
January 13, 2017

Basics of Income Tax explained for Beginners [VIDEO Inside]

This is a guest post by one of our readers and our financial planning client Mr. Rahul Udare from Mumbai.

He is CA by profession, and he has created a 45 min excellent video for beginners on the topic of Income Tax. This video below will help anyone understand various things related to income tax and returns and how everything works.

Basics of Income Tax – 45 min Video Contents

Thanks to Rahul Udare

Rahul contacted us a few months back and expressed his interest to do something for investors and we really thank him for that.

Please give your feedback about this video and what else you expect in future from him.

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8 years ago

Hi Manish,
I have earlier read Interest on 5 year Bank FD’s is taxable only the principal can be shown under 80c.

The video says the interest is exempted. Please confirm.

Sreekanth R

8 years ago

kindly advise, I am a govt. servant. I had filed my i-tax return on-line. tds from salary Rs. 17,000/- deducted. however the same was not shown in TRACES. Now I have received tax notice for payment of tax. i took up the matter with my office and the CA has now credited the correct amount in TRACES. What do I have to do now ? i.e whether file revised return or some other action ?

Aqeel Ahmed
Aqeel Ahmed
8 years ago

Fantastic work Mr. Rahul. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a ton for your efforts.

8 years ago

Informative and Important Video.Good One from JagoInvestor

Srinath Beldona
Srinath Beldona
8 years ago

Very good introduction to Income Tax. Hoping your next master class will high light on the various sections of Income tax and how the rules are applied.

Looking forward for more inputs.

8 years ago

Nice video. Long but informative. Such videos should made a part of starter essentials for new joiners to jobs.

Shivanand Yalsangi
Shivanand Yalsangi
8 years ago

Wa nt to know about capital gain taxes fully.

8 years ago

Thanks for sharing this.

Would be great if one video on declaring Short Term Capital Gains through Equity and Debt Mutual Funds is also shared.
