Does your Income tax website account have your CA phone number ? You can now claim it back

Let me start by sharing with you what was the situation of millions of tax payers in India till now.

If they wanted to do e-filing and went to income tax website and tried to login to their account, they failed at it, because they did not have the password, because it was created by their CA’s or someone else who assisted them once in filing their tax.

And the person could not even use the “forget password” option, because it asked for some information like Phone/Email to send the OTP pin or authentication link and obviously their phone and email was not used while creating the account.

And this meant depending on the CA for this. However recently Income Tax Department has taken strict action on this. Income Tax department has sent an email to all the income tax payers to update their emails and phone numbers if they want to do that.

Now as per new rule, A person can use his phone/email on maximum 10 accounts (now CA’s wont be able to update their personal phone/emails on all their clients, which is also a bit big issue for most of the CA’s , because a lot of their clients are not net savvy and its very convenient for CA’s to manage their accounts)

Anyways, Here is a an email snapshot of the email which was sent by income tax department.

email from income tax website

More details on this page below

How to update your Phone Number and Email on income tax website

If you are a new user, then its very simple and you can just go to their website and create a fresh login/password. Now its mandatory to give phone and email id. There will be one time password (OTP) sent and authenticated.

Now if you are a registered user (your PAN is your User id) and if you want to make sure that the full control of your login is with you, then make sure you update your email and phone on the website.

Here is what you need to do to update your phone and email on their website

1. Go to and try to login
2. Click on “Forgot Password” link and put your User id (your PAN) and move ahead
3. One the next pages you will get an option to update your email and phone.
4. Choose that and follow the steps.

Below is an image snapshot of how it looks like

Change your Email and Phone on Income Tax website

Note that there is also an issue with this new move, because now any person who has information about your details can create a new email and phone and can use that to claim an account (assuming he also has information about the bank details which was used by the person) .

A lot of CA’s are also not liking this change by the income tax department, because now their clients will go away as they are not under control of their CA’s .

Would like to know what you do you think about this move by IT department.

10 smart actions every Indian Parents should take, once their baby is Born ?

When a new kid is born, your entire life changes. You are excited to enjoy the new phase of your life. Today we are going to touch upon some basic things you should watch out for and focus on after your new kid is born.

These are few things which you will eventually complete, but if you are too late, you might end up waste your time and energy. So its better to learn from others mistake and take some actions before hand.

Things to complete in your financial life once a new kid is born

Note that we are going to look at only those things which are related to personal finance at some level. Also most of the things are generic in nature, so if you do not agree to some, just move on and do not implement them for yourself. Lets look at them one by one.

1. Review your Life Cover

Once your kid is born, a new life comes into existence. Its now an additional responsibility you and your spouse have on your shoulder. All the future and current expenses needs to be taken care.

Think about it, all the school expenses, future education expenses, providing for all the best things in life – This all is going to cost a lot of money and the breadwinner is going to provide for that. So, If something happens to breadwinner, your life insurance should provide all these expenses.

So make sure you increase your life cover after reviewing all the numbers. In case you have not yet taken any life insurance, I strongly recommend now get a life insurance plan. As a thumb rule, I think increasing your life cover by Rs 50 lacs is the minimum you can do.

2. Get the baby added into Health Cover

If you already have a health insurance plan (either bought yourself or through employer), make sure you add the kid to the policy the moment they are born. If you do not have the health insurance yet, you can now get the health insurance and make sure the kid is part of the policy.

Some policies already cover your new born kid without any extra premium from the birth itself provided they have also paid for the maternity claim in the same policy.

As an exampleFamily First Health Insurance from Max Bupa has provision for new born babies from the day they are born and even cover vaccination costs for the first year. Look at the snapshot below

add newborn baby in health insurance

Below is the vaccination chart along with the age, vaccination name. It will help the new parents.

vaccination chart india

3. Start a Recurring deposit for upcoming school expenses

We conducted our workshops in 3 cities in India and one of the common point most of the participants agreed on is that school expenses on a yearly basis are in the range of Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lac per year. Even the pre-schools are costing a bomb now, which can range anywhere from Rs 25,000 to 2 lacs per year.

Below is a report on pre-school charges in Bangalore from Times of India

Some pre-schools also double as creches providing day care, and charge astonishing rates. One such school in HSR Layout charges Rs 1.38lakh per year for day care of kids up to two years old. Timings are 8.30am to 6.30pm — one hour less costs Rs 1.25lakh, and till 3pm, it’s Rs 96,000.

There are some pre-schools that charge up to Rs 1.5lakh. A prominent national chain, with a branch in Indiranagar, charges around Rs 80,000. On an average, Rs 30,000-35,000 is what you will need to give your child a headstart in life. Most schools have also started their own pre-schools, from where the children automatically move on to nursery.

As these expenses will arrive in next 2-3 yrs, its important to make sure you are ready to arrange the money for this. The most simple way to plan for this short term goal is to either open a Recurring deposit in your bank or start an SIP in a debt fund.

If you want to plan investments for your children education or overall financial planning, you can leave your details on our services page and we will get back to you.

Coming back to the point, As an example, suppose the expenses are going to be Rs 45,000 and if you have 30 months in hand. You can just open a Rs 1,500 RD and when it matures after 30 months, you will have that money with you.

When I asked for some suggestions on this topic one one of the facebook groups run by Ashal Jauhari. Pattu gave an interesting point regarding School Expenses in the start. Have a look at the conversations below which was part of the long discussion in the thread there

school expenses for kids

4. Update your Nomination’s in various financial products

You might want to have your baby nominated in some of the financial products you own. It can be your bank accounts, fixed deposits, mutual funds or even some property. You might want to add your newborn as one of the nominee in the assets you own. Read more about nominations in this article if you do not understand what exactly nomination is.

Also, if you have written your WILL, then you might want to update it soon after the baby is born. If you miss this, and if you old WILL didnt have the right kind of wordings, then your baby might loose his/her share in your wealth in worst case.

5. Register the birth Certificate

Make sure you apply for the birth certificate for the new born asap. It is a simple process if you complete it in the starting itself, else it will get complicated later. Most of the hospitals anyways has this as one of the mandatory things you need to do.

You can get the form from the hospital itself and then submit it to the local authorities within 21 days of birth. This page mentions the procedure in detail in-case you want to have a look.

6. Start a Saving Bank account for kid

One of the best things you can do for the kid from the start itself is open a saving bank account for the new born the moment they are born. Almost all the banks have facility for kids to open their bank account. For example – ICICI Bank clearly mentions that any kid starting age 1 day to 18 yr are eligible to open a bank account called “Young Stars” with them.

I would like to draw your attention on 3 reasons why you should open a bank account for your newborn kid.

Reason 1 – Put all the Cash Gift in the Kids Bank account

The moment your kid is born, for next many months and years – you will start getting lots of gifts in form of Cash. Often this money is not handled properly in families because of its small ticket size and it gets consumed here and there and finally evaporates.

You can always make a rule that all the small/big money coming in the baby name (on their birthday’s or baby shower functions etc) will be deposited in the saving bank account opened for the kid.

Reason 2 – You can open dedicated long term investments for your kid’s future

Another reason why you might want to open a saving bank account for the kid is that if you want to invest for your kid long term education or any other thing. You can make sure you start the investments from the kid account itself.

This way the account will be dedicated for that purpose and your volatile decision making will not impact the savings for kid. You can either invest in Kids PPF account through this account or do a SIP in equity mutual funds for long term investments needs.

Mr. Jinesh Shah from in one of the facebook group shared what he does for her kid.

bank account for newborn kid

Reason 3 – Your kid will learn about banking and personal finance from very start of his life

Another good reason for opening the bank account for your new born kid is that once he/she turns upto 8-10 yrs, you can allow them to partially handle their own bank account and teach them banking aspects.

Learning that they have their own personal bank account will make them feel good and also they will take keen interest to learn these things, which most of the people learn very late in life.

Bonus Tip : You can also apply for your baby’s PAN card within few weeks/months of his/her birth. Anyways you have to make it later, so why not in the start itself. Its always a good practice to have a proof of identity in the start.

It will be handy if you want to apply for other kind of documents like Passport, bank account, etc . You can read this experience from Amit Gupta when he applied for PAN Card for her daughter.

7. Buy clothes and toys smartly – they’re often gifts

I know new parents are excited and want to give their best. They will buy lots of clothes and toys and no one has any authority to advice parents on what to do and what to not do. The emotional side of joy cant be suppressed. However Often new parents realized later that they have overspent too much on things which baby never needed.

In reality, for the first few months – the babies only sleep almost all the times and they grow so fast that things you had bought for them is now not needed by them. And when relatives and friends come for visits, they anyways bring lots of things you had already bought for kid.

So there are few tips which can optimize the expenses side and also help reduce the wastage done by many parents.

Rotate things among your group – There can be many things which can be rotated among parents for their new born kids. If you have some item which can be shared with some other new parents, then better share it with them and help them reuse things. There is nothing wrong in it.

Shop Slowly – Buy things one by one and not in a lot – If you want to buy something for your kid, start small – let the moment come and buy it. This way you will not buy things which are unwanted for kid.

Below is a survey done by Moneylife on the topic “The real cost of parenting” sometime back. It explains what kind of expenses families are doing on various stages for their kids. I am sharing the results for the age group 0-4 here. If you are interested to look at the full survey results, please read their full article here

8. Dont invest in CHILDREN PLAN

Yes, thats correct.

The moment you become parents, Apart from the joy and happiness, some part inside you will also be “very worried” about the kids future and how you will provide him/her best in life. This is the perfect mis-selling moment on the name of kid by various agents.

All the insurance agents (uncles and aunties) will come to you and try to sell you a CHILD PLAN. You will be sailing on the emotional boat at that moment and you will hear sentences like – “Gift you kid his bright future” and “This is the perfect thing you can buy for your kid in the start” .

While I am not against any policies and plans, but these Child Plans are often designed to exploit these kind of emotions and things are bundled in such a way that they look over attractive proposition to a new parents for their kid.

Inside the product its often the mix of insurance and investments with some kind of payout on regular basis. These are high on costs and a bit complex products. Its nothing but a slightly changed versions of ULIP’s or traditional insurance plans.

In case you are really impressed with those products, my suggestions is to wait for some months, and later study them properly and then buy them if you are fully convinced about them.

In general I would recommend any new parent to insure them with a simple Term plan and either open a Recurring Deposit or just invest in a simple mutual fund with SIP route to start with or you can follow this ready made calculator, I create sometime back for planning your kids investments

9. Have a 24/7 reachable Doctor nearby home

Medical expenses and Doctor visits are one of the top most expenses you will have to incur after the baby is born and for at-least first 1-2 yrs and you cant even avoid this issue.

You will have to travel many times to doctor. These visits are sometimes planned and often emergencies. You even might be in your office when you get a call from home that baby needs urgent attention and then you take a day off or leave early from office.

It helps a lot if the doctor is near you home or within few KM’s distance. At times people have their doctors as far as 15-20 km’s (for reasons like – “He/she is the best doctor I think”) and then in-case of emergencies it can take 2-3 hours to just travel.

So its always the best thing to have a good doctor nearby and try that they are reachable almost all the times. Ask their permission if you can call them anytime (day or night) and take consultation. Compensate them for their effort and they should agree.

10. Make a Baby Emergency Kit and save on Time+Money

This is a great tip shared by Nandish (He became father 1 yr back), while I was working on this article.

He shared that they have created an emergency kit for baby, which has medicines for the recurring issues and most common things which new parents will encounter all the times like stomach ache, teething issues, loose motions, fever etc. You can sit with your doctor and take consultations on what all to do in various situations without visiting them.

To show you importance of this emergency kit, I would like to share an incident which happened with Nandish. Her neighbor’s kid was having some issue around afternoon time, when her husband was in office and no one was there at home (I forgot the medicine name) .

She was trying to find out how she can get the medicine asap from somewhere. Because there was an emergency kit available at Nandish home, that common medicine was there and she could get it instantly. This is a small action, but it saved a visit to doctor and even a trip to market to just fetch the medicine.

This kit can also have wet wipes, extra nappies and every other thing you can imagine. Its even very handy if you suddenly have a travel plan (locally within city) and its going to take yours . Medimanage has put up a very nice starters guide for new parents, have a look at it.


The points if implemented will help you make your parenting journey more smoother and your financial life more better over long term. I know most of the people do not think about all the points mentioned above thinking they will handle things once they arrive, but then its your choice. Its a always a good idea to prepare for things well in advance and not wait for the last moment surprises.

Can you share some more tips which are not mentioned above. It will help people who are about to become parents or new-weds who will plan for their kids in next few years.

Allow Wealth coming into your life by breaking your Belief System

Most of the TV channels help in selling products like – Lal Kitab, Suraksha Kavach, Shri Yantra . They do this day and night and according to these advertisements, these products helps people in becoming prosperous. Most of the news channels have at least one show on Palmistry too, which solves people financial problems. Some believe in it and some choose to call it superstition.

Stop Wealth Coming in Life

Superstition or Beliefs

Here is an old story to learn something from about superstition or beliefs

When the spiritual teacher and his disciples began their evening meditation, the cat who lived in the monastery made such noise, that it distracted them. So the teacher ordered that the cat be tied up during the evening practice. Years later, when the teacher died, the cat continued to be tied up during the meditation session. And when the cat eventually died, another cat was brought to the monastery and tied up.

Centuries later, learned descendants of the spiritual teacher wrote scholarly treatises about the religious significance of tying up a cat for meditation practice. Now how is this related to financial life ? Many such cats are present in your financial life, which you might not even be aware about, you believe in few things as if they are truth without questioning them and thinking about it.

Let’s look at some real life examples

[note color=”f2f2f2″]
Advisor: Sir, gold prices have gone up because of festive season I think you should wait for some time?

Mr. Shah: No no, We buy gold only during Diwali. No matter what gold prices are – we would like to go ahead.

[note color=”f2f2f2″]
Real estate agent: Sirji, one very good property is available at a very competitive price. The property is main road touch and it is difficult to get such property at this rate.

Mr. Singh: Oye No no. it’s House number 13. It is an unlucky number we can’t go ahead with this property. Show us some other property.

[note color=”f2f2f2″]
Insurance agent: Sir I have a traditional plan, where you get high returns and your money is absolutely safe

Half of india: Yes, my parents taught me the same. I believe in LIC, I know LIC is safe and best investment. I am ready. tell me where to sign?

Whats your Belief System

Now look at your belief system. Look at what did you hear on TV or read something on blog or magazines, that became part of your belief system. From time to time question your thoughts and beliefs, as questioning will help you grow.

Break your belief system,
Nandish Desai

How this Lady paid Rs 25,000 in pay-order charges for claiming her PPF maturity amount

Is your PPF account going to mature very soon ? You are excited to finally redeem your years of saved money in PPF account.

But do you know that some banks are playing with some investors ignorance and charging them hefty amount in the name of DD charges or Pay-order charges to give bank the Public Provident Fund account matured amount.

Let me unearth this no so known or talked about thing today.

bank charges

Read this incident below to understand what I am talking about

My neighbor (a very old working woman) had a PPF A/c in SBI, on 31st of March 2010 it completed its 15 year term and hence the same was eligible for withdrawl, she duly filled up the redemption form and asked the bank to redeem the amount.

On 14th of April 2010, the bank issued a pay order but deducted bank charges (as the savings account is with another bank), SBI has nearly deducted bank charges of about 25000/- from her.

My neighbor didnt have a bank account in SBI, her account is in IDBI and SBI has deducted the charges for preparing a pay order. Here no service is being rendered but rather its bank obligation to make the payment.

Please help. It would be good if we can help her.


Some Banks not allowing PPF Maturity Redemption directly to saving bank account

When your PPF account matures, and you want to redeem the money, there are several options you can get the money. You can either take it directly in your saving bank account, or get a DD created or a pay-order.

However a lot of banks fool customers and never share with them that the money can be directly credited to the saving bank account and force them to make the Demand Draft or Payorder, because that involves charges and it adds to the bank revenues.

And most of the times, the helpless customers fall for it because the charges at times are in range of few hundred and they do not want to pursue the matter and complicate it.

In the example above, you can clearly see that the person was forced to get the money through pay-order and such a heavy charges for that was applied.

This whole mis-guiding worsens, when the person does not have the saving bank account in the same bank, the officials in-charge tell that its mandatory to have a saving bank account in the bank if you want to get the redemption amount in your saving bank account, else you will have to get it through DD or payorder, which is completely wrong.

There is no rule like that. One should be able to get the money through NEFT or RTGS or direct bank transfer if they wish to and the PPF redemption form gives that option clearly. Have a look

sbi ppf widthdrawal form after maturity form C

You can clearly see that there is an option of crediting your PPF maturity amount to any saving bank account.

Some real life Incidents of Banks Asking for heavy charges at the time of PPF maturity payment

Mr. Naresh was asked by Bank of Maharashtra for DD Charges for PPF maturity Payments

Bank of Maharashtra charged me DD charges of Rs 5050/ while making maturity payment of my Public Provident Fund account money. I had asked them to transfer money by cheque or NEFT, but they refused and issued me DD. Is there anything I can do?

Mr. Premji was charged payorder charges of Rs 900 by State bank of Hydrabad

State bank of Hyderabad recovered about Rs.900/- for issuing their banker’s cheque (pay order) for PPF part withdrawal. I am told that as per the PPF rules, the bank cannot recover any charges for issue of Banker’s cheque or pay order for PPF withdrawals. However I am unable to find out such rule in print.

What is the correct status regarding the above issue? Which authority will give a authenticated clarification?

Where to complain for these kind of issues?

A lot of people are not even aware that banks are taking them for granted and trying to levy charges which are unethical. Customers do not resist at times, because they dont want to get into the mess and waste their time for small charges (like Rs 500-Rs 1000).

At times they are excited to receive the big amount from their Public Provident Fund account and cant wait for it. At times there are emergency situations which dont allow them to fight back. But incase you want to fight back. Make sure you follow these following steps

  • Make sure you meet the Bank Manager and tell him clearly that you know the rules and there is no such rule that you have to pay DD or Payorder charges to get back your own money
  • Ask them in writing for charges and also insist that they show you the rule book.
  • If nothing works, file an RTI to RBI asking about the bank action and if there is any such rule. You can also file a RTI to Post Office (which handles PPF finally) about this rule.

Have you ever come across this situation in life ? If not , great ! .. you are now informed what to do when you face this situation

Meet this 15 yr old youngest participant from our Mumbai Investor Workshop + Some Pictures

We completed our Mumbai workshop just 2 days back on Sunday and it was a great experience overall to connect with our readers . However there were 2 most amazing experience which I want everybody else to know about.

Youngest participant was just 15 yrs old

Yes, you read it right .. One of the participants had booked a couple ticket and he choose to bring his young son who was just in school to make sure that he put the right seeds in his son’s mind about money and personal finance. We were really amazed seeing this and congratulated him on his attitude towards money and his commitment for this son future. The best part was that his son participated well and also shared what all he has learned from the session at the end.


One of the best things about the workshop was that a lot of couples attended the session together, one person came along with his mother, another guy came along with his best friend and many participants also came along with their siblings . It was an environment filled with learning and dedicated to do something for their financial life. We also had fun doing some group exercises, which everybody loved and had a great message.

There were conversations about Financial Freedom , Passive Income and many other amazing topics – which all the participants liked a lot. Here are some more pictures






Bangalore and Pune Workshop

We still have few seats left for the workshop in Bangalore and Pune. For those who always wanted to attend this workshop should come over, because mostly this will happen only once in year. The workshop will have some very deep conversations about various topics like Financial Freedom, Passive Income, your mindset about your financial life and how you can focus on next 5-10 yrs in designing your financial life.

Are you Scared of Having a kid due to money reasons ? Here are 5 things you should know

Day by day I am realizing that the impact of money is huge on our decision making capacity. The conversation of money is very deep rooted and not just limited to financial goals or wealth creation.

Today’s article is based on interaction I had with one my relative, who works in IT sector. We do not meet very often but as and when we meet, we make a point to update each other about, what’s new is happening in our work and life. He and his wife both are doing extremely good in their career and their pay scales are also good.

scared of having kids

Here is how our conversation went

Relative: So, Nandish How is life after becoming father?

Nandish: Life is wonderful, it is great becoming father and playing with my kid is great fun. I and my wife feel becoming parents is the greatest gift to receive in life.

Relative: That’s wonderful to know Nandish but I am really scared of this idea of “Having a kid”

Nandish: Scared? Why are you scared? What is so scary about becoming a parent. If you want we can have a conversation that can forward you in this matter.

Relative:  Thanks Nandish. I always like having conversation with you. You are my lifetime coach. Honestly speaking, I and my wife want to plan a kid, but we are scared whether we will be able to handle all the expenses that are related with kid or not?

Nandish: But you can always plan for your children related expenses and children related goals. Your savings per month and year according to me are sufficient.

Relative: When we see other people’s kid, we feel like we should plan a kid – but somewhere we are not confident about this whole process. I personally feel that becoming parent is a huge responsibility and it also calls for financial commitment.

Nandish: Yes, but why don’t you and your wife first get friendly with the thought of becoming parents. It may appear scary, but in reality it may not be so. There are some thoughts or beliefs that are holding you back.

Relative: I and my wife stay alone in a rented premises. Income wise we are good, but we still feel we are not ready financially. We dont know – how other people manage this big change but we are scared. Really scared…(He literally started crying)

Nandish: Hey don’t cry my friend. In life sometimes, we find ourselves on a cross-road. Such cross-road moments are painful but it is a point where you gather courage to make some BOLD choices in life. Over thinking or over worrying wont help you and your wife. Be clear whether you guys want to step into the realm of parenthood or not?

5 things I learnt from the interaction I had with my relative on parenthood

1. Imaginary world is scary

Our imaginary world is always more scary than the real world. We anticipate all the worst things to happen to us, but in reality things turn out very differently.

I feel that a lot of people like my relative are sailing in the same boat. They have strange notions about parenthood and they envisage those strange notions will soon convert into reality.  They always come-up with reasons like let the family income reach to X level, or first let me first buy my own house. etc

(Here reason is not important, but the point is you are in grip of money related concerns)

2. BOLD step is required

Life demands you to take BOLD steps. You have to step beyond your so called fears and worries and you need to take a stand in life. Take a stand to accept parenthood with a lot of power and grace. To bring new life into this world demands commitment.

I am not saying, don’t examine your situation – but get present to what is stopping you and take a bold step in this area.

3. Don’t let conversation of money rule your decision

Don’t hand over all your power to money. Money is an integral part of your life, but at the same time money is not everything in life. When it comes to parenthood don’t let the money conversation hold you back. Take a step forward and don’t get stopped by financial concerns.

4. Trust your ecosystem

After the transition takes place you will start experiencing support coming from different corners of your family. Sharing from my own life, our parents  have brought huge strength and support into our life. After becoming parents I and my wife started experiencing true power of our family ecosystem that we are into.

This whole transition became smooth for us, because of the family support we have. Look around and get in touch with your family eco-system.

5. The Age factor

I am not an  expert in this area, but all I know is that age of women matters when the couple wants to plan a kid. I have interacted with some clients of ours who kept on pushing parenthood for some initial years and finally they had to face some complications due to age factor.

We suggest you to go and consult right person who can guide you better on age factor thing.


Don’t let the conversation of money hold you back from experiencing parenthood or any other beautiful experience in life. Have conversation with your spouse and make a choice that serves you most.  It is a sensitive subject and our intention is to share our observation, we just want to share how money impacts our life decisions.

We are not asking you to do something or don’t do something, it is about getting present to the impact that money have on us.  Jagoinvestor as blog is not limited to personal finance education, we really want our readers to be happy in life.

We want to spread happiness along with personal finance education. If you have experienced something like this in your life – feel free to share in comments section, if you want. Sometimes we are afraid of writing articles on such sensitive topics but as I mentioned in the article we also have to show boldness in our writing.

Are you suffering from “I don’t have time to read Policy Document” Syndrome ?

As an investor, I am sure you have done something with your money. You have put your money in some or the other financial product – assuming it is going to help you in creating wealth or it is going to help you in some way or the other.

The way some movies have flashback, you will have to go back in the past to get full value from today’ article.  We just want to make you responsible in the area of money, because taking responsibility is the first step towards bringing any kind of change or transformation.

policy document

Lets go back in the past (Flashback)

Lets say five years back some agent or adviser or relationship manager approached you with the new financial product in market, the product features and benefits were explained, you trusted your adviser’s advice and bought the financial product.

Now, before you purchased the product – Did you read the product brochure (completely) at the time of buying or even after that ?

Most investors do not invest their time in reading product brochure or policy documents and this is a major mistake most investors are not even present to.

4 reasons, why Investors do not read Policy Documents

Reason #1 – They find it boring to read Policy Documents

A lot of investors think, that reading personal finance document is extremely boring thing (its just their assumption). Some investors start yawning the moment any policy document is placed in front of them. If you ask them for a movie, they are filled with enthusiasm – but if you ask them to read policy document or mutual fund scheme document they start avoiding the same.

In this process, you may miss out on some important information which you are suppose to know about some particular financial product and it will save you from disappointment later in future.

We come across so many investors who don’t know whether the money they have been investing from last 5 years is an endowment plan or a money back, the mutual fund they have been investing is an equity fund or debt fund. You carry boredom in your thoughts and it has nothing to do with any personal finance document.

Come on – Its a one time job, which takes not more than 1 hour, that’s all !

Reason #2 – “It’s not my cup of tea” Syndrome

A lot of investors think – “Personal finance is not my cup of tea” and they feel they have licence to NOT read policy documents. You may be into medical profession, Software or any other profession.

You can’t escape from managing your financial life and reading your policy document is one core activity you need to complete.

Reason #3 – They over-trust their Adviser and prefer playing Blind Game

Some people trust their adviser much more than they trust their spouse or parents. They trust their adviser blindly. Their adviser will make cross marks on documents and then give investor the bulk offer to give their signatures, as if they are giving autograph to the crowd. And then this kind of fraud happens with investors.

These investors are playing blind game, they are taking risk with their financial future. Even when the policy document or any other financial product is purchased, they do not bother to read where they have invested their money.

All they do is call their agent and take a monthly or quarterly report which gives them a fake feeling that they are serious about their financial life. You are getting reports, but for all wrong financial products which does not serve you as an investor. You can trust your adviser – but do not skip the homework that you are suppose to do from your side.

Reason #4 – They entertain the story called “Lack of time”

When we ask a lot of investors that why they did not read policy documents or product brochures the most standard reason that pops up is “Lack of time”. From morning till night, they slog for money, which they put into a financial product and then they do not have time to read about the financial products itself, where they have invested their money.

Now how strange it that !

These people are found very active on social media platforms. By the way – I am not against use of social media, but the point I am trying to make is that, you should give time to your financial life and break the “lack of time” story.

Conclusion – Never skip reading Policy Document

This insight or tip might look very simple, but it is applicable to majority of investors. As an investor you will make money only in those products – where you have the understanding. Your primary job as an investor is to understand basic mechanism of any financial product in which you are going to put your hard earned money.

My invitation to all investors is read product brochure and make list of questions that arise in your mind and get 100% clarity on them.

So, dust all your laziness and read the product brochure, before buying any financial product and if you have already made any purchase make sure you read the policy document in detail.

So, this weekend do the following

  • Place 2 hours on your calendar, in which you will read policy documents (put the reminder in your mobile at this moment itself.
  • While you read policy documents if you are not clear, make a note of them and discuss with your advisor or customer care
  • Share with us what was your experience in the comments section

NOTE:  We want to meet more and more investors during our 6 city tour. The minimum investment to participate in our workshop starts at Rs.3500/-. Come be a part of Design your financial life 2.0 ( You will have the most amazing time as an investor)

What happens when Bank locker keys are lost?

Have you ever pondered the consequences of losing the bank locker keys? In this article, I will share what to do when you lose your locker keys? What are the rules and charges involved in setting things right again?

what happens if you lose your bank locker key? How much fine you will have to pay to get your new locker keys?

What happens when you go to open the Bank Locker?

When you open a Bank locker, you are billed in advance for breaking charges and 3 years of rent (the former is to cover emergencies when the locker might have to be broken). RBI guidelines state that banks can charge this extra fee if they wish, but some banks might charge it later, only if the situation arises.

You get 1 single locker key only

When you open a bank locker, there are a total 2 keys to the locker; out of these, one key is given to you and the other is with the bank. The absence of duplicate keys means that it is very important to keep your keys carefully and not lose them. However, it is very natural that some people lose their keys or misplace them.

What happens when your locker keys are Lost?

When you lose your locker keys, the first thing you need to do is write to the branch manager informing them about the loss. They can then ensure that the locker cannot be accessed by anyone (for example, by someone who stole your keys).

Once you intimate the bank about the lost keys, your locker has to be replaced by a new one (and keys) OR the duplicate keys have to be created and given to you. In either case, they will be contacting the company that supplied the locker to them (mostly Godrej).

A trained technician will travel to the bank office and cut open the locker in the presence of a bank official and the person who rented the locker. This is to avoid any dispute over the loss of items from the locker. If the person renting the locker is not available, the bank will go ahead and break the locker and move the locker contents to a sealed box, which can be passed to the customer later.

Do I need to pay high penalty If I lose my locker key? Here is a reason below

Bankers do provide a replacement of duplicate key of lockers in case the same is misplaced or lost. There is no duplicate key of a bank locker as such. The bank has to call the supplier of the locker (i.e. the company that has supplied the lockers to the banker) and the supplier provides the duplicate key.

This may entail a cost of about Rs.3000 per key. This heavy cost is due to travelling cost and other administrative costs that are involved.

Any expenses incurred will have to be borne by the person owning the locker – a sum that can run into the thousands. Just because it is  “loss of keys”, one should not treat it as a trivial matter and assume that duplicate keys will be provided for free.

Penalty charges may vary from the size of the locker?

Note that expenses can vary as per the size of the locker. For small lockers, the replacement charges will be less and will increase to large amounts for bigger lockers. I think the high expenses act as a deterrent to ensure that locker owners do not treat the safeguarding of their keys as a trivial matter.

For complete clarity, I have set out below excerpts from bank T&C’s regarding this issue.

From ICICI bank website

The Hirer(s) is/ are permitted to operate the locker with the key provided by the Bank and no operation of the locker shall be permitted with a key other than the key provided by the Bank at the time of executing the Agreement.

If the key of the locker, supplied by the Bank be lost by the hirer(s), the Branch should be noticed without delay. All charges for opening the locker, replacing the lost key and of changing the lock, shall be payable by the Hirer.

From SBI Bank website

In case of loss of key of the lockers, a service charge of Rs.509/- has to be recovered from hirer in addition to the actual expenditure incurred in breaking open the locker and changing of key by manufacturer of lockers.**

From City Union Bank website

In the case of locker keys reported lost by the hirer, a written declaration shall be obtained from him/her. The bank shall obtain from the manufacturing company a fresh set of lock and key. It shall be delivered by the company in a sealed box through its technical representative.

The technical representative shall open the box in the presence of the Branch Manager and the Hirer and then in their presence the locker shall be broken open.

The contents shall be removed safely and a new lock shall be fitted thereon. Then the NEW key shall be handed over to the hirer after collecting the charges for fitting the new lock and key.

Why do we need to keep the Bank locker keys Safe?

We may face 2 major consequences if we lose bank locker keys. They are as follows –

  1. If the keys get into the wrong hands, then you fear to lose your locker contents. After all, you must be well aware how lousy bank officials are in checking the authenticity of the person opening the locker – all they do, is fill an entry in their register and that’s the end of it.
  2. Another issue is you will have to pay hefty fines if the locker keys are lost. The amount of hassle and financial loss you need to absorb to rectify matters is huge compared to the size of mistake. It is therefore suggested to be careful from the onset.

Let me know your views on this article. Were you aware of these rules or not?

Design your financial life 2.0 Registration Opens  – Mumbai , Bangalore, Pune

Day before yesterday we released video of our Design your financial life 2.0 and we had influx of mails from all over asking for more details about the program. We are so touched by the excitement level that some of you hold in your heart. Below is the video which explains what this program is all about

Why we conduct Design your financial life Program?

We did our first Design your financial life 1.0 workshop in Pune. It took a lot of effort for us to design the overall design of the program as we were doing it for the first time. I wanted my wife to participate and so I asked her to participate in the program and Manish did the same at his end. I still remember the first reaction I got from my wife, she said, “What will I do in your boring personal finance program?”.

I told my wife I promise the program will be fun and I extended my heartfelt invitation to her. Finally my wife said yes to me. I told her be a good participant and asked her to really work on her financial life. On the other end, Manish was struggling to enroll his wife into the program and somehow he also managed to convince his wife. This was MOMENT of joy for us, we still feel it is the best thing we ever did.

Finally we got both of them into the program and they enjoyed each and every part of the event. They were happy to see how much our readers love us and how fun personal finance can be. I can never forget my wife taking notes during her participation and after we returned back she got a lot more committed with her money. Same was with Manish, his wife made a commitment to start her own venture and her vision is still alive and she is working on it.

We really want investor to dedicate some committed time for their financial life so that they can work on their financial life. We want individuals and couples to get on same page when it comes to money management, we really want to make personal finance interesting and fun and there are very few who give dedicated time to their financial life.

Why this transition from Design your financial life 1.0 to 2.0

We started with one day workshop but now after working with a few hundred investors we realized that the one day event needs something more to it. Our intention is not to get fee from investors, we want their full commitment and we want them to produce some amazing results in their financial life. To produce tangible results we are moving from 1.0 to 2.0. It is no more a workshop, it is now a 12 weeks program that will help all kind of investors in designing their financial life.

Some Special Criteria to join this program

(Put your hand on your heart and get honest with yourself)

  • If you find personal finance boring (like my wife)
  • If you convince others and yourself that personal finance is not your cup of tea
  • You hate numbers and are a big time avoider when it comes to money management
  • You are PhD when it comes to procrastination
  • You want to get into action but you don’t know from where to start
  • You are confused with what to do and what not to do because of the overall bombardment of information on you on the name of investor education
  • You really want to move beyond planning and want to learn how to design your financial life.
  • You want to make 2014 your BEST FINANCIAL YEAR

If you fit into above criteria we would love to have you in our new avatar of design your financial life program. The program is happening in 3 cities, which are

  • Mumbai
  • Bangalore
  • Pune

Invitation to Join Design your financial life 2.0

From the bottom of our heart we would love to invite you to be a part of this program. Your financial life is right now going in some direction; it will take some shape after 5, 10 or 15 years from now. Now, you can allow your reasons/circumstances to lead your financial life or you can design your financial future. This program is a wonderful structure for action takers. Looking at our schedule we will only be able to do such event once in a year and so make sure you don’t miss it. Also, it is always fun to get away from the computer screen and meeting offline at deeper level.

If you have any questions or queries feel free to either ask in comments section or mail us.

How I bought 23 things out of excitement and never used them – Lets celebrate SELL week on Jagoinvestor

This article is one long letter, that I have written to myself and to all the spenders out in the world. We have not got any money to promote OLX, we are using the name of the company because most people can relate to the content that way.

I have a confession to make, I am an OLX consumer and I am not proud of it. Today’s article is not about financial products, it is about products that you bought out of excitement and now it is lying in some corner of your house or apartment. Today’s article may not be about personal finance, but it is about your hard earned money, that gets blocked in different expensive goods and products that you buy.

Whenever the advertisement “O Womania” of comes on TV, my family members will start looking at me. This is because they know, I am a spender and they feel I spend a lot. They want me to sell a few things, so that we can have some free space in our house.

There is nothing wrong in buying NEW things, but before any purchase make a commitment to gain value from all that you purchase.

My OLX list of 23 unused items

Yesterday morning – I made my “OLX list” which contains goods and products, that I bought out of excitement and I no longer use them. My list has total 23 items. This exercise helped me to gain some interesting insights, which I would like to share with you in today’s article and we will also be posting pictures of some items we bought and are not using them now.

Unused Item #1 : Sports Equipment

I bought a table tennis table 2 years back, thinking that I will invite my friends to play on weekends. Honestly speaking I have not played more than 20 games with my friends till date. Slowly the table tennis table started shifting places in my house and eventually it is now lying in our servant quarter. Before I bought table tennis table I was so excited and I had big plans, but I can see that I did not make the most out of it. My family members have warned me not to buy any such sports equipment in future.

Unused Item #2 : Fitness Equipment

A lot of people invest money in fitness equipment’s but they don’t utilize it fully. Some people choose to buy treadmill over joining gym. My in laws bought treadmill, which is now lying in one of their balcony and no one has time to use treadmill.

I am not saying don’t buy fitness equipment’s, the point is – If you buy one, see that you make proper and consistent use of it. Block some time on your calendar for your fitness equipment before you invest your money into it. Even Manish bought one expensive sports cycle a few months back to regularly bike on it, but when I asked him yesterday – if he is fully making use of it, his answer was “No, but I am soon going to start my cycling regime” . This article is a wake-up call for both Me and Manish personally 🙂

Unused Item #3 : Electronic Goods

There are so many people who invest very heavily in electronic goods. While I was making my OLX list, I found in my house there are total 5 television sets out of which 3 we do not use at all, one spare refrigerator which we do not use, some speakers and music gadgets which I no longer use. So, I have decided to donate 3 unused television sets to one of my relative’s hospital. There are so many people who have more gadgets in their life than financial products.

Counting Challenge – How many things you own ?

I have an open counting challenge for all individuals. I bet, if you start counting everything that you own, you won’t be able to count all the items in one life time. The truth is that you already own so much in life and still you feel you need something more. When your income increases, your purchasing power also increases and you start making random purchases (at least I fall in that category). My invitation is – If something is really required and it will add value to your life buy it or else look for some alternative.

Spenders need one trigger

Spenders like me, needs one good reason for buying any new product or goods. Spenders get triggered very easily for making fresh purchases. Companies like OLX and QUIKR are making millions today, only because most of us are busy making random purchase decisions. I am not against these companies and also I am not endorsing them.

Choose to slow down (listen to awesome audio on this topic) before you make any new purchase decision, ask yourself and your family members whether you will make the most out of that purchase or not. There is no fun in being a master consumer.


We are not saying consumerism is bad or one should not spend on different goods and services. All we are saying is spend wisely, because at the end, it is your hard earned money, focus on the value that you are going to create out of each purchase.  If you own something which is not of use to you, gift it to someone who can benefit from it.

Let’s celebrate this week as SELL week, you are free to share in the comments section what you are going to do with your unused or underutilized goods and products.

Build your “unused item list” – (Share it in comments section)

  1. Make (your olx/quikr list) list of all unused/underutilized products and goods which you can either sell or you can gift to someone.
  2. Make fresh promises if you are willing to make use of underutilized items that you own
  3. What kind of actions you will take in next 7 days to either sell or gift the same to someone in need.

This Article is contributed by Nandish Desai