6 unique traits of Action oriented investors, which every investor should adopt

We are happy to share that the action month is now ON and it is amazing to see how 200+ people have chosen to participate in action month. It is amazing to see how a small group of people have got together to bring a shift in their financial world. Some of our readers saw action month as an opportunity to get into action, they have realized that ONLY action produces RESULTS.

Action Oriented Investor

Some action month participants got in touch with us and they have already completed life and health insurance area of their financial life. And today we would like to share 6 winning traits that we could observe in action takers.

1. Focus on one area at a time

The participants who bought life and health insurance policy in 7 days of time were totally focused. If you remember as kids we use to play around with magnifying glass to burn a piece of paper. Now, if magnifying glass is focused on a particular part of paper, it starts to burn – but if you continue to move the glass the paper won’t burn. This was my first lesson in life when I got in touch with power of focus. If you want to bring a shift in your financial life, learn to focus and things will slowly start to shift.

2. Take responsibility and get honest

Some action month participants wrote to us about how irresponsible they were in the area of life and health. They saw action month as an opportunity to get honest about their inactions. They started to take 100% responsibility, started to own their inactions, behavior and things started to shift for them.

If you break the word responsibility it becomes “response ability”, which means your ability to respond. All the important areas and situations of your financial life are always in front of you. Now, it is up to you how you respond to those situations. If you are currently under-covered, your response to the situation will determine the final outcome.

3. Awareness is the key

If you want to bring change in any particular area of your financial life, awareness is the key. Our books, blogs and services are all designed about making people aware because we know awareness is crucial element. Those who were quick in completing action month tasks brought their full awareness on the protection area of their financial life. Awareness acts like a spotlight in a dark room, pick an area and become aware about what is present and missing in that area. Let your mind be your guide once you bring total awareness to the area which you want to change.

4. Complete what you start

The rule is very simple, ‘complete what you start’. A lot of investors still fail to stick to this simple rule. A lot of people think of buying term plan or health insurance, they even start the process but somewhere they leave things incomplete. The more you leave things incomplete the more you expand your pending item list. We could clearly see in some action month participants how they completed what they took on. They clearly understood power of completion and they chose to do complete job.

5. Total commitment

Always remember, commitment can rock your entire financial world. Every individual wants to create huge wealth as an investor but very few out of time are committed. Commitment is the secret ingredient which can help you to win the game of wealth creation.  If you generate right kind of commitment, life and health insurance area can be completed in a day. In the first week of action month some investors demonstrated what total commitment looks like, they got on call with us and took the required actions. (You can also participate in Action month by registering here)

6. High Say-Do ratio matters

As an investor always work on your “say-do” ratio. I mean do what you say and say what you are going to do, it is about making and keeping your promises. If you promise to yourself you will buy life cover than no matter what happens make sure you buy life insurance policy. Those who bought life cover and health cover in the week of action month we having high say-DO ratio. They took our support and completed the protection task in 7 days of time.

Opportunity to make the most out of December ACTION Month

We just wanted to share some of the winning traits that we observed in some action month participants. We will share more about them soon in upcoming articles. This article is not just for action month participants, it is for all those who wants to bring a change, shift or transformation in their financial life. Pick the point which inspires you and fill your financial life with right kind of commitment and actions. The action month is on till 31st of Dec, if you want to get life and health insurance in place you are free to participate. Also, in the comments section you are free to share unique traits of winning investor.

Join Action Month – Take-up 30 Day Challenge to complete your Life & Health Insurance (Download E-BOOK)

We are back with Action Month ! … You may be high on knowledge, but check if action is missing in your financial life or not ? If thats the case, action month will be of great help to you.  We invite you to see Action month as an opportunity for you to get into action.

Action month is a group campaign where you can choose to be a part of it and promise yourself to complete long time pending tasks in your financial life. This time we will provide full encouragement and support to bring a turnaround in your financial life.

If you are ready to take-up “30 DAY CHALLENGE” we would love to have you as action month participant.

We decided to bring back the action month in the month of Dec, 2015 and its mission is to help you in protecting your family.There are two area’s which you need to take care if you want to protect your family and yourself and they are

  • Life Insurance
  • Health Insurance

Top 5 Reasons – Why people remain under insured in Life and Health Insurance

  • Casualness: A lot of people are casual when it comes to buying health and life insurance cover. They are simply not present to the importance of this area and so they end-up without adequate life and health cover
  • Over analysis: A lot of so called “intelligent” investors choose to remain busy with their product over research habit.Because of this they continue doing analysis all the time. Over analysis keeps them away from taking right kind of action
  • Confusion: There are innumerable products available in the market and any investor can very easy fall into confusion trap. Confusion is one big reason why people fail at buying life and health insurance policy.
  • Procrastination: A lot of investors know they need to buy life and health cover but they are victim of procrastination. They continue to procrastinate and remain under insured
  • Fear: A lot of investors are afraid to approach companies and advisors. They are afraid of either getting wrong advice or they think they will be pressurized to buy wrong products. Inside this fear they do not initiate conversation of having life and health cover.

Bonus Reason to Join Action Month

I will give you one more reason for joining action month. Its already the month of Dec, and in next 1-2 months you would need to submit your investment receipts in your company to avail income tax benefits. If you complete taking life + health insurance in this month, you will have your recipts by Jan and you will be able to save income tax under sec 80C and 80D .

How will this Action Month Work?

Step 1

Calculate your Life Insurance and Health Insurance status by using the calculators below

Step 2

Register for the action month by filling up the form below we will send a joining kit which has 2 ebooks on life insurance and health insurance as GIFT in 48 business hours.

Step 3

You then become part of our 30 day challenge action month, where you promise yourself to complete your actions before the end of this year (within 30 days).You have choice to take actions on your own or take Jagoinvestor support in completing both the actions.Claim Settlement Assistance – Jagoinvestor Team will be providing claim assistance service to all the clients who will buy TERM PLAN under our guidance.

Calculate your Life Insurance and Health Insurance Status

Below is a simple life insurance and health insurance calculator, which will help you understand where you stand in these areas. Put your numbers and see the output, and then fill up the form below these calculators to be a part of this amazing action month.

Join the Action Month REVOLUTION and be part of 30 day challenge

Finally, fill up the form below to register yourself in the action month and be part of our 30 day challenge. When you fill up the form below, you  officially register yourself in Action month and after 1 month we will ask for your actions and what is the status. Once you get policy in your hand we will ask you for a picture of you holding your policy with your loved ones.


Welcome to the 100 crore Club

(We want to HELP over 100 families in having adequate life and health cover)

We really wish that in this action month, the combined sum assured taken crosses at least 100 crore. Even if 100 people take 1 crore sum assured, it will be total of Rs 100 crores, which we call as 100 crore club. Are you going to be part of it ?

If you have any doubts or issues regarding this action month, you can ask your question below in comments section.

5 Inspiring Success stories of people who actually increased their Income? [Bonus FREE EBOOK Download]

With this bonus article, our increasing income series comes to an end. Over the last few weeks, we have been writing articles which focused on increasing income and also shared lots of ideas around it. We decided to end this series by sharing some interesting real life stories.

We also take this opportunity to thank each one of you, for your participation during increasing income series. We received some amazing comments and numerous emails in which, people shared their unique attempts on how they actually increased their income. Each email sharing has flavor of success in it and you will love reading them.

Below, We have shared 5 real life success stories (name changed at some places as per request). Few of these success stories are sharing from our readers who attempted and succeeded in creating an alternate income. They took right amount of risk, they figured out a unique way by which they can share their talent with more and more people, they converted “increasing their income” into a project and the results have been amazing. Here they are!

Success Story #1 – How a Dentist worked on increasing his income

One of our readers who is a dentist by profession runs his clinic in Mumbai. He read the article on increasing income and decided to take some committed steps by which he can also increase his annual income. He has been practicing from last 4 years now and has good number of patients who visit his clinic on regular basis.

dental kit

He took some professional help and designed a good dental kit, which can be of help to his patients and their family members. The dental kit includes some books, video CD, some products and some other educational material in it. He priced the kit for Rs. 1999/- and showcased the kit in his clinic’s reception area. In the last 15 days, they have sold close to 10-12 dental kits and he is happy to see how some extra money is coming in with his creative effort. If you look at the yearly numbers, you can see that a good alternate income would be generated.

With this new offering he is able to serve his patients better and he could also increase his daily and monthly income. Some of his patients have also started sharing the kit content and material with other family members and friends. We congratulate Dr. Ajay (Name changed) and also thank him for sharing his success story with us.

Success Story #2 – Come back of Yoga Teacher

This story is of a marketing professional who turned into yoga teacher. His sharing brought tears to our eyes (Manish was really touched by his sharing and money story). He is in the field of marketing and works as medical representative for a well known pharmaceutical company. His expenses are higher than his income and so every month he finds it difficult to manage his payments. He wanted to increase his income from a long time so that he can start his investments. It has been 9 years in job but because of EMI and other compulsory expenses he could never invested on monthly basis.

yoga teacher

He read the second article on increasing income series and he decided to increase his income by 50%. He is a certified yoga teacher and after a gap of 5 years he decided to once again teach yoga to people. He decided to take some private yoga sessions in morning hours. He started sharing this idea with people and he got 3 students/clients in Nov first week. Though he has not yet exceeded 50% of his income as per plan, but he is now very close it. With this action he will be able to serve others and at the same time he will also be able to earn additional income from his students.

We congratulate this yoga teacher for his come back and for the success. We are going to assist him in starting his monthly investments from Jan 2015

Success Story #3 – Real estate agent who started leading real estate workshop

Real estate is an area where very few quality programs are conducted for investors.  For those who want to invest in real estate it is important to understand the dynamics of real estate world. There are some very simple ad effective strategies which you can learn to make money in real estate world.

real estate workshop example

This guy from Bangalore took on a project to increase his income and out of his commitment he announced his first workshop for his close friends circle and clients. He got 12-15 participants for his pilot workshop and the feedback has been very encouraging. This workshop is not sales driven or just to showcase new properties, it actually educates investors on the legal front and other aspects of real estate buying. He has priced the tickets at Rs. 5,000/- for a one day session, which would bring in a good amount of secondary income. He is even planning to conduct it in various cities if it works out well in future.

We congratulate this real estate agent for starting such wonderful and informative program for real estate investors. As and when we receive full details about this program we will share the details with our readers.

Success Story #4 – Lady who started preparing dog food

This lady’s story is truly inspiring and so we thought of sharing the same with all of you. She is considered to be an expert when it comes to dog food preparation. She has been in this business from last 3 years now.

She is fond of dogs and on one fine day she found that her dog was not happy with the dog food products which were available in market. She tested some recipes on her own and prepared some dog food packets which she also shared with other dog owners in her city. This is where others could see her talent and her first order came in, slowly she started becoming more and more popular amongst other dog owners in her vicinity.

dog food at home

Today she supplies dog food to almost 50 plus Dog owners and she also owns and runs hostel for pets. We congratulate Latha for sharing her talent with more and more people. We also take this opportunity to thank her for being our reader and for sharing her story with us.

Success Story #5 – From homemaker to cooking expert to bestselling author

This story is of lady called Jenish Parmer (Real Name). She happens to be good friend of my wife. I recently attended an event where she launched her book called “Heaven on Tongue”. My wife insisted on sharing her story with jagoinvestor community.

heaven on tongue book

I (Nandish) and my wife (Himali) have witnessed her professional journey and success so far. She loves cooking and has always been passionate about cooking. She started her journey by participating in one national level cooking competition, she won the competition and a big turning point came in her life. She continued to teach and share her passion with more and more people and slowly she started her catering business.

She recently authored her first book called “Heaven on tongue” and right now she designs menu for some of the most popular restaurants in India. Her story is real, inspiring and easy to relate with. She is not a reader of jagoinvestor but still we have included her story in this article (we called her and took her permission)

FREE Ebook download

Our “Increasing your Income” series has ended with this article. We have compiled all the articles and created a nice eBook which you can download and read it offline on your computer or on your mobile (it’s a pdf file) . Download it by clicking here (right click -> save as) , or by clicking on the image below.

Increasing your income ebook download

Please share your views about these 5 real life stories. Do you get inspiration from these stories ? Do you want to share your thoughts?

What happens if policyholder dies within grace period ? The answer may surprise you !

Do you know what happens when the policyholder dies within the grace period provided after the due date of paying the premium. The answer might surprise you because there is a big myth around this topic.

Every life insurance company provide a grace period of 30 days for paying the premium after the due date is over. Companies send reminders on SMS and emails to make sure the customer pays their premiums on or before the due date. But if they forget to pay the premiums on time, still they get 30 days of grace period.

If premium are not yet paid after the grace period, then the policy is considered to be LAPSED and no death benefits will be given if the death happens after the grace period.

Do you get sum assured if death happens during grace period ?

And the answer is YES. As per the rules, if the death of the policy holder occurs on the due date of the premium payment or during the grace period, still the policy is valid and the beneficiaries will get the sum assured. But after deducting the the unpaid premium for the current year.

As a proof I am putting up a proof of what the website of Max New York Life Insurance says below. You can see the exact wordings below.

Grace Period in Life Insurance

So if a person has taken a 1 crore term plan for a 30 yrs period with premium Rs 10,000 per year on 20th dec 2010 and imagine the policy has run for 3 yrs , and now its the 4th premium is to be paid on 20th dec 2014 . The grace period will be upto 20th Jan 2015 .

Now if the premium was not paid and the death happens on 25th Dec 2014 , then its during the grace period. How much will be the sum assured paid to the customer family ?

It would be Sum Assured – all unpaid premiums for the current year

= 1 crore – 10,090
= 99.9 Lacs

Payment of Sum Assured if death happens during grace period

There have been a lot of cases, where a person just discontinued his policy for some reason and they faced an accident and died. Internet is full of these kind of cases.

A lot of times death happens during the grace period and because the family is not well educated on this aspect, they don’t know that they are still liable for a claim (we provide our clients family claim assistance service).


So make sure you do not forget to pay your premiums and make sure you do not wait for the reminders from the insurance company. You can set up your own reminders and be more alert and proactive on this.

Let us know if you knew about this information or not ?

Everything you wanted to know about Income Tax Notice and scrutiny cases ?

If you are a taxpayer then you must have heard the recent news about Income tax department’s drive by keeping a close eye on all your transactions. Even the salaried employees are on the radar.

Department has already identified 12 lakh taxpayers who have not filed their returns, more than 20 Crores high value transactions are being scrutinized and Notices/letters to more than 1.5 lakh people have already been issued.

Income Tax Notice - How to Avoid

8 reasons why you can expect income tax scrutiny notice?

Let’s take the first parameter today and see how & under what circumstances a notice can be issued to you as follows:-

Reason #1 – You have not filed your return

Every individual earning more than Basic Exemption Limit i.e. Rs. 2,50,000/- p.a. (Basic Exemption Limit has been enhanced from Rs. 2 lakhs to 2.5 lakhs in the last union budget for current financial year) needs to file tax returns compulsorily, even if the tax is already deducted (TDS) and paid .

So if you have not filed your returns for past few years, then you can expect a notice from IT department very soon. You might have not filed it due to your laziness or simply because you didn’t get the time, but understand that this mistake can cost you a lot especially when you have some any kind of tax evasion !

Reason #2 – Interest from FDs or Savings A/C

This is one big reason which can apply in most of the investors case . Generally banks deduct 10% TDS on the deposits interest by default, but you are suppose to pay any additional tax if applicable depending on your income tax bracket. There is a big myth that one does not need to pay any tax if TDS is cut by the bank.

For example – If you are 30% tax bracket and you have Rs 5 lacs FD in bank and imagine 8% is the interest rate, which means you get a Rs 40,000 interest from the FD , now the bank will deduct the 10% TDS (which is Rs 4,000) and pay to the govt , and give Rs 36,000 directly to you .

Now actually tax you had to pay was 30% to govt, which means that at the end of the year you need to pay additional Rs 8,000 in tax. If you have not done this , then you might be inviting trouble for future.

Reason #3 -Sudden drop in Income

Do you know that if there is a significant reduction in your income from last year, then it may cause suspicion and you might invite a IT scrutiny. This is more applicable in case of businesses and traders, because their income is highly volatile .

However in case of salaried people, this is not a big issue because in general there is no huge drop from the last year income. Let me give you an example – Imagine Ajay, who runs a business and earned Rs 15 lacs in a year and paid his taxes properly in year 2014 .

Now in 2015, he files his income tax returns with Rs 12 lacs income or Rs 17-18 lacs income, this looks natural overall , but imagine he files his return declaring his income to be Rs 3.5 lacs, then suddenly it raises some eyebrows and the IT department might want to talk to you . It might happen that you are not doing any tax-Chori, but IT department might want to enquire .

Reason #4 – Claiming Higher refund amount

If you have filed your returns claiming a high refund in a particular year, there are chances that you might get a scrutiny .

This is because firstly, its a higher amount to be refunded back to you , so naturally tax department might want to have a look at data and might question things (otherwise everyone will start asking for refunds without solid reasons) , and secondly – the refunds are generally a lower amounts because of the mismatch in your planning or some calculation and any big tickets will attract eye balls .

So if you have paid Rs 2 lacs tax, and you are asking for Rs 15,000 Refund or Rs 35,000 refund . It looks fine .. but if you ask back 90,000 refund, that might attract scrutiny.

Reason #5 – Mismatch in TDS credit

You need to check & reconcile your form 26AS with all the taxes as paid on your account . It should ideally not happen that the TDS amount you are claiming in your income tax return and the TDS actually updated in your form 26AS are different .

That’s why before filing your returns, its an important thing to check your 26AS , make sure its updated properly (check with your employer who has paid TDS, check with banks who paid TDS on your interests) . Only once everything looks fine, then claim the TDS amount . Don’t assume things like (my employer must have paid TDS and updated it properly) .

Reason #6 – Non Declaration of Exempted Income

There are various income’s on which you don’t have to pay income tax , but they must be still mentioned in the income tax return . Things like your long term capital gains tax from equity/dividends received on equity shares of Indian companies/Saving bank account interest up to Rs. 10000/PPF interest , or lets say gifts you receive from your parents/relatives ..

These are some of the things which are exempted from tax, but that does not mean you don’t have to tell the income tax department about it and you should anyways not hide it because there is no reason for it. I know a lot of people might be feeling – “Since it is already exempt, then what is the need of declaring it, I have never done it for last so many years!”  .

So now as you know make sure you take your income tax filing very seriously, because till the time you don’t get IT scrutiny its not an issue , but the day you will get it, you will know it’s a pain

Reason #7 – Taking double benefits due to change in Job

Many times salaried employee who changed job during previous year gets multiple form 16 & fails to declare income from all the employers & calculate and pay the due taxes, if any. It may arise on account of certain deductions & benefits given twice .

Many times, it has been observed that when people changes their job during  a year they forgot to inform about their previous income to their new employer or if at all they have declared it, they forget to make sure that it has been duly incorporated while calculating their tax liability and arriving at a TDS figure and because of this failure, new employer will deduct taxes on the income which will go from their side by giving and allowing all the deductions like 80C/section 10 etc.

All over again (as the previous employer had already factored the same while paying TDS) and also basic exemption limit and initial tax slabs benefits are also given again resulting in lower deduction of taxes.

But due to lack of this technical knowledge along with a pressure and joy of a new job this goes unnoticed and there is a shortfall in taxes which was supposed to be deducted and paid to the government; so beware when you change your job and inform previous employer income duly to your new employer to avoid getting an IT notice.

Reason #8 – High Value Transactions

If you have executed high value transactions either for investments or spending then chances of you getting the notice from IT Department are very high.

For example – Your credit card usage of more than Rs. 2 lakhs p.a./ investing in FDs for more than Rs. 5 lakhs/ depositing more than Rs. 10 lakhs in your bank account/ investing more than Rs. 2 lakh in MFs or Rs. 1 lakh in Shares or buying or selling property over Rs. 30 lakhs.

All these transactions are reported to the IT department under Annual information Returns filed by respective companies and may attract an enquiry ranging from simple to exhaustive by IT department.

How to Avoid getting Notice from IT department

With the IT department becoming net savvy and going online, it has become very easy for them to identify discrepancies in your papers and to keep a close eye on almost every financial transaction you do.

Even the honest taxpayers have received notices and have come under the scrutiny causing them running around to prove their honesty. Hence it becomes very critical for everyone to maintain their papers & documentary evidences properly to safeguard their own interest.

Here is sample of how a tax notice looks like in reality. I have scanned and uploaded a real life tax notice for you to look at below

Income Tax Notice Sample

You need to take the following actions to minimize your chances of receiving a notice –

  • Always file your returns on time and correctly – This is the basic precaution you need to take to ensure 100% compliance with the law. Make sure you are filing the return correctly and all the details given by you while filling Returns matches with the details available with department.
  • Submit ITR V to Centralized Processing Centre (CPC) Bangalore: Your filing of taxes would get complete only when your ITR V reaches CPC. Just uploading returns online is not enough; make sure you get confirmation of its receipt from CPC. Please follow the Dos & Don’ts of sending ITR-V to CPC.
  • Check your form 26AS (Tax Credit Statement): “26AS” gives the details of the “TDS” deposited on your behalf. You should check all the TDS payments duly credited to you or get it rectified otherwise. It can be viewed though NSDL or IT department’s site and even through Bank’s online portal.
  • Mismatch in Income & Expenses/investments:  If your income was Rs. 10 lakhs and you invested Rs. 25 lakhs, you need to justify the source of used funds and the same applies to expenses also.
  • Gifts/Money credited to your account: If you have funds credited to your account out of Gifts or loan from relatives/ friends, you need to keep the documentary evidence for the same. You may also need to report these transactions in few instances.
  • Declaring “Exempt” Income: Even though few Incomes are exempt from the tax, you still need to declare this while filing your return.
  • Updating PAN details: Keep updating any changes in your pan data like address/surname change post marriage etc.
  • Pay Advanced Tax: if you are liable to pay advance tax, then you have to pay it as per its schedule & deadline.
  • Form 15H or 15G: Use 15H/15G instead of claiming refund, submit this at all the financial institutions like banks to prevent them from deducting TDS on your investments with them; in case your Income is below the taxable limit.
  • Avoid High Value transactions: Department gets information for all your high value transactions from the concerned institution and chances of you coming under scrutiny increases. Avoid these transactions wherever possible & plan it carefully and legally.

How to deal with Income Tax Notice if you are already in receipt of one?

Any communication from IT department & especially receiving a Notice can send shivers down your spine, even though it might be a routine enquiry or a simple clarification sought. Notice can be issued for varied reasons and there is no standard single solution to deal with different notices in the same way, but you can surely follow these 6 steps steps as mentioned below in response to any kind of notice you may receive:-


Step 1

Neither Panic nor Ignore –  Your first reaction could be to press the panic button or ignoring it completely due to ignorance, both ways are wrong and key is to handle this carefully and sincerely else you may end up paying hefty penalty along with tax payment.

Step 2

Check if its issued in your PAN – Department issue notices based on your PAN and not by name, so make sure notice is issued in your PAN and do not pertains to someone else who shares similar names or DOB as yours!

Step 3

Identify the reason behind issuing a notice – Reasons could be a simple mismatch in TDS or inconsistency in your returns or some serious concerns like income concealment or survey or scrutiny of accounts.

Step 4

Check Validity and Issuer Details – Check the validity of a notice & timely issuance and under which IT section it has been issued and also look at the mention of officer in-charge, his or her designation, signature, address with details of ward & circle no. etc. Verify these details in view to avoid being cheated.

Step 5

Check DIN – If the notice is delivered online then check document identification number.

Step 6

Preparation two sets of documents and covering letter – Start collecting documents which you are asked to furnish before the assessing officer or based on the gravity of the notice. and make sure you prepare a covering letter along with the set of documents. Prepare two set of all the documents required to be submitted to the department along with a covering letter, get a stamp on your copy for your record purpose and as a proof of submission of documents and complying with the notice. You can also consult a CA for his help in drafting the proper income tax notice reply letter

3 Important Points you should always remember

  • Reply in time – Always reply in time even if you are not able to collect the required documents. You can even ask for some time to prepare the same. It would establish that you are honest and cooperating with the laws.
  • Preserve the Envelope: If you receive the notice in an envelope please keep the same safely as it contains Speed Post number which work as an evidence of its delivery to you.
  • Professional Help: If the gravity of notice is high then it would be prudent to have a CA represent you (you can hire us for your issues or any other income tax related problem). Otherwise you can follow the above steps and represent yourself in most of the cases.

One of the major steps that you need to take even otherwise is to keep track & records of all your Tax papers & financial transactions for the last 6 years as it will help you substantiate your claims in case of any scrutiny.

I hope this guide has given you enough knowledge about the income tax notice and why scrutiny cases happen . If you just take care of few things, you can surely lower the chances of getting income tax notices. Let us know what all did you like and if you have any questions in the area of income tax ?

This article is guest post by Rishabh Parakh, a Chartered Accountant by Profession & Founder Director of Money Plant Consulting, which provides services related to income tax filing, scrutiny cases and various other CA related services with operations in Pune, Mumbai and expanding to other regions.

How Top up loans are good alternatives of Personal Loan ?

Imagine you already have a home loan and now after few years of payment, you again need some extra loan for some purpose? What would you do? One would ideally think of applying for a fresh loan from scratch and might get it too. But there is a faster option to get a loan if you already have a running home loan and its called top-up loan.

Top up loans

How does top-up loan works?

When you take a home loan for the first time, you have some home loan eligibility up to which you can take the loan. If you have consumed that full limit, then you are not eligible to get any further loan immediately, but over the years when you have paid back some part of your loan and if your income has also increased, then it may happen that your loan eligibility has gone up. At that point, you are eligible to take up a top-up loan which is over and above your existing home loan. What exactly happens if you get a loan up to an amount of your loan eligibility minus your existing outstanding loan.

Almost all the bank rules say that you are eligible for a top-up loan only after 6-12 months of paying off the earlier loan because only after some time is over, your loan eligibility changes.

Let’s take an example

Assume that Ajay, a software engineer working in Bangalore has an income of Rs 10 lacs a year. Assume that his loan eligibility was Rs 50 lacs and he takes a home loan of Rs 45 Lacs. Now assume that he has serviced the loan EMI for the next 3 yrs and now his overall income has gone up to 12 lacs per annum and his outstanding loan balance now is only Rs 38 Lacs. Now based on his current income, his new loan eligibility is 55 lacs.

Now if he applies for a top-up loan, the bank will deduct the 38 lacs of an outstanding loan from his new loan eligibility of 55 lacs and only provide him 17 lacs (55-38) of the top-up loan. The documentation and the overall process will be faster in this case, as there is an existing relationship and also the history is known by the bank. Below is the graphical representation of the same example I took above.

Top up loan example in India

You need to have a good repayment track record to avail a top-up loan. Just because you have some loan eligibility does not mean that there is a guarantee of getting a top-up loan. The final decision is always with the loan provider. The bank will also investigate with you the purpose of taking the top up loan. Below you can see for what purpose the top up loan can be taken.

  • Renovation at home
  • To be used as a personal loan
  • To buy another property
  • To buy a plot or Land
  • Purchase of consumer durable products
  • Children’s marriage/education
  • Business requirements
  • Medical expenses

5 Benefits of Top-Up Loan

Benefit #1- Tax Benefits on a top-up loan 

You will get tax benefit on a top-up loan only if the loan amount is used for buying a house (on principle and interest) or if you are using it for renovation purpose (interest part). For any other purpose, if you use the money, you will not get any tax benefits.

Benefit #2- The interest rate for a top-up loan 

A The interest rate for the top up loan is around 1.5% to 2% higher than the home loan interest rate of the bank, which means it can go up to 11.5% to 14% finally.

Benefit #3- No Security Required

A top-up loan does not need you to mortgage some asset, because its given on top of your home loan and anyways your home documents are with the bank. So one important point to note here is that even if you close your original home loan, you need to also close your top up loan before you can ask back your original house papers from the bank.

Benefit #4- Top-up loan amount 

 Generally, the amount of top-up loan cant exceed the original home loan amount you have taken and also there is always an upper limit defined by the bank for the top up loan, which can range anywhere from 15-40 lacs. So if you have taken a Rs 30 lacs home loan, you can take the maximum top-up loan of another Rs 30 lacs if your eligibility supports you after some years.

Benefit #5- Processing Fees

Almost all the banks will charge a processing fee for approving the top up loan . The charges are same as their home loan processing charges . For example – if you take a case of HDFC LTD , the charge 0.75% of the loan amount or Rs 2,000 which ever is maximum as the loan processing charges for the top up loan.

Top up Loan is a good alternative of Personal Loan

By now you must have understood that a top up loan is a much better alternative to a personal loan. there are a much higher chances of getting a top up loan if you already have a home loan and have a clean and good track record of payment in past. Also if you have already passed 3-4 years of your home loan repayment , you can get a decent amount of top up loan. Given the interest rates of personal loan can be as high as 18-24% , its always a good idea to try for top up loans.

Let me know if you knew about this concept or not ?

8 Core Reasons – Why your income level remains STAGNANT (part 1/5)

At jagoinvestor we have always been trying new stuff  and this time we are coming up with 5 article series on the topic of INCOME every Thursday. These articles will be inter connected and they will help you to work on any one specific area related to money, this time we are going to focus on increasing your income (I know that you are interested in this topic). Now, there is no formula available in the world or with us by which you can magically increase your income. But we strongly feel that by engaging with certain set of conversations you CAN increase your income.

This is the 1st article of the series where we are first going to look at why a lot of people struggle to increase their income. What is it that stops people to increase their income ? And then over the next few weeks, we will go deeper in this area and touch other points around increasing income. You may be into job or business the series will be helpful to you.

How to Increase your Income

8 Core Reasons why  income level remains STAGNANT

Lets examine some of the key reasons or pointers which can help you to introspect in the area of income generation.

Reason #1 – Overfocus on Controlling Expenses and not ON increasing Income

You will always meet two kinds of people. There are people who focus on increasing their income and you will find people who are always busy controlling their expenses. Now, we want you to focus on increasing your income because increasing income is ALWAYS in your hands; whereas controlling expenses is not in your hands. For e.g. if tomorrow petrol or diesel prices touches Rs.100 per litre you can’t do anything about it. When we work with our clients one on one we always encourage them to work on increasing their income. We ask them to figure out ways by which they can work on increasing their income. Along with making investments it is extremely important to work on increasing your income.

Now, let’s assume that right now you are not exploring your full income potential and we invite you to inquire how you can explore your full income potential.

Reason #2 – They are HIT by “BUT” syndrome

I find a lot of people saying, “This year I was all set to get promotion BUT office politics got in my way” or “This time I was all set to get big business order BUT my competitor stole my order”. The three letter word “BUT” is a bit nasty by nature. The word BUT is a beholder, it beholds some kind of underlying truth in it.

The truth is, I am not promoted and the truth is, I did not get the business order I wanted. You may be in business or job, if your income is not increasing check whether you are hit by “BUT” syndrome or not? – Tell the truth and start taking required actions instead of swimming into the pool of reasons and thinking why you could not produce desired result. Every time when things don’t turn out the way you want, instead of finding reasons go deep inside your own self and get honest with yourself. People who struggle to increase their income are more in love with reasons than results and actions.

Reason #3 – Virus called “What’s in it for me?”

This virus simply corrupts you as a professional. The virus gets in your mind and it keeps you away from identifying opportunities where you can make a difference. If possible for 10 minutes every day keep the thought “what’s in it for me” aside and bring a lot of passion and love into any work that touches your hands.

I was once in a restaurant with Manish and he said something very interesting. He said, “Some waiters expect and work for getting tip (and they don’t get) whereas some really serve well and people appreciate their effort by offering tip to them”. Can you see the difference how your approach impacts your income?

Whats in it for me ?

Increasing income is not a function of greed or expectation . People who fail to increase their income are insanely affected by the virus “What’s in it for me”. You may say, but that’s the way the world works or it is practical to think about your personal interest. This attitude is the root cause of all your struggle. May be a lot of people are searching wealth on the wrong side of the river and so they struggle to increase their income all their life. Empty your mind for 10 minutes and focus and you will start to see many opportunities right in front of you.

Reason #4 – They don’t understand the word “Service”

The word literally trains you to become a go-getter. As a go-getter you get up every day with a thought, Today how can I get more money and from whom? In my view people who struggle to increase their income have yet not experienced the power of word “Service”. If you start operating from service you start to grow inside your profession or work. Every day look at how best you can be of service to your organization or to your team members or to your clients. If your relationship with word “service” is weak it fills your life with struggle and resignation.

Always remember – “When service is rendered, payment gets due”

Reason #5 – They don’t invest in their training and development

If you are useful, people will get ready to pay you for your services or offerings. To be more useful you have to constantly work on enhancing your skill set. There are very few people who invest in themselves. A lot of people wait for their company to sponsor for their training and development program. This is a wrong attitude and it wont help you to grow your income.

Do you keep some percentage of your income aside every year to invest in some skill development programs or not? You have to be really good at your craft for people to invest in you. Increasing income is all about asking and inviting people to invest in YOU for producing measurable results. When people or organizations stop investing in YOU, your income gets stagnant.

Reason #6 – They don’t have a mentor in life

In your professional life you need to find and make someone your hero. It has be someone who is living your dream; he or she is right now in a position where you desire to be in near future. Majority of people try to do everything on their own,they dont have a mentor in life. Now, there is no harm in doing things on your own but having a mentor helps.

You have to find someone who dreams big like you. If you are a writer your mentor will constantly help you to get better at writing. My fitness coach once told me that “Exercise without having a fitness coach is all warm up”. If your income is stagnant having a mentor in life will help you a lot.  In this week spend some time and energy, schedule a conversation with someone and invite someone to be your mentor. (If they charge be ready to pay them) . If you need a coach in your financial life, you can set up a call with us

Reason #7 – They Focus on ‘low paying’ activities

There are three kinds of activities you will engage with; high paying, low paying and no paying activities. Take out your calendar and make a note of what kind of activities you spend maximum time with. People who fail at increasing their income are not wise with their time.

Low paying vs High Paying Activities

I once gave an interesting assignment to one business person, I asked him to track his weekly time engagements, after a week he told me he was focusing more on no-paying and low paying activities. He made a commitment to focus his time only on high paying activities and his business income started to shift. You may be in job or business look at what kind of activities consumes your time. Be honest with yourself because where you invest your time matters when it comes to income generation.

Reason #8 – They fail at creating wow experience

I was once invited as a speaker by one Asset management company. I had to deliver a 25 minute talk to a group of financial advisors and planners. I asked the group “Where does wealth reside?”- I got variety of answers from the group which very interesting to hear. I finally told them that wealth resides in the very next conversation that they were going to  having after they leave the room. You may be into job or business we are all into conversation business and your only job is to leave people with wow experience. You may be in job or business make a commitment to create wow experience for people who come in touch with you.

People, who fail at increasing their income, fail to CREATE wow experience for others/people they work or collaborate with.  Your conversation has to fill the other person’s mind and heart with fresh and new energy. Not just with your boss or important clients but every person you meet from morning till night your only job is to create wow experience. For next few days examine what kind of experience you are leaving people with? Be Honest with yourself and see if you can bring some improvement in this area.

Upcoming article topics of “Increasing Income” series (Stay Tuned, Every THURSDAY)

  • What is Income a reflection of ?
  • Two different types of income
  • Master key to increase your income
  • Completion Article

Work on what best you can do to increase your income

This week take out some time and work on what best you can do to increase your income. Share your insights in the comments section, if you have got some success story, do share with us in the comments section. This week do a lot of introspection and figure out actions that can help you to increase your income. As I said in the start there is no formula to instantly increase your income.  Your sharing will make “Increasing Income” Series more alive and interactive and so we invite you to share your experiences in the comments section.

“How can I ask my Parents to write a WILL ?” – Are you dealing with this uncomfortable issue ?

Enough has been written about the importance of WILL and why Estate Planning is important and how not writing a WILL can cause trouble to their family if some unfortunate event occurs. However I do not see enough conversation around how kids of today can communicate this hard fact to their own parents and inform them about the consequences of them not writing a WILL .

I know this sounds a bit crazy and if you “dare” to even think of asking your parents about their WILL, the world around you will label you as the greedy son/daughter, who is behind his/her parents wealth who has shown their true colors :).

But calm down, I know its not the case. If you want your parents to write a proper WILL, that does not mean that you are greedy and want your parents wealth (though there are some cases like that). You might just want them to not leave the confusion around or any unneccessary legal complications

The Awkward Moment while talking to parents for writing WILL

Every week, I see atleast 2-3 comments from our blog readers, where there is some property issue and clash between family members because its not clear who gets what part of the pie ? In almost all the comments, I can see that there is no WILL written, everyone in family is clueless on what happens next and what is the first step, everyone has their own reasons of why they deserve more than the other and its gets real messy !

The Uncomfortable Situation

The young generation is facing this as a challenge these days. They can very clearly visualize the future confusion they are going to encounter if their parents do not write their WILL and plan for their assets to be distributed properly, however its nearly impossible to talk to their loved one’s about writing their WILL because they will be labeled as “the greedy son/daughter” .

If children even give a slightest hint that they want their parents to write a WILL, its often taken in a wrong sense. Parents might think that you now want “your share of the pie” . The feeling of guilt in children is so high that they prefer to keep quiet and just be with the flow and face all the issues in coming future.

What can be the issues if WILL is not written ?

Before we move forward, I wanted to share with you what kind of issues a family can face incase of missing WILL

  • They are not aware about the wealth of the family and where its kept
  • They have to hire a lawyer and complete lots of legal formalities incase some dispute arise between family members
  • The “blame game” starts in family and higher chances of strained relations
  • Lengthy procedures of transferring assets in other names

3 Real examples of real life issues faced by Children

Example 1

Hi Manish

My father died in 1999 and he left no will. I have one sister elder to me and she is married since 1980 and living with her husband. Now i want to sell the house in which we are living since last 30 years. The house is still on name of my father. When i told my sister to sign on papers as i want to sell this house, she became greedy and started asking for her share.

Throughout my life I have kept my parents and spent lot of money on their health and livelihood. She did nothing. Even i have spent lot of money on renovation of this house.

Do i need to give any share to my sister. Should I fight a case. Please guide me

Example 2

Hi Manish,

My father in law purchase a land but there is no will, in my family there are my father in law, mother in law, my younger brother in law & his wife & my husband. I know that after his death this land will divided in equally 3 parts – between his wife (mother in law) & his two sons. But I want to know that can my mother in law gives her portion of land to her younger son, because she prefer & loves to younger son, no elder son.

But where my husband wants to take the land equally between he & his brother in future after death his mother (my mother in law). Please give advise what to do in this future problem, so that my husband & his brother not to fight for land in future,

Example 3

Dear Manish

I want your opinion. My father bought a plot in 1996 an died in year 2000 leaving no will survived by me (married daughter) my brother and my mother . My mother constructed a house on the same plot with the help of my brother. the registry of the plot is still on the name of my father but house is on my mothers name.

Now my brother wants to sell the house without my mothers consent who is very old. Can i stop the sale as heir.

In the above examples, can you see the confusion the family has to go through. If there was a WILL written, I am sure the confusion would have been much lower.

How to Encourage your Parents to write a WILL without asking them directly ?

I know its tough to talk about this directly with parents or even in-laws (your spouse also faces the same issue with her/his parents) . So here are some alternatives which can be chosen

1. Make your Own WILL and consult your Parents on it

Most of the parents to some extent understand the importance of estate planning and why they should write the WILL . But somewhere they do not take the final action and feel that still its not the ‘right time’ .

The best thing children can do is, start working on your own WILL and let your parents learn about it as an example . (We can connect you to the right company who can help you write a WILL , fill the form here if you are interested in that)

Even if you have very less networth (couple of policies, and some money in the bank) , still its worthwhile exercise, because you can involve you parents in the process and help them understand what kind of issues arise when WILL is not written. Share with them the process, registration, how one can change the WILL later and other related things. I think some of the parents are aware about it already, just that they never initiate the process of writing WILL and there is no specific reason for it, they feel they will do it “someday” .

2. Educate them using some one else example

Another thing you can do is, as an when the right moment comes, you can tell them about “someone else” and how they are suffering because of absence of the written WILL and the legal consequences they have to face.

You can surely find someone in your friends circle or some one in your relatives who is the right example for this. You can initiate the casual conversation with parents about what they are going through and help them understand that the central issue is absence of written WILL and missing estate planning component. This can put the right food for thought into their mind on estate planning using these examples.

Parents Insecurity and why they do not write the WILL

Almost everyone of us have old hindi movies where parents gave away the property in their children early in their life in the hope that they will treat them well , but their children do not care for them later and parents are in a fix now, because they cant take back their property from them.

A very similar kind of unconscious insecurity is there in every parent’s mind. I am not saying they doubt their children, but somewhere they do not want to take the risk and want to be 100% sure on how they should pass on their wealth to their children and they keep on waiting for that right moment. Not directly related to this topic, but here is an example of what kind of issues old parents are facing.

Show your Parents you are there for them

It might happen that even in your case this insecurity is coming in between. Its important to have the positive atmosphere at home and parents should be confident enough that they are secure and should have high confidence in children. Only then estate planning will become an integral part of every parents financial life and they will do it much before in their life.

I hope everyone who is reading this article, understand that this article is just raising this topic to make sure it helps parents as well as children and they both understand this important step in financial life and its positive and negative effects. Wanting your parents to write a WILL does not always mean that children are greedy, all it means is that they want to make sure the future complications are avoided by completing the right formalities.

I would love to hear what kind of views you have and what you think about this topic ?

The shortest guide for a 22 yr old to start investing his money ?

I was on Quora some days back when I came across an answer by Yuvraj Wadhwani on a thread called “How should a 22-year-old in India invest his/her money?” . It was such a beautiful answer and loaded with awesome advice to someone young to start their financial journey in life.

I instantly contacted Yuvraj, if he would like to guest post his answer on Jagoinvestor and He replied back saying he would be glad to do so. So I am putting up his answer to that question here on this blog for everyone . Read it from start till end. Its a bit different in style, but really worth .

Note : I have realigned some lines and combined them together to make proper paragraphs.

yuvraj wadhwani




OK let’s begin with wise words I learned a while back.

The principle of “Divide Investing in 3 plans”

It took me a while to get this, but it is really empowering to understand this principle. It is wise to divide investing in 3 plans.

  • Plan to be secure
  • Plan to be comfortable
  • Plan to be rich

Let’s take each of these in detail.

1. Plan to be secure

Buy a big term insurance policy and don’t look at market linked insurance plans (ULIPs). Set aside some money and trust that your financial planner will do a good job with it. Also, set aside some money (~3 month’s salary) as an emergency fund. Once you set this up, this should be an automatic plan that doesn’t require your time or effort.

I think everyone should have a plan to be secure. Now, before going to the second or third plans, ask yourself this question..

“Do I want to be comfortable or do I want to be rich??”

This is a very important question as it will probably determine what you do while following your plan. It’s similar to setting up your goal before buying a gym membership. You may choose to have a light jog on the treadmill, or work out heavily with weights. You choose what you do.

Now read on, I hope after reading you will make a more informed decision about which plan is right for you.

2. Plan to be comfortable

The plan to be comfortable should be pretty straightforward for everyone. If you are a salaried personnel, then you save a portion of your income. You use 80cc to minimize your taxes, invest in diversified mutual funds, SIPs, or recently infrastructure bonds, or specific stocks if you have a good education.

You also have a financial planner who can give you advice for specific funds, or who can tell you to rupee cost average your investment. You also make some money of “hot tips”. If you follow this plan, you should live and retire comfortably. There is nothing bad/wrong about choosing this plan, just as there is nothing wrong with going to the gym for a mild jog. It’s an individual choice. Most individuals would find themselves in the comfortable zone. I encourage all of those people to read further as well.

3. Plan to be rich

Extracted from a book

Q: “What’s your advice for the average investor??”

A:  “Don’t be average”

Why? Because the average investor is a slave to the market.

Average investors make money when the market goes up and lose it when the market goes down. Average stock traders don’t make money. (They don’t lose, but don’t make it either). When the market crashes, the average investor loses the maximum.

Successful investing is not about the investment, it’s about the investor.

This is perhaps the least understood concept of investing. This is the reason why people ask questions like “Where should I invest my money?” and the most accurate answer to the question is the question..

“I don’t know, are you a good investor?”

Let me give you an example – “What happened during 2008-2010 in stocks worldwide? Everyone knows they crashed right? Everyone who was invested in stocks lost money right??”


John Paulson’s , a hedge fund manager  , made more than 15 Billion $ for his company in 2007. (That’s a billion with a B). That money is almost equal to 80,000 crores.

Many claim that he made around 4-5 Billion Dollars of personal money during (2007-2010). That’s more than 20,000 crore rupees. While this was claimed the greatest trade ever, the point I am making is that it is entirely possible to make money when the market is going up and down.

So what are the differences between average and rich (above average) investors?

Simply stating, successful investors have 3 E’s that average investors don’t have.

  • Education
  • Experience
  • Excessive Cash

1. Education

A successful education starts with a good mindset. A successful investor has much more education than the average investor. A successful investor is committed to getting better and better with their education. How do you define commitment?

Do you know that friend of yours who plays the guitar? Do you know who else plays the guitar?

Got it ?

One of the differences between them is their commitment to playing. So how is the mindset of a successful investor different from an average investor? Let me draw a diagram to better explain. In the world of business, there are 4 kinds of people

  • Employees
  • Self Employed
  • Business Owners
  • Investors

cashflow quadrant jagoinvestor

Simply put, average investors think from the left side on the diagram and rich investors think from the right side of the diagram. Does that make a lot of difference, you may ask?

The answer is YES.

Let me put forward a few myth busters to put it in perspective.

(Avg Investor): My house is my biggest investment.
(Rich Investor): A house is a liability

(Avg Investor): Diversification reduces risk
(Rich Investor): Diversification is de-worsify-cation (Warren Buffett quotes)

(Avg Investor): Stock market is risky
(Rich Investor): Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing

(Avg Investor): Avoid risk
(Rich Investor): Take more control and manage risk

(Avg Investor): Real estate never comes down (extremely popular in India)
(Rich Investor): All markets go up and down

(Avg Investor): Saving money is good
(Rich Investor): Saving money pays maximum ~8% before tax, inflation is ~10%, so saving money is a guaranteed loss.

I could go on, but hopefully you get the point.

I am not saying what the average investor is saying above is bad advice, but it is average advice. As I mentioned, average investors make money when the market goes up and lose it when the market goes down. And if you have been reading till here, then you might be interested in making money whether the market goes up, down or sideways.

Also, if you find yourself arguing against the Rich Investor statements, that means you too are thinking from the left side of the quadrant.

So, how do I educate myself for being a rich investor?

  • Books
  • Tapes
  • Workshops
  • Mentors

Remember, successful people have coaches, amateurs don’t. Sachin Tendulkar may be the best batsman in the world, but he still has a coach. In case you are wondering, then investing is a subject that you may never be perfect in. Just like there is no perfect batsmen in cricket (everybody gets out), there is no perfect investor. But the more education you have, the better your chances are.

2. Experience

This should be a no-brainer. How do you get experience? By applying what you learn. Start small as mistakes will happen. If you stay on track it will become easier and easier. It might feel like trying to eat with your opposite hand. In the beginning, you will spill your food, you will be frustrated and probably won’t be satisfied, but in time you will learn it eventually.

3. Excessive Cash

This is the tricky part, but if you have educated yourself well, and have gained good experience, then excessive cash (or some cash) should already be rolling.

A note on the ultra rich

The rich investors invest in assets (stocks, bonds), but what do the ultra rich invest in?

The ultra rich don’t buy assets, they create assets. This is the secret how the richest people in the world created their wealth. They created an asset which millions and millions of people want to buy. Bill Gates created Microsoft, Larry Ellison created Oracle, Warren Buffet created Berkshire Hathaway.

Final Words

Q: “How should a 22 year old Indian graduate invest money?”

A: “I don’t know, are you a good investor?”

All right, you have my attention, now how do I get started?

Cool, this is what I would recommend.

Knowledge begins with words.

What does that mean? Let’s take an example. Many times when you travel, you meet people or are around strangers and you hear them talk. Most of the time you can guess their professions. Have you wondered how?

It’s by the words they choose and say.

evaluated the students and the grades are good.

My boss is not a good person.

shorted that stock as the P/E ratio was high.
(stock market trader)

That patient had to be given a muscle relaxant.
(Doctor or medical professional)

So the lesson here is that if you want to excel in any field, you must learn (hopefully master) their words. And you know what, words are free! (yeeiiiii)

So tell me if you understand any of these words.

  • P/E ratio
  • Volatility
  • Bull Market
  • Bear Market
  • CAGR
  • Y-o-Y growth

If not, then this is your first step, to learn and understand these words.


  • Read your business newspaper.
  • Listen to the market news.
  • Use google.

Let me tell you a secret

Most of these complex sounding words are actually simple concepts. Really???

Let me tell you the job I had previously. I was Production support analyst for a retail POS application for a telecommunication company which sold products in multiple verticals. Only the job title is complex. So why do all these finance companies and news channels use these fancy titles and words? Because they want to sound smart, and want to sell you stuff.

So when you start learning words, you’ll understand the bullshit most TV channels and financial advisers preach as “investment advice” is really sugarcoated salesmanship.

So when the next time you read an investment advice column and say, “That’s nonsense”, Congratulations, you are making progress. If you are reading this, that means you don’t want to be average. So I encourage you to take the next step in your education and start learning words. I’ll try to help as much as I can.

Thanks Yuvraj Wadhwani for giving permission to publish his quora answer on this blog and share his knowledge

Why you should collect NOC (No Objection Certificate) once your loan is complete ?

Once you pay off your loan, a big responsibility is off your mind and you feel relaxed. Its a moment where you do not want any further run around and want to now move on to other things in life.

And this is exactly why most of the loan customer do not collect a document called “NOC” or “No Objection Certificate” from their lender and it can get them into trouble later in life. At some places you will hear the word “No Dues Certificate” , but generally most of the executives in real life use the word “NOC” only

Read the incident below to understand its importance

importance of NOC No objection certificate

What is NO Objection Certificate (NOC) ?

With reference to loans, An NOC or No Objection Certificate is a legal document provided by the lender which states that the loan has been complete and their is no outstanding to be paid by the customer as on a specific date. Whenever a person pays off a loan, its important to take this NOC document from your lender.

How to get the NOC ?

Generally, all the lenders dispatch the NOC document to your registered address once your loan is complete. However at times, people do not pay attention to it and loose out on it for some or the other reason. Also if the registered address with lender is your old address (suppose you changed the address in between the loan), then also you will miss the NOC document.

So if you do not get the NOC, better contact your lender and ask for it specifically.

What kind of problems can happen if you dont have NOC ?

A lot of people think that just because the EMI’s are paid off fully, the job is done. However its extremelly important to have a legal document with you which clearly states that you do not owe anything more to then lender.

This way you are protected legally and if someone claims later in life that you owe more to the lender, you can produce the NOC if required. I would like you to have a look at the incident below which create some issue for one of the loan customer, who had paid off the loan, but didnt have the NOC with him

Hi Manish,

I have taken a personal loan from Bajaj Finance in the year 2004. All along, I have been thinking that I have paid the loan. To this effect, Cibil report also says, there is no balance outstanding and the account is closed on 31.12.2008. I don’t have NOC.

Today, I have received a call from a Lawyer saying that he has a summons to arrest me and I need to pay the balance amount of Rs.3750/- and that too I need to pay before 3 pm.

Could you please responds me as to what should I do. My question is will he really have Summons or just he is threatening. I can pay, but he is asking me to pay beofre 3 pm. That’s what I am not able

Here is another incident where Rahul settled his outstanding credit card dues with Standard Chartered bank and didnt collect the NOC . Then after many years he got a notice from the bank to pay 7.7 lacs. Here are his comments

Its been 12 years now, and I dont have the copy of NOC (or No Dues Certificate) with me. How do I prove my case as SCB isin’t ready to check me credit card history to see where the problem was. They just keep saying “they can’t retreive the information as they have sold those accounts to saha finlease.

And what about the notice they sent me asking me to attend conciliation camp to be held on 11th November?

Read the full incident on our forum

How NOC can help you in future if some problem arise

NOC is a legal document which has weightage . It proves that you really have paid off the loan fully and if there is any confusion, then NOC solves it.

Read these two incidents which were shared on our forum and you will understand its importance

Dear Manish,

Same problem as Sandesh I had with Indus Ind Bank Kolkata recently. They told me that my score is very low so they are not considering me. However, I submitted them my CIBIL Report which clearly says 763. There was an issue with a credit card which I cleared 1 year back.

I submitted them the NOC too. The HR here told me that she has forwarded the details to her central office. Now I am waiting to hear from them.


Dear Ravish,

If you have the NOC issued by the bank, saying all dues have been cleared and there is nothing pending, you can get a loan. But as Dear Ashal has suggested file dispute with CIBIL and wait for 2-3 months to get it rectified.

I had the same experience about 3 years back and credit card in question was issued by HSBC. I got the NOC issued by HSBC and applied for loan with HDFC, while submitting the application I informed HDFC about the HSBC story. Later on, HDFC asked for the NOC and cleared my loan.


Go get your NOC right now

So now, if you had any loan in past which you have completed and paid off, make sure you have applied for the NOC and keep it safely in your records