
August 27, 2012

Wife gets 50% share in husband’s property after divorce – India Law

Do you love your wife? You better do!

There were few changes proposed weeks back in the marriage laws in India, which everybody should be aware about. A bill called “Marriage Law’s (Amendment) Bill 2010” was passed by the cabinet, which is pending for discussion in Rajya Sabha and some major changes in the women’s rights are suggested, on how the properties would be divided after divorce.

Women Rights in husband property after divorce - India Law

The biggest change says – “As per new Divorce law, Wife share in property would be 50% in all her husband’s residential properties, no matter what and in other properties, her share will be decided as per the court decision.

Wife share in property owned by the husband would be 50%

Earlier, before this change – a woman was entitled to a share in husband’s properties, but there was no quantum defined as per law, it would be any percentage depending on the case, but now with this suggested change, a women will enjoy equal sharing without any condition in all the residential properties owned by husband. But in this case, women will have to specifically apply for her share, she should be aware of this law about “50% share”.

A major change in this amendment is that this rule is applicable to all the properties of the husband acquired before and after the marriage, whereas the earlier law made sure that the wife gets share only in those properties which are acquired by her husband only after marriage. Now men stand to lose on this front, in-case things are so sour with the wife.

Husband & Wife joint holder’s in a residential property

You should be clear by now, what will happen in the case where a property is registered in the joint names of husband and wife. A lot of couples register a house in joint names, a lot of times both pay’s from their respective salaries, and in some cases, only one party pays (generally husband). Imagine divorce happens – Who will get how much? Women will keep her 50% part and she will also get half of her husband share in the house, so 75% wife and 25% husband.

Rights of women after divorce on other properties in India?

Apart from the mandatory 50% share in husband’s residential properties, the wife will also be entitled to get a share in another kind of properties, but the quantum is not set, as per the Bill, it will depend on “living standard of the wife”

Waiver of six months cooling period possible

As per the old Indian law which governed the division of assets for women after divorce, it was mandatory for husband and wife to spend at least 6 months together before applying for divorce, but with this new amendment bill, there are provisions of waiving off the 6 months cool off period or lessen it, but only if both husband and wife want it. This means if one of the spouses wants to get divorce on an “urgent basis” , but other does not, it will not be possible. This is one of the major change in the bill and will help those couples who do not want to serve that “6 months” cool off period of living together.

Is this an anti-male law?

A lot of groups have termed this change as anti-marriage and anti-male law and critically oppose it, they have termed it as a bill totally against males and illogical. The major issues with the amendment are as follows

  • The bill talks about only the division of Husband Properties, but not wife’s properties. So in-case women are at fault, still, she will get a 50% share in husband property, but her share of the property will not be divided.
  • A major disappointment for men in this bill is that even the “person at fault” can apply for getting the share of property, and the other party will have to respond to it. Generally as per old law’s when mutual consent was not there, the victim applies for the property share and the person who is the “bad person” has to respond to it. Now with his law change, his wife can seek a divorce and ask for a share in the property.
  • There are concerns raised like this law will encourage more divorces are women can get hold of property easily for sure.

Now there are some serious concerns due to these changes. If a husband has one residential property, old parents who are financially dependent on him and there is a divorce between husband and wife, the wife could take 50% share, in which case the men will be left with 50% property, this seems very unjustified. What is the woman already owned 2 more properties on her name? She has nothing to worry about!

One serious drawback of this law is that some men, who are undergoing a bad phase of marriage, may convert their residential properties into immovable assets, or just transfer it on other names to save themselves from parting away with 50% share in the worst case.


While there are cases where women are deprived of their share in wealth at the time of divorce in India and there was a requirement of strong laws which focuses on rights of women in case of divorce in India, this amendment seems to have gone beyond what it wanted and has loopholes which can be exploited by women. With due respect to each gender, it would be great if there would have been some balanced law, and some thought should have gone for the worst cases.

To summarize things, here are the take away’s from the changes made in marriage laws.

  • In the case of divorce, Woman will have 50% share in the residential property of a man
  •  The wife will have to take the initiative of seeking her share in such cases.
  •  Women and children will also have rights in the other assets of man, which will be decided by court
  •  It does not matter if the property was acquired by before or after the marriage

What do you think about this amendment? Do you also feel its too anti-male but only designed keeping women in mind? Do you feel its correct to keep a 50% share for wife in husband’s property in case of divorce as per law in India? Note that the bill still needs to be passed and right now only the cabinet has passed the changes. It is yet to become a law after getting passed in both houses.

Note: The information provided in this article is based on various media articles and the exact circular could not be found out. Also, the bill still needs to be passed, only then it will become an act finally and will be implemented.

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7 months ago

To be honest, couple getting married should be for life time and NOT treat it frivolously however if either party thinks its a joke, than they have to pay for their consequences and not grumble about finances, should have thought about it first. Pray the judges can see though the rotten one from the pair.

Rahul sharma
Rahul sharma
2 years ago

Because of such law men now days feel insecure to marriage …how can he sure that the women he married is full trustworthy because there are some cases found that women do marriage and take advantage of such law and claim maintenance or alimony on husband, file false 498a cases and there is no circumstances that if this false 498a found then there also not much punishment is there to woman who take advantage of it and harass husband and his family, the woman who is already in appose of marriage but due to some burden of parents she did marriage with guy against her will then such women will mostly took such decision.
At least who decided the law needs to think about period of wife spend with husband if wife spend most of her life with husband and there are strong reasons on behalf of which divorce is happened then only wife will get sufficient alimony and maintenance if not then there is divorce happen not on strong basis and period of marriage is also not sufficient, they dont have children, women dont have support of parent, she can do a job and do earning which she required to fulfill her life and there is some intention found that wife claim divorce only for alimony or maintenance then in such cases dilute the marriage or dont charge husband.
Also there needs to be consider that if husbands suffer in there life then it is not only husbands responsibility to go through it without support of wife. wife cant leave husband in between and wise versa.

2 years ago

Thank you @jagoinvestor for highlighting the problems faced by men in divorce cases, I appreciate the efforts you have taken to reach out to us with this blog. As you said, “There are concerns raised like this law will encourage more divorces are women can get hold of property easily for sure.” Yes of course. But I feel there is something more you could provide it with, just like “Types of Alimony Laws in India” if you could add this small topic to your blog it will boom your blog. I recently came across an article that relates to yours, I suggest you go through it once.

Deepak Dewan
Deepak Dewan
5 years ago

If passed, this law will encourage women to marry for reasons other than love or matrimony and will discourage men from getting married.

It may also embolden women (wives) to lead a life contrary to matrimonial expectations without fear.

Although the Supreme Court has done away with the one-sided provisions of Section 498a, if this becomes a law, its ramifications will be a lot worse than 498a.

Reply to  Deepak Dewan
4 years ago

I think only self acquired property of husband shall be divided with wife earned after marrage only. it should not be 50%. instead it shall be divided equally among spouse and children. if no children 50% shall be given to wife provided that if she doesn’t take or claims no share in her fathers property. If she do, she shall loose the right on husbands property. she will have no right at all on the property of husband which is ancestral or on the name of any other relative. If the parents of husband are dependent property shall be divided in three parts being a one part of parents and it will be of husband after the death of these parents.
any way there are many things which come under principle of natural justice & humanity. which cant be explained here. So opinions of people shall be collected before passing of this bill.
Adv Dr Dadarao Mankar
High Court Aurangabad.

Reply to  Mankar
4 years ago



8 years ago

I think men have opposed this law with full effort ………
Its illogical that a men (only) give 50% of property share its doesnt what effort of wife in husband life…….
I think indian judiciary and lsw maker is become sick…
I opposed to the marriage aftr this type of nonsense law

Balwinder Singh
Balwinder Singh
7 years ago

It sure is antii .male a d needs rethinking by honest straight and balanced men and women

8 years ago

me & my husband getting joint divorce ,if husband property transfer to my son,after my divorce do i get my share

suraj sharma
suraj sharma
Reply to  thom
8 years ago

Aa gayi bikhari ……bhai suna tha ek aurat maa hoti h ye to apne bete pe hi nazar maarne lgi h

8 years ago


I live in Australia. I earn 40% more than my husband , I work hard to improve career/personal life . But my husband always looks for shortcut ways , like doesn’t put in effort to get better in his career. Recently he bought a property in India with lot of loan in his mother’s name and he wanted me to help him with the loans. I denied it as he did not even discuss about buying a property in India . Now he wants to buy a joint property in Australia. He is a Australian Citizen. We have a baby. I want to be safe for future as I could see his ultimate motives . Can you please suggest , if I can go for the property here , and I will be the Primary loan applicant and he will be secondary.

Reply to  Vijji
8 years ago

Also I don’t want to lose a penny to him.

8 years ago

what a silly change in proposed rules.woman have to just marry and start beating or harassing her husband to left only way of divorce for men to get rid of this situation.then women will get divorce and good share in all property of husband then women will find another such murga and repeat the same thing again.she had to just remarry and divorce again and again with be husband in different location and she will soon become a bllionarebllionare.kya ukt proposal ko final karne wale arle darje me bewkof hai

8 years ago

If the women has children below 18year and another one is legal age what will be the right of the children. And what about commercial property can you put some point on that. And rather then property does she can claim for her living life if she is a house made.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 years ago

And if the property is ancestors and now in the name of husband does the children will have the right on those property.

Jagoinvestor Admin
Jagoinvestor Admin
Reply to  Anonymous
8 years ago

Hi Anonymous

Your cases is a bit complex and I think we are not the right people to comment on it.

My suggestion would be hire someone who is professional in this area and consult them


8 years ago

Sir my enlwas out me from their house and my hubby lived with his parents he meet me three days for nite stay in a week so i want that he live with me in rent room but imhe cannt leave their parents my huuby two brother n enlwas lived together in his house i am lived alone in rent house so i want to divorce becoause they want dowry tell me what i can do

8 years ago

Absolutely short sighted law….no balance whatsoever…..i wonder wheres common sense of those who enact and pass such laws….

Reply to  Nimesh
4 years ago

Really I guess. No common sense at all. We men and husband’s urge upon the govt to not pass this one-sided laws with many corrections to be made to bring in balance and justification. Hope the lawmakers make it look balanced seriously. Law and justice should be for both genders and not not not not for just one. Absolutely no appeasements at all.

8 years ago

One of my brother got married. Oly 15 days she was in his hz . after tht she wanted him to walk out off his hz with her he didn’t agree for tht so she HV sent a divorce notice and to take back the case she s demanding fr 20 lakhs . wt shold we do next .

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
5 years ago


8 years ago

I am a 27 year old women. My husband tortured me mentally and physically. After 3 months of marriage I came back to my father’s home. A few months ago we have signed in mutual divorce application. Lawyers have told that after 181 days our mutual divorce procedure will be completed. I am from a low income family. Is there any way to get financial help? I haven’t claim any alumni from my cause of fear..my father has not so much money to struggle against him. What Can I do?

8 years ago

My husband is alcoholic and we got 2 daughters and i am staying saparetly with my daughters and know I want a divorce from my husband I need my share that I can buy a house. My query is that my husband house is on my mother in law name and he is jobless will I get my and my daughter share if I apply for divorce . plz answer

8 years ago


8 years ago

What if during the course of separation or divorce the husbands family disowns him just to avoid giving any share of family property to the daughter in law
More over there is nothing in the husbands name and he is not working too

8 years ago

i got separated after three months of my Marriage and we did not file any case for divorce or ligal separation and after six years of marriage and separation he was dead. My inlaws family did not give any property or money Except my dowery…Even they did not mention my name in legal heir and death certificates too.. Please suggest me what should i do.. I donot have kids..

8 years ago

Hello Sir I purchased property in the name of my wife who is the main applicant and i am the co applicant. I now want to become the sole owner of this property .The flat is still under construction and no possession and also no registry has been done till date.
In case i become the sole applicant after transferring the property can she claim 50% in case of divorce.Is it possible that i transfer the property to my parents

8 years ago

If i own stock of some company (say wipro) or some cash in FD (in my name) will the wife has 50% share in that also after divorce ??

8 years ago

My sister has a joint property with her husband in Haryana. We stay in mumbai. To purchase that property, my father has withdrawn money from his account through cash and cheque and deposited the same in my sister’s account. My father did these transaction in Mumbai. the amount was withdrawn by my jijaji through ATM’s in haryana. However now they both are taking divorce and jijaji is claiming whole property and saying he has purchased that property. As the amount’s were deposited in my sister’s account, she doesn’t have any proof to show that her husband has used that money to purchase the property. Can my sister still claim her share in that property as she is also a co-owner in that property.