
June 4, 2021

FREE GIFT – A detailed Blackbox file for your family

Dear readers

Today we are releasing a FREE, very exhaustive and detailed google sheet for everyone which can act as a single point of information for your family to access all your data and information related to your financial life.

In this COVID Pandemic, a lot of families lost a family member and in many cases, it was the main breadwinner of the family. This left them in a situation where they had no idea about the insurance and investments made. They had to literally find each and every small piece of information from scratch and it was a very frustrating experience.

A lot of this be avoided if one just creates a master document file (also called as BlackBox file) and save all the information in that and share that file with their family.

We released it on Twitter platform, which has the link to COPY it on your google drive.

Can I request you to like the tweet and also retweet the same so that it can reach more and more people.

What all does this BlackBox file has?

  • Various Investments Details
  • Various Insurance Details
  • Various Contact Details
  • Various Important ID
  • Assets and Liabilities Section
  • Checklist of what to do after the death of account holder
  • Term Insurance Claim Process
  • Banking Claim Process
  • Mutual Funds Claim Process
  • PPF & EPF Claim Process
  • NPS Claim Process
  • Property Claim Process
  • Demat Claim Process
  • Video on 20 things to do post-death of a family member (English & Hindi)
  • Intro video on about this Sheet

Please copy the master file in your google account and fill it up and then share it with your spouse/family members. Do share this link in your office platform or other WhatsApp groups you are part of.

Also, do share your feedback about the sheet and if you liked it?