Nandish Desai

August 9, 2015

Memories of Bangalore Investor workshop conducted in August

We love Bangalore as a city to do our workshop. We knew that its going to be a full house and we were correct. It was indeed a house full and we had an amazing day with 50 enthusiastic investors (many couples, friends in group, single ladies in the group).

We even had few participants who travelled all the way from Hubli and some other nearby cities as well. We take this opportunity to acknowledge those who travelled, for expressing their commitment and for reaching venue on time, which we know takes a lot of effort. We started our session exactly on time – ie 9 am sharp.

I want to start with few pictures of the workshop. You can see participants, during one of our group activities which is highly useful and full of fun and ends with lots of learnings.


Jagoinvestor Bangalore Workshop 2015



Some One liners from the participants

Before I share more about how was the workshop. I want to share few one liners from some of the workshop participants which was captured on our feedback form.

  • “This is the most simple approach towards mastering personal finance. The approach targets the root cause of our relationship with money” – Karthik Bhat
  • “Please do attend the workshop. I have benefitted from their workshop and learnt many techniques to plan and manage my finances better” – Neelonjon Goon
  • “Attend this session at 25 yrs, and you can create wonders with your wealth. I am attending at 30 yrs and still believe its a great workshop that reaffirms what I should focus on with personal finance” – Vijay Narasimha
  • “I feel its a stepping stone for a person who wants to have a safe and secure future both financially as well as mentally” – Suhas VR
  • “The workshop will give you learnings that you might not be aware of. Gives you confidence to invest your money and to make it work for you to achieve your financial goals . A must attend workshop for those who seek clarity in personal finance” – TK Murugan
  • “It de-jargonised a lot in the world of finance. It has been an excellent place to begin. It resonates with my philosophy and give me the comfort to go down the path” – Veena Krishnan

Some of the Highlights of the event

1. The spot light got on “ACTION”

In a way, “Action” became the theme of our Bangalore event. Every square inch of the room got filled by one word “ACTION”. Some decided to get rid of junk financial products, some decided to work on getting their basics in place and a lot of them started to play for their financial freedom. Participants made list of actions that they are going to complete with clear deadlines attached to it.

2. Everyone got a “Wake-up” call

We do one exercise around retirement, which we call as “Wake-up call exercise”. The exercise was a real wake-up call for many. We are happy that many of the participants in the program got serious about their retirement corpus. We are happy that, we could instill right kind of commitment amongst participants around retirement corpus creation. We are happy the conversation created right kind of impact on participants.

3. More women participants

We were extremely happy to see more women participants coming forward in our Bangalore workshop. They came to the program with a lot of commitment in their heart.We get highest level of satisfaction and fulfillment when women participants share their breakthroughs and program related experiences at the end of each event. This time we had some amazing sharing from some of them.

4. Our workshop is now seen as GIFT

We saw a father gifting our workshop to his daughter, a brother gifting program to his sister. Wow man, this is so very inspiring; we thank those who trusted us and shared about our program with their loved ones. We always say, more than the content of the program, it is about experiencing the program. Many participants could examine their financial life under a microscope and they could discover their own unique process of wealth creation.

5. Beginners got required PUSH

We had many young investors in the program; some had just started their jobs. They wanted to know from where they can start their journey as an investor. We are happy that by the time the program ended, all the begineers had learnt how they should move ahead and start their journey as an investor. These young investors learnt what to do and what not to do in first 10 years of their financial journey.

Thank you from the bottom of our heart

We thank each one of you who participated in the program, we thank some of our clients who participated in the program or came to meet us, and most importantly we thank Bangalore reader’s community for spreading a word about our workshop. It is our dream to do some or the other event to inspire maximum investors in taking required actions in their financial life.

Let us know if you are interested in our workshops ?

If you are interested in our workshops and want to attend it in future, just leave your details in the form below and we will inform you when we plan the workshop in your city. (Click on this direct link if you want to register)

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