How I bought 23 things out of excitement and never used them – Lets celebrate SELL week on Jagoinvestor

This article is one long letter, that I have written to myself and to all the spenders out in the world. We have not got any money to promote OLX, we are using the name of the company because most people can relate to the content that way.

I have a confession to make, I am an OLX consumer and I am not proud of it. Today’s article is not about financial products, it is about products that you bought out of excitement and now it is lying in some corner of your house or apartment. Today’s article may not be about personal finance, but it is about your hard earned money, that gets blocked in different expensive goods and products that you buy.

Whenever the advertisement “O Womania” of comes on TV, my family members will start looking at me. This is because they know, I am a spender and they feel I spend a lot. They want me to sell a few things, so that we can have some free space in our house.

There is nothing wrong in buying NEW things, but before any purchase make a commitment to gain value from all that you purchase.

My OLX list of 23 unused items

Yesterday morning – I made my “OLX list” which contains goods and products, that I bought out of excitement and I no longer use them. My list has total 23 items. This exercise helped me to gain some interesting insights, which I would like to share with you in today’s article and we will also be posting pictures of some items we bought and are not using them now.

Unused Item #1 : Sports Equipment

I bought a table tennis table 2 years back, thinking that I will invite my friends to play on weekends. Honestly speaking I have not played more than 20 games with my friends till date. Slowly the table tennis table started shifting places in my house and eventually it is now lying in our servant quarter. Before I bought table tennis table I was so excited and I had big plans, but I can see that I did not make the most out of it. My family members have warned me not to buy any such sports equipment in future.

Unused Item #2 : Fitness Equipment

A lot of people invest money in fitness equipment’s but they don’t utilize it fully. Some people choose to buy treadmill over joining gym. My in laws bought treadmill, which is now lying in one of their balcony and no one has time to use treadmill.

I am not saying don’t buy fitness equipment’s, the point is – If you buy one, see that you make proper and consistent use of it. Block some time on your calendar for your fitness equipment before you invest your money into it. Even Manish bought one expensive sports cycle a few months back to regularly bike on it, but when I asked him yesterday – if he is fully making use of it, his answer was “No, but I am soon going to start my cycling regime” . This article is a wake-up call for both Me and Manish personally 🙂

Unused Item #3 : Electronic Goods

There are so many people who invest very heavily in electronic goods. While I was making my OLX list, I found in my house there are total 5 television sets out of which 3 we do not use at all, one spare refrigerator which we do not use, some speakers and music gadgets which I no longer use. So, I have decided to donate 3 unused television sets to one of my relative’s hospital. There are so many people who have more gadgets in their life than financial products.

Counting Challenge – How many things you own ?

I have an open counting challenge for all individuals. I bet, if you start counting everything that you own, you won’t be able to count all the items in one life time. The truth is that you already own so much in life and still you feel you need something more. When your income increases, your purchasing power also increases and you start making random purchases (at least I fall in that category). My invitation is – If something is really required and it will add value to your life buy it or else look for some alternative.

Spenders need one trigger

Spenders like me, needs one good reason for buying any new product or goods. Spenders get triggered very easily for making fresh purchases. Companies like OLX and QUIKR are making millions today, only because most of us are busy making random purchase decisions. I am not against these companies and also I am not endorsing them.

Choose to slow down (listen to awesome audio on this topic) before you make any new purchase decision, ask yourself and your family members whether you will make the most out of that purchase or not. There is no fun in being a master consumer.


We are not saying consumerism is bad or one should not spend on different goods and services. All we are saying is spend wisely, because at the end, it is your hard earned money, focus on the value that you are going to create out of each purchase.  If you own something which is not of use to you, gift it to someone who can benefit from it.

Let’s celebrate this week as SELL week, you are free to share in the comments section what you are going to do with your unused or underutilized goods and products.

Build your “unused item list” – (Share it in comments section)

  1. Make (your olx/quikr list) list of all unused/underutilized products and goods which you can either sell or you can gift to someone.
  2. Make fresh promises if you are willing to make use of underutilized items that you own
  3. What kind of actions you will take in next 7 days to either sell or gift the same to someone in need.

This Article is contributed by Nandish Desai

5 reasons why Financial Life begins at 30 – A wake-up call for all YOUNG investors

This article is to be seen as Financial life –  wake-up call. (Read it and share it with those whom you think needs a wake-up call)

When you are in your 20’s the areas that rules your mind are getting a good placement, partying, buying gadgets, finding right life partner or it can be setting-up your own business. There is very little space for money management (This is true for majority of people, there are always some exceptions).

I can say this because in my early 20’s, personal finance was an alien to me. In a way I was not ready to play role of an investor. I was totally casual and irresponsible with the money I had.

Financial life - wake-up call

Now, when you step into your 30’s the entire scene changes. Some kind of short circuit happens in your head and you suddenly become serious about your hard earned MONEY. You start to gather personal finance knowledge from different sources, look for information, advice on internet and you start to read about personal finance (even if you struggle to understand it)

The Student in YOU is STILL alive

When you were a student I am sure you never started studying on the very first day of your college. Like majority of students you would have waited for the exam dates to get announced and when the exams get extremely close you would have purchased or opened your books (got notes photo copied) and started to prepare for your exams.

The last 7-10 days were the most crucial days for you. In such situation passing or scoring good marks turns into a mission.

Now, this is exactly what most people are still doing in their financial life; they are waiting for the last moment to arrive. They are waiting for the right amount of pressure to get build.

In your 20’s the pressure is least, in your 30’s it starts to build and in your 40’s or 50’s it turns into a do or die situation. Most of you don’t start your investments with the first salary you receive and so I made the statement that the student in you is still alive (If you are an exception I congratulate you)

Top 5 Moments of Transformation that makes you serious about your hard earned money

1. When you experience Ants in Your Pants

In your 30’s when you get face to0 face with your net worth the question that hits your mind is, where did it all go?

You realize that you have been slogging 13 hours a day from last 7-10 years and your net worth is not satisfactory at all. This moment is extremely confronting and it makes you feel uncomfortable but at the same time this is the moment of transformation.

In such moment you become serious about your financial resources and your financial life. Some people start to write budget, some hire a financial planner and some write their situation to bloggers like Nandish and Manish. (Every day we get one such mail from some or the other investor and we start our rescue operation)

Hello Manish,

To start with I am one among very few people who practically is broke I must say.  I took things for granted as most of us do and realized what deep shit I have got into. I am 31 years and believe me I don’t have savings worth my age as well.

Your blog woke me up from that undisturbed sleep that made me feel everything is okay.  Swear to God it is not. Considering the things I have been to in the past. Lived the American way like there is no Tomorrow. Paid the biggest price ever Sir.

Not anymore, after reading you first book on personal finance I made a promise to myself that enough is enough. Not anymore and made couple of promises to myself that I am sure will keep.

Also would like to use your paid services sir, I never found a number that I can call on on the blog sir. Please provide with a number or advice how to start with considering I am in deep mess, I guess I need to recover all those years I’ve spent without savings.

Lost those early years sir and planning to recover them somehow.


Stuck investor

Get this clear, it is not about this investor/person because many of you are sailing in the same boat in the area of personal finance

2. When Goals starts to Appear Scary

Most of the investors become serious about their finances when they do some calculations around their goals. Goals like buying house, children education, children marriage and retirement are considered to be the scariest amongst all other financial goals.

getting serious about money

If you want you can test it, do some calculations and then look at your current savings and bank balance. The thought that will strike your mind will be “It’s high time I start doing something about my finances”. This particular moment is again moment of transformation.

In this very moment you start to become serious about wealth creation and you start taking actions in your financial life. By the way in reality no financial goal is scary, if you mismanage money the goals starts to appear scary. (You are one who makes them scary)

3. When you Experience Personal Earth Quake

Imagine a strange situation in which you experience personal earth quake right under your chair (Others are fine only your chair is shaking). We can say this from our experience of working and interacting with investors that such situations make’s a person serious about their financial future.

In your world you think you have made all the right investment choices but on one fine day you land on a blog like jagoinvestor and you discover that you have made all wrong choices and you are a victim of mis selling.

This personal earth quake moment shakes you, wakes you and in a way shatters your financial world. In this very moment you start doing required home work in your financial life, before putting blind signatures you will take out time to read the brochures of different financial products. From this very day you stop trusting all the uncles and relatives who supplied you free dose of advice.

4. Real life experiences causes transformation

Reality is the best teacher you will ever encounter in your life. We have come across numerous cases which brought drastic change into people’s overall attitude towards money management. One of our clients lost his elder brother at a very young age and this event made him very serious about life protection and how important it is to keep things organized.

A lot of people after one of their family member gets hospitalized they become serious about health cover. My invitation is do not wait to take actions in your financial life. You don’t have to wait for some accident to take place before you start wearing helmet.

Look around you and learn from some real life experiences as they are of the biggest source of transformation you will ever find.

5. Breakdown in Career

It is said that “Man proposes and god disposes”. In my book “11 principles to achieve financial freedom” we have a chapter called “Your plan vs. God’s plan for you”. It is a fun and insightful chapter that helps you to think beyond making plans in your mind.

We have coached many investors who had some kind of career breakdown and we could see how it made them extremely serious about their finances. Somewhere you start to value money most in your bad times.

Most of people in their 30’s take major career decisions, they are clear that their idea is going to get them all the success that they are looking for. I am not saying doing business is risky or one should not experiment. All I am saying is such situation leads to personal transformation into an investor’s financial journey.

Some final wake-up words to engage with

Do not wait for a kick on your ass or for some unpleasant situation to occur before you get serious about money management. We wrote this article because majority of our clients for financial planning and financial coaching are in their 30’s. Something happens when you step into your 30’s and you need to acknowledge the moment or event that got you serious as an investor.

Whatever is your age right now just start taking actions in your financial life. Also, in the comments section share the moment that made you serious as an investor and what would you say to those who are yet not serious when it comes to money management?

This article is contributed by Nandish Desai. Let us know your thoughts about this article.

The BIG Debate – One should Lend money to relatives and friends or NOT?

In past have you ever extended any kind of financial support to some friend or relative and now you are unable to recover the money that you gave? You may have tried hard to get your money back but instead of money you only receive (false/genuine) promises in return. Imagine of a situation where your close relative or friend is in real need of money, they place you in a position where you just can’t say NO to them. And out of your goodness you end up lending money to that person.

lending money to friends and relatives

The important questions that one needs to ponder are; you should lend money to friends and relatives or NOT? What to do when people don’t return money on time? What to do when the situation is highly emotional and it is hard to say NO? One should get totally practical or not? Do you earn to help others or you earn for your own financial well-being? What if some people want to take undue advantage of your strong financial position and they act needy all the time?

I want to share what we posted inside our boot camp 6th Batch

Wednesday Brainstorming Question

How many of you have given money to some friend or relative and you are now afraid to ask for your own money? – Let’s brainstorm on what really STOPS people in asking for their own money also let’s discuss how one can initiate such recovery conversation. Giving money is one part of the story what about the other part which is about recovering your money (With or without interest)

To create wealth one has to be a good receiver and not just a good GIVER. If you are only good at GIVING it just does not work. We want you to call-up your friend or relative and initiate money recovery conversation, here in such issues it is NOT about money, it is always about your relationship with money.

We would also love to hear experiences from those who are willing to ask for their own money. (We want this group to recover all such blocked money)

PS: In case you have taken money from someone we invite to have conversation about returning that money. Don’t wait for other person to come and ask. This is how you master your relationship with money and people.

Amazing Reply by Arnab Mitra

We received some amazing sharing and experiences from all our participants. All the experiences shared were amazing but a few points raised by Arnab Mitra (who is also the co-author today with us on this article). He encouraged us to write this article.

Here is the reply by Arnab

Under certain circumstances and situational basis, people lend money to relatives, friends, sometimes to the circle of your labors. Earlier I saw my parent’s situation of how they struggled to reclaim loaned money from their blood relations ( YES indeed ..) . And now, I am no exception either. I have already lent a relative and a servant significant amount of money. I understood their requirements, and as I mentioned – situational bias obliged me to lend. However, the position/response of reclaiming the amount back is not satisfactory. I am able to recover recurring partial payment from 2nd person ( who is not a relative ) from his monthly wages , but recovering the significant amount of money loaned to my relative is quite away.

Several phone calls/reminders didn’t seem to work. Interestingly, the relationship is so close that I didn’t think about to inform my family. But, few months ago, as I was indeed worried whether I would get my money back, I had to inform my close ones. It was very very embarrassing situation for me as well as for my close ones to discuss on lending. I have received a part payment but – certainly there is imbalance in that relationship. There are few more such instances I have mentioned below.

My leanings from the above

1. Forget about relationship (obviously if it’s within your own family) when money comes in between you and distant relatives. Controlling emotional thrust is what I have learnt can zip your wallet.

2. It is all about your hard earned money – it’s not for donation.

3. How small the amount is – if you loan to someone – go chase it. Let me share similar fact – I gave Rs. 500 to worker, who runs a tiny store next to our apartment complex to iron people’ apparels. I made sure I recovered that through enough number of apparels without paying to recover the amount. May be people think – what the hack – just for Rs. 500 – but that is what circumstances taught me.

4. Another one – I loaned Rs. 3K to a known person as he is about to setup a homeopathy dispensary. That guys requested amount from all of the families in our apartment complex. What we did, we kept a diary of record of money loaned by each lender and got it signed by us and that person. We will recover a monthly amount from him once, the dispensary is fully functional.

5. The above steps seem to show selfishness, but those have changed my behavior of lending money ( even though if its Rs. 100 ) , and to become selfish.

Let me also share the exact snapshot from our bootcamp page, so that you get the feel !

arnab mitra reply on bootcamp on lending

7 dimensions to keep in mind while lending money

1. Give space to NO

There are so many people who end up lending money just because they are not able to say NO. How will it look? Is the question that clouds their head and they are not able to say no in that crucial moment. Now, we also have category of people who very well know that they should learn to say NO but still they end up saying yes. Your “yes” turns expensive when you are hold a NO in your mind.

I was once participating in a seminar where I was taught that 99% of people are victim of ‘looking good factor’, when in front of people they either try to look good or they are busy trying to avoid looking bad. In some situation saying NO serves you better and so learn to say NO when you are not in a mood of lending money to someone.

2. Create Clear agreement

While lending money people are aligned with each other but what about agreement. Alignment is internal chemistry between two people whereas agreement is something which happens in the external world. When it comes to lending money along with good alignment one needs to create clear agreement with each other. Creating clear agreement is about agreeing to something which leads to mutual understanding of things.

Here is how you create an agreement – “I am giving you x amount for x purpose and you agree to return full amount with/without interest by so and so date”. When you create clear agreement there is very little space for expectations to breed. People who fail at creating clear agreement while lending money always get disappointed by expectations that they set for the other person.

3. First check your Capacity to lend

You may have money to give someone but do you have the capacity? Once your basics are in place and after making all the investments for your goals if you are left with surplus money, it shows you have extra capacity to lend. A lot of people miss out on this point, their decisions are driven by their emotions and they do not take decision to lend money based on their capacity. One should lend only when one has the capacity to lend and not otherwise because such casual lending will have direct negative impact on your financial life and future.

4. Prepare a legal document or take something in writing

This point according to me is the most important point to consider while lending money to someone. Adding the legal dimension sometimes checks the genuineness of the person who is asking for financial help. If the person is clear he is going to return the money he/she wont hesitate for such legal documentation. Also in many cases it has happened that instead of returning money, the borrower claims money from the family of lender. (In case of sudden death of lender). Such confusions and complexities can be avoided with the help of legal documentation or by taking things in writing.

5. Mechanism of Reminders

Most people fail to set-up mechanism of reminders. While lending money both the lender and borrower can decide upon weekly, monthly or bimonthly reminders. You can set auto reminders on your google calendar or by email,sms or by calling each other at regular intervals. It is important to stay in communication because once the channel of communication breaks it becomes difficult to recover your money after some time.

6. Habitual Behavior

If more than 3 to 5 people have not returned your money so far it means you haven’t yet got in touch with your habitual behavior. May be you give money and then wait for the other person to return money on its own. Lending money is not bad but such habitual behavior can keep you away from your own money. A lot of people stop lending money after one or two bad experiences because they feel they are now wounded. Instead of stopping to help people financially why not examine your habitual behavior that prevails in your relationship with money.

7. Check what’s behind the curtain

A friend of mine approached me once for money. I asked him why he wants money and he said, “I want to pay salary to my employees and so I am in need of money”. I immediately told him money is not your problem, poor cash-flow management is your real problem and so let’s fix that so that you never find yourself in such situation. People who borrow money always see money as ultimate solution to their problem, but as a lender you have to check what’s hiding behind the curtain. I personally feel that providing such powerful guidance is much more powerful than just lending money.

Conclusion – Pick phone and get clarity

If you have given money to someone we invite you to initiate fresh set of conversation with that person and share your experience with us on the blog. Also, if you are someone who needs to return money to someone, pick up the phone and bring clarity with that person. We have used the word debate in the title because to lend or not to lend is a personal choice. Lending is not bad; asking for your own money is not pressurizing. The intention behind this article is to make you aware before you lend money to someone so that you do not become victim lender.

Work on your financial life with our Online Facebook Bootcamp Support

Lastly, our 7th Batch of boot camp is starting from 19th of May, if you want to learn from other committed group of investors and want to jump start your new journey as an investor, don’t miss to participate in our upcoming boot camp. (We want to sell this program to every investor on this planet)

This article is written by Nandish Desai along with Arnab Mitra. The Co-author of this article is Arnab Mitra who is based out of Kolkata; he works as IT Technology Consultant at Cognizant Technology Solutions Ltd (CTS).

Please share your inputs and your experiences about lending to friends and relatives in comments section please.

7 Special Things YOU can do for your Parents – along with Buying Health Insurance

Today’s article is not about which health insurance you should buy for your parents or how much health cover you should buy, the intention of this article is to help you to do something special for your parents health than just buying health cover for them. This is something that no insurance company or website ever taught you or told you about.

Health Insurance is Important, but … 

Health cover for parents is important – but a lot of people miss out on something very important, which I am going to address in today’s article. After your parents reach a particular age, do they really need health cover or is it something else? Do they need your money for paying premiums or is it something else? If you buy health cover for your parents – Is the job done or something more needs to be done?

I was thinking about these questions and they really made me think hard. I and Manish invite each one of you to add this new dimension to your financial life.

7 Special Things you can do for your parents apart from buying health cover

In my view buying health cover for your parents is just 30% job done. The rest 70% is where you can do something special for your parent’s health and we want all our readers to focus on that 70%. Now lets see each of those 7 points below.

1. First Give Them Total Assurance

assurance to old parents

Your parents need assurance (some kind of confidence) from YOU and nothing else. And so go and have conversation with them that makes them feel confident. Tell them, with or without health insurance – you will take care of them. Make a promise that you will provide them with the best medical facilities no matter what, if required put 2-5 lakh aside and dedicate the corpus/fund for your parents health.

This will build your parents confidence and may be this assurance and confidence will add a few years to their life. Assurance is one of the best gifts you can give to your parents. They got to see, experience and feel your rock solid stand that you hold for their well being.

2. Having Loving Conversation

loving conversations with parents

Parents want one simple thing from you and that is LOVE. Love is the best policy you can cover your parent’s whole life with. I invite you to block some uninterrupted time for your parents every day or every week. Loving conversation will act like therapy to your parents. We all reach at a point in life where money and financial products takes a back seat and all you want to receive is love and nothing else.

I know life is hectic and we are loaded with different kinds of responsibilities and it is difficult to take out time, but see that you do something in this area and have loving conversation with your parents. It can be a small thing like calling them from your office and asking them if everything is fine or not? Caring is 1000 times more powerful than any health cover or policy.

3. Help your parents to connect with their friends

connect parents with old friends

This is one of the most special things you can do for your parents. Do something so that they stay connected with their friends or with people they love to spend time with. When they are surrounded by their friends it means they are surrounded by energy and enthusiasm. Friends are the best support structure for your parents. It helps them to keep their old days and memories alive.

Make list of people your parents would love to meet but they have not been able to see or meet them from a long time. And arrange a meeting for them. Old friends do one thing very nicely and that is they will bring a smile on your parents face.

4. Go on a walk with them

going on walk with parents

How many of you go on walk with your parents or grandparents regularly? It is important to understand your parent’s inner world. What are they thinking, what are their concerns and worries or what is it that they want to share but are afraid to share. When you go on a walk with them you get a chance to understand their world better. You get a chance to be with them fully and you are able to understand them.

Giving such quite time to your parents is worth millions. Your parent’s health will start improving with this simple step of yours. After all health is a conversation that one indulges into and you have to empower them with respect to their health.

5. Help them engage with some light physical activity

old parents exercising

My parents go for evening walk every single day. They go to a nearby club for their evening walk and they have been doing this from last many years now. Evening walk has become like a ritual to them. I think any kind of such light physical activity is extremely important. It can be going for walk, or doing light yoga or some simple kind of simple activity.

Help your parents in this area if they are currently not engaged with any kind of physical activity. Body, mind and spirit is all connected and for sound health of your parents see that some light physical activity is part of their routine.

6. Keep a Check on their diet

keep check on parents diet

It is our responsibility to take care of our parent’s diet. Sometimes our parents are not very particular about their diet or about their food intake. For 3-4 days observe your parents diet, are they drinking enough glasses of water or not? Are they having raw vegetables and fruits in their diet or not? If possible get a dietitian to design their diet plan and help them to stick to their diet plan.

7. Yearly full body check-up

full body checkup senior citizens india

This is extremely important task. If possible place this task on your calendar. After crossing 50 ask your parents to undergo full body check-up every year. One of my close friends mother is detected with last stage cancer which is now hard to cure. Body is the most complicated vehicle god has ever created and such regular check-ups are a must to keep this vehicle running.

Sharing from my life, my father gets his yearly check-ups done but my mother is scared of going through such check-ups. After writing this article I am going to enroll my mother for the same.

Some Final Words

It’s high time you think beyond parents health insurance cover and do something special for your parents. It’s not like you have not been taking care of your parents health, I am sure you must be doing your level best in this area. Your time, care and respect are three greatest gifts you can give to your parents. Your parents need YOU more than health cover and always keep that in mind.

Please note that we are not stopping you from buying health insurance for your parents (It can be of great support to you financially). The words put into this article are not new, but still a lot of people are not able to think beyond buying health cover for parents and think that once they buy it, their job is 100% done.

Do share with us in this week or month what special you are going to do for your parent’s well being or health?. Also do share your thoughts with us on this and please share this article with all your loved ones.

This article is written by Nandish Desai