
February 8, 2013

Sheconomy – The Wise Women Investor (TV Show by DSP BlackRock)

DSP Blackrock Mutual Funds have started a Women Financial Literacy called – Sheconomy , which is a TV initiative under their Winvestor program in association with CNBC TV 18. The aim of the initiative is to guide independent women to adopt wealth creation strategies by answering their queries on personal finance and helps them become informed investors.

Sheconomy - A women financial literacy Initiative

The show launched on 12th Jan 2013 with a panel discussion featuring a prominent matrimonial lawyer and a female psychologist who passionately believe that women must take care of their own finances. This is followed by seven episodes with various clusters of women such as homemakers, women entrepreneurs, working women, young mothers, senior citizens, fresh graduates and even a special episode with men and women talking to our Winvisors who answer queries and provide investment advice. The last episode would also be a panel discussion with some prominent women who passionately believe in the idea, share their views and experiences and talk about why they feel women need to be in charge of their own financial future.

The show airs every Saturday at 6 pm and is repeated at 4 pm on Sunday on CNBC TV 18. All the women investors should watch these shows if they want to learn more about personal finance and managing money. We feel women investors can greatly inspire other women investors. Three episodes are already aired, if you have missed them, you can watch them below .

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Below are the names and schedule of all the 7 episodes of the Sheconomy initiative.

Episode Structure

Name of Show Show Timings Importance
Homemakers 19th Jan’13, Saturday at 6 p.m. A homemaker plays an equally important role in her husband’s financial success as well as her own. Though this cluster of women don’t typically take up jobs, investing the money their husbands allocate to them for personal expenditure could prove to be of great help in time of need.
Women Entrepreneurs 26th Jan’13, Saturday at 6 p.m Apart from all the investments which other women do, this cluster of women has another investment priority in their life ‘Their business’. It becomes imperative for them to invest in instruments that is not only safe but also provide the quickest returns so that money earned could be deployed into their business from time to time. Investments needs of women belonging to this cluster tend to be more dynamic than the rest
Working Women (Unmarried/ married) 2nd Feb’13, Saturday at 6 p.m. Women in this cluster have the highest disposable income and the least responsibilities hence providing ample scope and capital for planning investments. The married women of today has come of age from being the typical housewife, in fact getting married is the beginning of various responsibilities that a woman needs to share  with her better half at all times- Planning a baby, Bigger house, Better lifestyle, Retirement plan, monthly family budgeting, aging in laws and parents. There is an entire menu to choose from.
Young Mothers 9th Feb’13, Saturday at 6 p.m. Mothering calls for the best in women. With this emotion in mind a lot of young mothers have various aspirations for their kids; these aspirations come at price which one needs to be prepared for well in advance. A good investment made from the beginning can help young mothers to provide their children the best and fulfill all their dreams, even if you are a single parent.
Senior Citizens 16th Feb’13, Saturday at 6 p.m The life expectancy of women is higher than men So, the amount of retirement savings for women should also be higher. Statistics show that, on an average, women live 5 years longer than men, earn 25 percent less during their life time and work 11 years less in their careers and not many women are even aware enough of all of this. All these factors put together make this cluster of women extremely important to address when it comes to financial planning.
On ground forum with Men Date yet to be finalized A forum with the modern man on why he should encourage and empower the women in his life to take their own financial decisions. An educative forum for men that will teach them the upsides of their women being financial independent.
Fresh College graduates/ post graduates Date yet to be finalized Catch them young and make them grow a quote completely apt for youngsters who are about to plunge into their first corporate job. The need to understand basic money management skills such as living within a budget and handling credit and debt can lead to a solid financial foundation that in turn can lead to a lifetime of financial success.

What do you feel about these kind of initiatives ? We have also done a women centric 2 video series for our wealth members, incase you are already a member you can watch the series here .

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11 years ago

Hey Manish,

Thanks for updating us on the show. Worth watching than the Saas-bahu cliches for women.


12 years ago

Request you to write an article on Mutual fund – Direct plan. I purchase MF through icicidirect via SIP. Now I want to move to Direct plan . I am ready to open new portfolio and leave my existing portfolio with the distributor icicidirect.

If the direct plan purchased via AMC itself attract transaction charges ? Is it available in demat form etc …lots of doubt.

12 years ago

Every women should watch such series. Great Initiative.
A welcome change for Indian housewives.