
January 4, 2012

Jagoinvestor Book with CNBC – Network 18

I am happy to break the news today about my first upcoming book on personal finance called “Jago Investor” (The name of the book is changed now and its now called 16 Personal Finance Principles Every Investor Should Know) with CNBC Network 18. It has been a long time I was waiting for this to be out in the market, but finally I got a go ahead to break the news to my blog readers. No, the book is not in talks – It’s going to hit the market (soon) this month itself. So you just have to wait for couple of more days to grab your copy.


Jagoinvestor book


16 personal finance principles every investor should know  Financial Planning Book in India - Personal Finance Book in India
Pre order Book

Some time in early 2010

I got a mail from CNBC sometime in 2010 about authoring a book on personal finance and I happily agreed. Since then I worked on the book, I was in Bangalore that time working with YAHOO (yea guys – I was an IT guy) and then I moved to Pune to start on my own. I worked on the book in last 1.5 yrs and now it’s complete.

The Vision of Jagoinvestor Book

It was a tough task to select what the book should be all about – but I was sure that it should not be a typical book . It should not be a book which does not leave an impact on someone who reads it. I wanted to make sure that a person who reads the book really introspects about his financial life. I wanted the book to make a person shake a bit after reading it. So the book had to awake a person reading it and make him feel “Now, I should do something for my financial life”. With that vision I have written the book. It’s about the principles of personal finance and how a person should think in different areas of financial life. I will it becomes one of the best personal finance book in India.

The book is not about financial products and how they work – NO! You can get it anywhere. I have talked about very important things which really matter. It works on your thinking level and makes you think in a more quality way rather than just increasing your knowledge. I have tried my best to keep the language simple along with numerous examples and images/tables to convey the concept. I have written this book considering myself as the reader. There is another version of this book which comes with a CD which contains 13 financial calculators and 2-3 templates.

Buy the Book (Click Here)

Book Chapters

Now let me introduce you to the book contents in crisp and short points.

Chapter 1 This chapter talks about early investing and how you lose a lot of wealth just because you don’t start your wealth creation on time. I have shown numerous examples/graphs which will give a clear idea on how powerful early investing can be.
Chapter 2 The second chapter talks about the protection of your family (Life Insurance). It also shows you right way of finding the required cover and how much your current cover will be able to sustain your loved ones. While this might look like “products talk” It’s actually not!.
Chapter 3 The 3rd chapter is all about Goals setting and how your should look at it . How goal based/linked investing can do better for you and improve your financial life style.
Chapter 4 This chapter clears the myth people have about equity and debt in general. It shows you reasoning/proof about how equity is not risky in long-term and how debt is extremely risky in long-term.
Chapter 5 This chapter talks mostly on the psychological aspects of your financial thinking and how your decisions are shaped up because of the way you think about money. This chapter has been contributed mostly by Nandish and he has really done amazing work.
Chapter 6 This chapter talks about how you can make your financial life more simple and robust using some simple rearrangements. This is mostly overlooked by indian investors who focus a lot on returns only.
Chapter 7 This chapter ends the book and it talks about 10 commandants you should incorporate in your financial life to make sure you become a better investor.

Thanks to you

If I had to thank only one person who made this book a success, it would be you. From past 4 yrs you have bombarded me with your doubts/questions and this has only made me learn and learn. This book does not belong to me alone its creation of this whole community and each one of you who is part of this blog from several years now. It did not take shape just in a day – it happened over years – slowly and gradually. I would like to say Thanks to you all for believing in jagoinvestor and really making it happen. We have a lot of things coming up in 2012 and our commitment is to give you guys more and more with each passing day.

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Indrajeet Pawar
Indrajeet Pawar
8 years ago

Hi please suggest whether we can still Invest in PPFAs Mutual Fund as Fund Manager mr. Parag Parikh is no more now.

Some good ways to increase the personal finance quotient
11 years ago

[…] But no worries, there is another fabulous and awesome new release named “JagoInvestor” This book has been written by Manish Chauhan in association with CNBC and has won rave reviews (read a review by Manish of the book here) […]

11 years ago

Hi Manish,

First of all, THANK YOU for all the efforts!!

I just started reading your first book. I am having question on that.
You have given example of investing Rs 3400 per month to generate 5 crores in 35 years., assuming a 12% return. Could you please tell me, which are the schemes or investments which will give min 12% returns for all 35 years?

I am planning to buy your other books as well.
Again Thanks,

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

Thanks Manish

Pratik Bid
Pratik Bid
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

I read your articles. They are very informative. I am thinking of buying this book. It will help me understand my finances better as I have just started my career (second year in profession..)

Thank you for all the efforts!

Pratik Bid
Pratik Bid
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

Bought the book.. :)..it has some typos here and there, but its a very good read 🙂
The idea of using tables instead of calculations was very good. I have read only the first 3 chapters as of now..will get back to you if I have some questions

11 years ago

Hi manish,
I am very much interested to read your cologue’s book “11 principles to achieve financial freedom”.When will it be released? plz let me know.

12 years ago

have ordered thru FLIPKART Cash on Delivery and it reached my home today…

I m sure that this will be a interesting and enlightining read…

Vasanth Kumar J
Vasanth Kumar J
12 years ago

I have ordered the book yesterday and waiting for it to arrive..eager to read it!!

12 years ago

Hi Manish,

Recently read your book.
Was a great eye opener for me and my would-be husband.
Your book as well as your blog is really helpful for beginners like us!
Thanx a lot 🙂

12 years ago

Hi Manish,
Congrats on your book,hope it’s the 1st in the many lined up for people in r country 2know that they need 2pull up their socks in their own financial security where r politicians/govt will not do much.
Im in the process of reading your book and i think you have been slightly unfair to the older generation,you have stressed start early but i think there would be lots of ideas/suggestions for people who have missed the bus.
Hope by the time,i finish the book,it dz not seem like this book is dedicated only to saving/investing/becoming rich for the now generation.

TS Ashok
TS Ashok
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
12 years ago


I bought and gifted to my wife.. As preetha told, i also missed to start early..Anyway atlease i wokeup now..

12 years ago

Hey Manish,
Yup I understand your point . I am very much clear about my goals .I made the mistake by taking LIC Policies(it took only 5 mins to buy those policies). Later when i was looking for another policy for my child(i became father on 14th feb 2012), I looked on net happened to visit ur blogs. Now next step for me are following .
1. Buying a term insurance
2.Discontinue LIC Policy , i paid first premium in january this year and discontinuing means won’t get a single penny still i think it worth if i invest somewhere else where i can get more returns.
3.Putting some investment in Mutual funds and equity. But i want to gain knowledge about mutual/Equity before putting the investment as i don’t have much knowledge on this.and i don’t want to put money blindly now
4.I have a surplus of rs one lakh which i can invest, I want to invest as follows:
Equity: 40000
Term insurance and Health insurance:15000
(since my goals are for long term (20 years and above)

Let me know what you think about my plans and give suggestion you have.
Thanks and Regards,

12 years ago

Hey Manish,
I got this book via flip kart. I have started reading this book .Read first 3 chapters. No doubt every one who is new to investment world like me should read this book .Few of feedbacks(Negative) i want to share with you .I hope you won’t mind
1. Page6: Example 3: Rs 3400 investment required per month to generate 5 crores in 35 years., assuming a 12% return. I am not sure how you calculated this.

2. I understand how much u favour term insurance and this is right and Now i believe every one should take adequate term insurance
But when you gave example ,i don’t know why u hide the real worth of money and under estimate one side . My point is this is not actual comparison (i am not against the idea of taking term plan ) .
see page 49:
Here you said , a 30 yera old guy pay Premium around 7000 , after 30 yrs his money is 2.1Lac ,but if i go with first chapter where u have shown how to grow ur money at certain percentage it would be much higher.
3. I hope readers want to see some of the plans suggestion at the end of each chapter.I mean give some plans which u think are good in market ,and let the reader think which one suits them .
Hope to hear from you.Later I will share u the mistake which i have already done.(only came to know after reading ur blog). and will need suggestion .

Thanks for being there and posting /writing eye opening articles for readers


JagoInvestor Book review | TheWealthWisher Financial Planners
12 years ago

[…] have had the pleasure of reading the JagoInvestor book that has been out in the market for a month now. Written by Manish Chauhan, a personal fellow […]

Surendra Jain
Surendra Jain
12 years ago

Dear Manish

Please confirm whether this book is now available if yes how do I purchase it

Book Review-JagoInvestor:Change your relationship with money « Be Money Aware Blog
13 years ago

[…] book has 173 pages divided into 7 chapters. In words of author Manish Chauhan ”The book is not about financial products and how they work.  NO! You can get it anywhere. […]

Gajendra kumar himanshu
Gajendra kumar himanshu
13 years ago

best wishes for rocking performance of this book

Arudra Kumar
Arudra Kumar
13 years ago

Hey Manish,


Was away from (y)our website for a while due to work related constraints. I am back now and saw that I am running way behind. Sooo many topics on the site to catchup with. Will be in sync in a weeks time though. 🙂

When is the book hitting the stands. Desparate to buy and read it. Hope & wish your book will be listed in the Best Sellers list. All the very best to you. Any plans of you and your team visiting Hyderabad for the book promotion?

Warm regards,

13 years ago

Congrats Manish, I am definitively going to buy it.

Keep up the good work.

13 years ago

Hey Manish,

That’s a gr8 news!!!

Please let me know when it is going to hit the stands.

Congrats and All the best……….


13 years ago

Great Manish, Congratulations!!!!, trust it will provide more inputs on personal finance, which many people are not aware of.

13 years ago

Hey congrats Manish! I am always a big fan of you and Jago investor. I wish you will reach to masses with this book…Looking forward to grab a copy of the book.