in the surrounding areas.

If there are metros, malls, highways, office or commercial and residential building being constructed in the vicinity, such properties have the potential. Choosing a right property in a right location is like picking up a good stock.

Buy when prices are low but has a potential to go up in the medium to long-term.

Words of Caution to New buyers

  1. The land on which the property is being constructed is not under any legal dispute and the papers are clean
  2. Make sure the builder has taken all the necessary approvals from the municipal and other bodies required for the construction of property. Any slack here will delay the possession.
  3. Previous track record of the builder on the completion of projects on time. Most builders do not adhere to the schedules. Of course such a risk is not there when you are buying an already constructed property but they are more expensive.

One last piece of wisdom: 

Go for your first property when you are around 30 years of age and do not DELAY it. Go for a 15 year loan tenure and aim to repay it within 10 to 11 years. So by the time you are 40-42 years, you are out of the loan liability. CAGR % for Meena house is around 12% and Tenure is 14 Years , She lives in Delhi-Ghaziabad Border

Wasim Sayyadd Experience

1. After identifying the property, look if the builder has constructed any apartment nearby/surrounding that is already occupied. to people find out how genuine this builder is.This gives you a feedback how genuine and chalu the builder is.

That way be prepared based on your questionnaire.

2. Read Agreement carefully before signing it. Eventually, in the process of purchasing Flat we built mutual trust and the builder promised me to give parking, but this was not included in my agreement. He called me to sign at registration office without handing over a copy of agreement in advance.(I also didn’t question being a good relation)

I got the copy after a registration..same day I read carefully all the lines..and noticed parking is not included..called builder he assured to give parking. Am still parking is not yet alloted to the Flat owners yet.

Ratio of parking available to the owners is less. And I am following it get my part.

Manish Jagtap Experience

I am assuming the target audience to be the end-user who will stay in the house, and not a Real Estate speculator.
  • Put max possible down payment. Otherwise Bank interest over long tenure will eat up all price appreciation of the property.Also do not keep EMI more than 40% of husband’s salary. Ladies are most likely to take breaks for kids. Do not consider their income while planning for EMI. If wife continues her job, you can user her money to do partial pre-payments. (Compare different home loans)
  • Check Builder reputation. Also, if possible go for ready possession. These days builders show some garden, play area in brochure (you consider such things at the time of buying) and later on build something else on that land.  You don’t want to see a balcony of some other building that the builder pops up on such land, to stare right into your leaving room/bed room.
  • If possible go for group booking since it gives you a negotiating power. Lots of IT guys do these now a days. Mistake I did was to go for 95% loan even though I had money to pay for the flat. Price appreciation was eaten up by interest on the loan amount. Also, keep in mind the rising cost of children education, your retirement funds.

Robin’s Experience

I will start from the first step instead of the zeroth. A buyer has an option to choose from a ready-to-occupy apartment or an under-construction project. Ready to Occupy projects are priced much higher as the risk associated is far less.

The unit is all ready. An Under Construction on the other hand is cheaper but other than the risk you also have to wait for the unit to be complete. If one has enough fund for the Ready to Occupy option, people prefer it. In our case the Under Construction works better.

We did not have enough funds to actually buy a Ready to Occupy unit. A 2 BHK from a reputed builder was priced upward of 50 lakhs, It would have required a loan of more than 40 lakhs. An EMI of 45k per month was in the uncomfortable zone, plus it meant very little monthly savings.

Remember we had a car loan too.

Under Construction plan has a silent benefit which most people tend to neglect in their calculation. While the project is under construction, we are also drawing our salaries. Since the payments are construction linked, initial EMIs are quite low. This has an advantage.

By the time  we get the possession of the flat we would have easily saved more than 10 lacs (we are considering 3 yrs time frame), something which would have been difficult in the Ready to Occupy plan.Other than the financial aspect we also have the legal aspect to take care off.

The project should be clean and should have all the necessary permissions from various govt. bodies. SBI seems to have the most stringent legal policies. So if a project is rejected by SBI, one should show extra caution. If one is looking for a flat which is Ready to Occupy type, one should consider the second sale option also.

This should be used just before the registration in the original owner’s name. Most of the original buyers are investors, they would like to sell the property before the registration to avoid paying registration fee.

Check Your EMI

Check more Amazing Calculators

Vikram Experience

Most important thing to take note of while buying the house :

The location of the house is quite important. Are their schools nearby if there what are the standards of the school.What are the standards of my neighbors and so on are also. How far are the groceries or provisional stores and other amenities.

Biggest advice of caution for new buyers :

Look before you leap. Think a million times before you buy a house. Check the EMI and see if you have enough on your hand to survive.
If you are on rent and going to pay EMI for an unfinished house, check if whatever you are left with is sufficient for you to lead a decent life. People with kids especially should tirple check before they commit to a 30 or 40 lakh EMI options. The market never remains the same. Have a backup plan just incase you are not able to pay an EMI.

Any other learning you want to share :

If you are planning to buy a new house by selling an old house, ensure that you have the new house papers in place before you sell your old house. I personally was affected by this issue or risk or whatever you wanna call it. Dad had a house and it was planned that that house will be sold and we will buy two new flats for me and my sister.
The sale of the house happened but we never were able to buy a house because of market boom. It was the worst decision of my life agreeing with the sale but I am repenting for it and the things I have to do get some extra money to buy a house is making me die everyday.
With an 8 month old baby now I am really not sure how to make things happen. A single bad decision ruined a lot more than just my finances.

Ashutosh Tewari’s Experience

Most important thing to take note of while buying the home :

Connectivity and basic infrastructure (grocery stores, road/ rail connectivity, safety),  Consider re-sale property (less than 5 yrs old construction is the ideal bet) as there are several advantages of it :

  • More carpet area: In most of the new construction the super-buildup to carpet area ratio is barely 60-65%
  • Better Infra : Most of the older construction already have shops and amenities established around them
  • Lesser Maintenance : This is fixed monthly outflow that most people don’t take into consideration while decision-making. Newer constructions (especially the ones with exotic “themes”) can have a pretty high Maintenance outflow. There are some in Mumbai, where it’s as high as 10,000-12,000 per month.
  • Ready to move :  You can move into it right away, as against waiting for 2-3 yrs in case of newer construction. If you stay on rent then this can be an important consideration.

Biggest advice of caution for new buyers:

  • Before making the buying decision decide on the budget and strictly stick to it.Do not get tempted by up selling.
  • The net EMI outflow should not exceed 35% of your net monthly take home, this will help reduce the stress level substantially. Also set aside a contingency fund which can cover 6-8 months of EMI.
  • Do not get over excited and limit your spend on furnishing and interior designing. This is an emotional decision in which usually tend to go overboard very easily. Also for people living in metros there is a high possibility of their moving to a bigger apartment or a different city, in that case there are things which may not fetch returns while selling.

Sunil Jaiswani Experience

What is the most important thing to take note of while buying the home :

Keeping apart the finance / affordability aspect because it has already been discussed, one important aspect while buying a house is the maintenance expenses,basic amenities and cost of living in the area.Not all places have good water / electricity availability + distance from workplace.

Biggest advice of caution will you give to new buyers  :

To be very careful of the person you are dealing with in case of non branded flats/homes because a new buyer can easily be caught in the nexus of land mafia which are obviously gundas and if something or the other goes wrong you cannot do a thing about it.

In small towns we even have instances of some properties being sold multiple times and also illegal land grabs/kabjas. I was lucky enough to escape such a condition but only after facing a lot.

One trick/idea which if implemented properly can save some good money :

New to this process but if you plan to sell the investment flats or homes in some short time you can save the registration money by holding a POA ( power of attorney ) in your name and save the investment on registration.

Later when you sell you can directly transfer the registry to buyer saving you a good amount. + in case of small town purchases more u bargain ( and more the upfront money ) more the price reduces.

Other learning :

Other than flats /duplex which yield a return of 12-15% CAGR the land prices in tier 2 and tier 3 cities offer much higher and brisk return sometimes.Thus if you are looking to invest irrespective the location , small cities are a good option to consider.

Moreover having been to all major cities and small towns , trust me that living conditions and resources are still much better in small towns with respect to electricity , basic cost of living , proper water and food availability.

Raja Panda’s Experience

  1. Check out the individual flat plan and match it with the actual size of the flat. Take extra care to match(measure) the size of balconies. This is where most of the builder do plan violation by increasing the size of balconies to get extra money. That’s because the expenditure on the balcony for construction is the least but the customer pays the price as part of the Super Built Up Area.
  2. Again measure the exact size(carpet area) of the flat. Most of the customer take the word of builder as sacrosanct when it comes to stated size of flat, but on calculation one can many times find a 2-5% shortfall. Remember that can mean a difference of 80 k to 2 lac rupee difference in a 40 lac flat. Now you get it! right ?
  3. Check out your undivided share of land. Very simply put an unit of undivided share of land equals (total super built area of all flats in the complex)/(total size of land for the complex). So, to reach at the undivided share of land allotted for your flat it should be (your super built up area) * (the unit calculated above). Lot of times this is overstated by builder to attract customers. But remember, if there is a natural calamity like earthquake,fire etc and the building gets destroyed it’s only the undivided share of land which you really own. Don’t leave it for later. Builder which do not allot undivided share of land to buyers are a strict no-no (yes there are such builders).
  4. For under construction flats it’s very common for the builder to give possession of the flat once it’s occupation ready. But the amenities (if any) are given after long gap and hassles. My suggestion would be simply hold the money for the amenities part until it’s really completed.
  5. For ready to occupy building’s insist on occupancy letter which is issued by the authorities. This ensures the plan violations has been checked and regularized by authrities when the consturction got over and it’s really ready to occupy.

My Comments

First thing I would say is dont rush, learn about things, buying a house is one of the biggest decision (atleast financial) you will make in your life and you will commit your lifetime of cash flows in it. Planning things well in advance and doing your investigation will lead to smoother and successful execution.

Your chances of making wrong purchase or a bad purchase will be minimized if you take time and do your investigation well enough.

Just for an example :

You buy a house , you do your basic investigation and the house was available at very very attractive price, and gives you a hope of making 100% profit in 2-3 yrs and suppose later you come to know that everything was fine, however the construction quality is not that great and have been compromised.

You really don’t want to get into that situation because first point is that if its your first home , you probably be planning to get settled there and wont move out once you are in your comfort zone and once things settle down like your office is very near, your children schools are there and you feel good there.

Every decision you take is your decision. Just like Wasim Sayyadd (One of the above), we Indian’s are emotional, we shy away from talking direct and think too much about feelings, relations and how others will think?

We make oral promises and also rely on them many times. There is nothing wrong in asking straight questions and questioning each and every step when you buy anything, because Damn! , its my money and its me who will suffer if things go wrong . So make sure you go through a detailed checklist because you buy a house or any other real estate property .

Here are some from my side.

  1. Patta Verification
  2. Guideline Value
  3. Demand at least EC for minimum 15 years
  4. Check the Property Tax recipt till date & name
  5. if the Seller is a power Agent check weather he has all the rights to sell the property
  6. Check that the plot is approved by Panchayats/CMDA/DTCP/MMDA
  7. Check that the property belongs to which zone (Resi/Agri/Comm/Aquifier/Non-Resi/industrial/Special)
  8. Check that the property had undergone any heir purchase, mortgage, loan, if so NOC from the concern department
  9. Check that the plot can be approved for residential purpose in case of unapproved
  10. Verify the documents with a legal Advocate
  11. Check the documents with a Banker for Loan Possibility (without patta & Approval loan is not possible)
  12. Dont agree for any Oral Agreement , Never !
  13. Check that the Layout has been allotted OSR Area ( temple, school, park, shop ) or else the owner has to pay 10% of the land value to the Government for approval. Only if the layout exceeds 3000 sqm, 32258 sqft, 74 Cents .
  14. Insure that the Plot is minimum 500 meter away from National Highway, Sewage Canal, Sea Shore, River, Pond, Lakes, Dam, Airport, Bus stand, Railway station, Nuclear Power Station, industries.
  15. The Registration Stamp Duty charge will be 8% of land value and 1% as Registration fees and Misc Charge extra
  16. The Road Width defines the no of floor you can build, in case there is Airport near by you can get only G+1 permit
  17. The Zone type and the Road Width defines how much area you can build, in case Aquafier Recharge Zone you can get only 0.8 FSI wherels in residential Zone you get 1.5 FSI
  18. Check the frontage length of the plot.
  19. Check the type of ground soil.
  20. Check the type of ground water.
  21. In case of corner plot check the shortage area
  22. Check the road level height and rain water stagnating
  23. Check for Vastu (it will be better if it is east facing and rectangle in shape), if you believe in it.
  24. Check weather Drainage faculty is there.
  25. Have a detail conversation with the landowners near by and always have touch with them
  26. It is Mandatory to have the complete details of the property seller including his photograph.
  27. If the plot is near by Burial Ground the value will get low.
  28. Other Essential Facility Nearby & Need to Know are Schools , Collages , Bus stand , Railway Station , Ration shop etc. Understand that you need all these for next many decades , so are they 2-3 Km away or 10 Km away can become one of the biggest deciding factors 🙂
  29. Make sure you have address and phone numbers of all the relevant and concerned offices like Panchayats Office , V.O Office, R.I Office, Tahsildar office , Register Office, EB Office , Court , Police Station, Post Office
Source :

Question: What was the biggest or most valuable learning you take out from this Article, If you also bought a home, please share your learning and we can add them in the post.

JagoInvestor Mumbai Meets and Presentations

We recently had JagoInvestor meets in Mumbai , not just one time , but two times , the first meet was on 26th June at Powai and 2nd was on 24th July at Andheri (minutes of meeting , thanks to JP) . It was amazing to see so many people coming in and participate in these meets. In the first meet we mainly introduced each other, discussed the purpose of these meets and Nandish Desai gave a talk on how our psychology governs our decision making in Personal Finance and why we do mistakes in our personal life when it comes to money. That talk was exceptional and everyone liked it a lot.

The group in Mumbai was enthusiastic and so motivated that it started preparing for the next group meet on its own and with the leadership of Jayaprakash (reader) and some other folks “JagoInvestor Mumbai Chapter” was formed. They arranged for the second meet in Andheri and we had great session again, Gajendra gave a very nice presentation on Mutual funds which was in detail and covered all the aspects of Mutual funds Investing. Then there was group interaction where people listened to each other queries and gave their experiences if any. There was a nice video named “Armed with Hope” shown. It was raining that day very heavily so some readers could not make it, however the turnaround was great and an achievement in itself. I would like to congratulate Mumbai team and every participant who is related to this for this effort, This is going to bring some great change in our society as far as financial literacy is concerned.

We are scheduling the 3rd meet now on 28th Aug in Andheri itself. So who ever is in Mumbai are invited to Join JagoInvestor Mumbai Chapter Facebook Group and Register for the Meetings, I will mail you all for the next meet details. For other cities, we have collected the contacts, But it can take some time to conduct the meets. Bangalore has amazing 85 registrations.

First Mumbai Meet Pictures

First JagoInvestor Mumbai Meet

First JagoInvestor Mumbai Meet

First JagoInvestor Mumbai Meet

Second Mumbai Meet Pictures and Clips

second JagoInvestor Mumbai Meet

second JagoInvestor Mumbai Meet

Presentation on Mutual Funds (2nd Meet)

Review of HeartBeat Health Insurance Policy from Max Bupa

Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited is the latest health insurance company to join the ever-growing list of health insurance companies in India. It is a joint venture between Max India (promoters of Max New York Life Insurance) and Bupa (the UK based Health Insurance Company). Max Bupa has come out with a Family Floater Health Insurance Product by the name of Heartbeat.

So is Heartbeat Health Insurance Plan also one of the family floater products offered by other health insurance companies? What is it that makes Heartbeat different from other health insurance plans already available in the market? Let us take a closer look at this product. (Download Brochure)

Three Variants – Heartbeat comes in 3 different variants –

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  • Heartbeat Silver Plan
  • Heartbeat Gold Plan
  • Heartbeat Platinum Plan


Features of Heartbeat –

  • Life-Long Renewal:

Yes, you read it right. The company assures you life long renewal year after year during your lifetime. This feature of the product makes it stand out among the numerous other family floater products available in the market. A lot of health insurance companies don’t offer renewal of health insurance policies after the age of 65 years or 70 years.

  • No Maximum Enrolment Age:

There is no minimum or maximum age for enrolment. A lot of insurance companies have a maximum entry age of 55 years or 60 years for health insurance. After this age, they don’t take new enrolments. Also, lot of companies have restrictions on the minimum entry age for enrolment. But in this policy, there is no minimum entry age for enrolment. A newborn baby can be covered right from day.

  • Maternity Benefits:

The policy provides maternity benefits for up to 2 deliveries. To avail this benefit the individual and spouse should have been covered for 3 years continuously. All newborn babies where the company has paid the maternity claim are automatically covered from birth until the next renewal. The plan also covers 1st-year vaccinations for newborn babies where the company has paid the maternity claim.

  • No TPA’s Involved:

The company has not tied up with any Third Party Administrators (TPA) for claim processing and settlement. All the claims are handled by the company personnel inhouse. Read more about TPA’s in How to choose Medical Insurance Policy?

  • Dedicated Relationship Manager:

The company assigns a Personal Relationship Manager for Gold and Platinum variants of the product. The relationship manager helps at the time of hospitalization and also at the time of claim settlement.

  • Online Tracking:

The company offers all the details of the policyholders on the website. The policyholder can access his personal details, profile, claim history, etc on the company website.

Other Features –

Other features of the product include general features that are offered by most of the health insurance companies in their policies. Some of these features are as below:

  • Cashless Treatment: The company has tied up with a number of network hospitals and offers its customers the facility of cashless treatment by providing them health identity cards.
  • Free Look Period: The product comes with a 15 day free look period. Within this period if the policyholder is not satisfied with the terms and conditions of the policy, then he can return the policy. The company will return the premium after deducting few charges.
  • Wide Range of Covers: The product comes in 3 variants offering a wide range of cover from a minimum of Rs 2 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs.
  • Health Check-up on Renewal: The company offers a health check-up on renewal under some of its variants.
  • 24/7 Support: The company offers customer service round the clock even in case of late-night emergencies.
  • Pre and Post Hospitalisation Expenses: The policy covers medical expenses incurred up to 30 days prior immediately before admission to the hospital and 60 days after discharge from the hospital.
  • Tax Benefits: The premium paid under the policy is eligible for tax deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

Read More on company website

What is not covered ?

  • Benefits will not be available for Pre-existing Conditions until 48 months of continuous coverage have elapsed since the inception of the first Policy with us.
  • No treatment taken during the first 90 days since the commencement of the Policy, unless the treatment needed is a result of an Accident or Emergency.
  • It will not cover some things permanently like –
  1. Addictive conditions and disorders;
  2. Ageing and puberty;
  3. Artificial life maintenance;
  4. Circumcision;
  5. Conflict and disaster;
  6. Congenital conditions;
  7. Convalescence and rehabilitation;
  8. Cosmetic surgery;
  9. Dental/oral treatment;
  10. Drugs and dressings for outpatient or take-home use;
  11. Eyesight;
  12. Experimental treatment;
  13.  Self-inflicted injuries;
  14. Sexual problems and gender issues;
  15. Sexually transmitted diseases

Read in detail  Here


As we saw above, the policy offers some very good benefits compared to other health insurance products available in the market. But it may just be a matter of time before other companies also follow suit. If that happens the customer will truly be spoilt for choice of good plans available in the market. This will ultimately benefit the customer.

Note: Please check the company website or the product brochure for the latest features of the product carefully before deciding to buy the product.

This is a Guest post by Gopal Gidwani, He writes on his blog

The EMI Disease

“A dog held a juicy bone in his jaws, as he crossed a bridge over a brook. When he looked down into the water he saw another dog below with what appeared to be a bigger juicier bone. He jumped into the brook to snatch the bigger bone, letting go, of his own bone. He quickly learned, of course, that the bigger bone was just a reflection, and so he ended up with nothing!”

What do we learn from this short story?

Some thing, really similar to this story is happening in our lives – where the bridge which we are cross is our lives, the bone is our home,(or car or any thing we own) and the “other dog” is none other, than the people around us, our friends at work, neighbors, relatives, etc., who might have a bigger home than us, a better car or a more expensive LCD.

Does that mean that we also need to run towards that bigger bone? Yes? No? There is no harm in fulfilling our needs. As our families grow, and our need for comfort increases, we are bound to buy bigger homes, better cars (read more expensive) et al… And while we are at it, why not buy that much bigger LCD or enjoy that international holiday with the family? The EMI system changes our “wants” into “needs”.

Is Installment system of payment bad?

Definitely NOT! It’s a very convenient way of buying things, but the problem is that the EMI way of buying, gives a lot of people the feeling that they can afford anything which comes their way. And there lies the problem! A sizable chunk of people believe, that they need a bigger bone (when they actually don’t) and the easy availability of everything, in EMIs plays a large role in said belief. The EMI is such a beautiful concept, that even a person with a salary of 30k can buy a helicopter!

Why not? Just 9999 per month, for the next 200 years! Does he need it? Who cares? He can afford it! The problem is not the EMI concept in itself. The problem is us – losing our control on our spending and extending our affordability horizon to such great lengths, that we have everything in our life; but most of it is under debt.

Our home and our car are the two classic examples of this. Let’s talk about home. I don’t have much data, but my instinct says that most of the people who have taken a home loan are living in a much bigger home than they need. As per an in-house study, (through a poll,) I found out that as much as 67% of the readers on this blog or urban net-savvy people are paying at least 1 EMI, which would mostly be a house or car loan EMI. It was astonishing to see that 11% of readers here pay more than 3 EMIs! That’s too much!. Make sure that your EMIs are not more than 50% of your total, in hand (net), salary.

Number of EMI's paid

Affordability of  EMI vs affordability of Loan

If you tell a person, the EMI of a product, chances are that they will believe that he/she can afford it, as compared to when you tell them the actual price of the product. The problem lies in the numbers. The lower the number, the more affordable it becomes! However, this is not true! Actually, the more you reduce the EMI figure, the longer the tenure, and hence the total cost for you over a long period of time increases drastically!

Let’s take some products –

Home Loan

A classic example is the Home Loan. When a person plans for a loan, he makes sure that the EMI figure is affordable to him and does not concentrate much on the final value. For example, consider a person earning 50k per month. The EMI for a home worth 30 lacs @10% will be Rs 39,645. This may look unaffordable to him, so he increases the tenure to 20 yrs instead of 10, and brings down the EMI to 28,951/- Magically, this same home starts looking affordable to him!

What they concentrate upon, is the initial years, and not the big picture. They might not be considering some important points… like what if interest rates increase to 14%? In which case, the EMI will go up to 37000/-! These are young, recently married individuals, who have no idea of where they will be working in next 5 yrs. Will they be in the same job or same Industry? What will be their liabilities then? A close look at Real Estate Returns in India

I am not sure if a 3 BHK is the right choice for a recently married couple who has no one else with them, to live with. The justification can be that in future they may require it, however, if that’s going to happen in the next 15-20 years, a 1 BHK or 2 BHK is a better choice. It’s better to live in a 1 BHK and breathe easy, rather than a 3 BHK and suffocate every day from the burden of the heavy EMI. Here’s a good article on Home Loan EMI calculation.

Calculate your EMI

Car Loan

A lot of people buy a car before a home, as the EMI is affordable and the car adds to their comfort. I know a lot of people who can easily manage their life with a bike or without a vehicle, but have bought a car for reasons only known to them. There are just 2 people in the family, both have company transport, aren’t really outgoing, but they have a car. Not sure why!

A car is a depreciating asset. This means, that when you buy a car on loan, you are paying more money for something, whose value is coming down day by day, unlike your home. So buy a car, only when it’s really important or your comfort gets bigger than your simplicity when commuting is a problem.

The main problem again, is people buy cars that are much bigger and costlier than what they can afford and need. If you are in the starting phase of your career and have no more than 4 people in the family, why take anything beyond a Santro or Zen? You can always buy that dream car when you are more stable in your career and the other important things in life are taken care of.  My views may be biased because I am not a car or vehicle lover, so all car experts might disagree with me here 🙂

Holiday/LCD/Camera/Air Tickets

IRCTC has started giving air tickets on 6 equal EMIs! There is no catch! You can buy a ticket worth 3k today and pay 500 a month over 6 months. The only catch, is that this makes many people feel that they can afford it now. A student who was earlier traveling second class in train or at most, 3rd AC will not just be tempted but will believe that he can afford air travel now, which he couldn’t if he had to shell out 3k in one go.

Just because it’s a smaller chunk, we tend to buy things that we don’t need and can’t afford. The holidays are a perfect example! We Indians, are earning very well in this new decade, thanks to the opening up of our economy and IT sector especially. Our future earnings are more predictable now, compared to the past and this is the reason why most of the products are available on EMI; which makes us buy today and then pay for it for the next couple of years.


There is nothing wrong with buying things on EMI, as long as you know what you are doing, and then only if you really need it. Don’t run after everything you can get on EMI, and don’t drown yourself in so much debt, that it gets tough to come out. Save a good amount for the down payment and take debt only when buying something becomes inevitable. An early Start in Saving today will make your wealth overtime.

JagoInvestor Pune Meet Updates

We conducted a Readers meet in Pune on 13th June and the response was amazing. There were around 15-16 people who came amidst mild rain on venue and it started on time. It was nice to see all the participants and their bonding with Jagoinvestor. We had a guest speaker from Ahmedabad and he gave a mind-blowing speech on how to change your psychology about money.

It was a learning experience for me too and It was really incredible to meet and talk to readers face to face and talk to them personally . Every one who came shared their expectations and what they learned from the meet and everyone was very interested in these meets in future. We are planning next meet this Saturday in Mumbai for which we already have around 25-30 people expected. I am sure it will be a better one 🙂 . Will be having these meets across other cities soon . Bangalore is next .

Overall Pune meet was a successful event and I would like to dedicate this to all the readers in Pune. It were readers who took the pain and took time to be there and have finally decided to continue these meetings in future and they are also looking at taking on various responsibilites to keep it ongoing . I would like each and everyone who came personally and it was amazing to see you all there . There is much more coming in future and you are the first one to be the part of it. Thanks 🙂 . Kindly acknowledge and share your experience in comments section .

Jagoinvestor meet in pune

Jagoinvestor meet in pune

Jagoinvestor meet in pune

Here are some of the short videos from meet , you can listen to speaker as well as some readers sharing their experience .

Please register here for future meets in your city . Any comments ?