
September 14, 2022

How to track your mutual funds & stocks in google sheet?

Today, I will share with you a very simple way of tracking your mutual funds and stock portfolio in google sheets.

A lot of investors keep it simple and track their stocks and mutual funds portfolio in either a google sheet or excel sheet on their laptop. If you are someone who likes to keep track of their portfolio on google sheet, you may be updating the current NAV of the mutual funds or stocks every time on the google sheet.

Instead of that, you can use a google sheet formula =GOOGLEFINANCE() and pass on the mutual funds/stocks code which you can get from the google finance website. Let me give you an example of a mutual fund.

How to find the code of the fund/ stock from google finance?

Let’s say you want to get the NAV of Axis growth opportunities fund. All you have to do is, go to google.com/finance/ and search for that fund, you will see it in the search box and once you click it, you will find the code MUTF_IN: AXIS_GROW_OPPO_1LDB7MS

You just have to remove the space after “:” and then in google sheet apply the formula below


This will fetch the latest NAV of the fund and then you can multiply the NAV value with the number of units this way you can get your funds value. This way you find all your mutual funds and stocks’ current value and add them up. These values will keep updating automatically every day.

Note that if you are doing the SIP in a mutual fund, then you will have to apply some formulas to find out the latest number of units, but it won’t be that simple.

But if its a fixed portfolio, then you can just update the UNITS one time or update it when you invest more money.’

I hope you liked this quick information and you will apply this.

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8 months ago

Thanks a lot. Can you please share googlesheets formula for tracking expenseratio or netasstes of a mutual fund ?
I read this. But not able to use formulas. I can just get price of a MF. But can’t use any attributes.

1 year ago

Thanks for this.
I do have one question.
I have set up a spreadsheet for doing performance analysis on mutual funds to help me determine which ones to use for my non-individual stock investments. As part of this I us the 3m, 1yr, 3yr, and 5yr returns as part of my calculations. But when I get these results with the =GOOGLEFINANCE() command, they are quite different from the results from Google Finance or my brokerage account (or in Excel using the stock data type).

For example, using a mutual fund with the ticker OLGAX I get:
Source YTD 1m 1yr 3yr
GOOGLEFINANCE() 8.08% -7.38% 9.63% 13.89%
google.com/finance 10.07% 9.54% 34.41%
Brokerage Account 9.07% 4.07% 34.28% 5.70% (ARR)
Excel Stock Data 9.07% 11.9% 35.0% 6.5% (ARR)

Why would the GOOGLEFINANCE() numbers be so far off from the others?

1 year ago


Your articles are very useful. I have been investing in stocks and MFs for years. I hold 1Cr PP in Equity and 30Lakh in MF. I still wanted to understand a few things. Let’s say we started doing SIP in one fund for the next 25 years. How do we understand it is not performing? then if at all I wanted to switch after 10 yrs of SIP to another fund, how do we do it to desired fund as it would be a kind of Lumsum switch after 10 yrs of our Initial SIP?

2 years ago

That’s useful. Created Google Sheet for Stocks(including dividends) and Mutual funds.
How to find similar codes for NPS funds? How do online portals updates daily NAV for funds under NPS?
Have searched lot of websites but not able to get it.

Nitin Kumar Agarwal
Nitin Kumar Agarwal
2 years ago

Please share this excel file in my email id.

Arvind Balaji Kakade
Arvind Balaji Kakade
2 years ago

Thanks for the useful feature and info!

2 years ago

Hey Jagoinvestor team,
Can we develop somewhat detailed MF tracker wherein we can calculate 1Mth, 3 MTH, 6MTH, 12 MTH retruns for select MF on monthly basis.

2 years ago

Thanks for the helpful tips, The Google Sheets trick is very good if it is related to one-time or lumpsum investment. One more thing can be done (I have not tested myself). We can check if the current date is >= the monthly SIP date only then should the value be visible else the row will remain blank.

Alternately, I use moneycontrol.com’s free portfolio tracker in which we can register SIP and automatically all future entries are made. I do check it once a month to ensure that the SIP was on the correct date. It automatically takes care of holidays or non-working days and changes the future SIP dates accordingly. Hope it is helpful for your readers.

2 years ago

Send automated Google sheets

2 years ago

I UNDERSTAND THAT BY USING MProfit software, one can download one’s holdings, (including those that have been on STPs from the beginning of the investment) by using one’s email that is provided to the AMCs. Is it true? How safe it is to use MProfit software?

Rakesh P
Rakesh P
2 years ago

Nice article.
Microsoft Excel has a similar feature but it is more advance you can get lots of details related to stock like Prev close, 52-week high and low, volume %change, etc, write the stock name in the cell then go to the Data menu -> see the Datatypes section -> select Stock. You can select between BSE and NSE, it has a help section to find the exact stock.

Although it works for Stocks only you can track your gain and loss and much more.

2 years ago

Get Microsoft Money Sunset edition. You can track everything without going online.

2 years ago

Does not work in desktop Excel or Google excel sheet.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
2 years ago

That is because, It does not work on desktop excel if its not connected to internet. Googlesheet works only with internet.