
October 21, 2010

Winners of JagoInvestor Forum Contest

Last month we launched Questions Forum, which is a place where you can ask your personal finance doubts . There were some prizes which I am going to announce today . JagoInvestor Forum is a place where anyone can ask a personal finance question and get its answer within 24 hours from experts present there .

JagoInvestor Forum

So if you have any doubts on your Insurance policy , Banking,  Mutual-funds, stock market , tax related or any kind of money related query , feel free to ask it . JagoInvestor Forum has got great response in this last 1 month with more than 250 people asking 300 questions and with 1200 answers overall .

First Prize : The winner is Mr. Gopal Krishan Doda.  He has been a great help in providing good answers and has answered more than 150 times. He wins a free one year subscription to MProfit a desktop portfolio management software worth Rs. 1488.

Second Prize : The second Prize goes to Mr Naveen Arichwal for asking maximum questions. He wins the book on retirement Planning named  “Retire Rich Invest” or any other book of choice .

Bonus Prizes : Jagadees and Rakesh  (rakeshnwo ) , they also win the book “Retire Rich Invest” , or another book of their choice . They have also contributed well in answering the questions of others . Good job .

Free-Stuff to all Members of the Forum

As promised I also sent some free stuff to all the registered members of the forum. Here is the list of things I sent to them.

  • HouseHold Budget Spreadsheet to maintain your holdhold budget and see basic analysis
  • A research report on a Mid-cap Stock (Not made by me)
  • Ebook on A Guide to Mutual Funds
  • Personal Finance Tracker
  • Mutual Funds Portfolio tracker
  • A very short audio on essential money skills.

Note : The excel-sheet trackers are taken from http://chandoo.org/wp/

Do you want these free stuff ? I am planning to mail this to all the members who are subscribed to this blog in coming week , so if you are not yet registered on the blog you can register by putting your name and email on the subscription form on the right side sidebar or Click Here to directly go to the Subscribe Form

Note : Make sure you click on the subscription Link you get in your email after you fill in the information , Its required step to get subscribed

Win Prizes every month

You can now win every month! , You you heard it right .  There will be total of 2 prizes every month from now onwards. Just ask a question on the forum for any personal finance related doubts and the question which gets the maximum number of comments will win the first prize. So make sure you ask an interesting questions which is of everybody’s interst and make the question very clear. Apart from this first prize , there will be a  second prize for a member who will give the maximum number of good answers and helped other to solve their queries . I will choose the winner based on every month data . So every-month you can win prizes by asking your questions . Let me know how do you like this concept.

First Prize : The person who asks a question and gets the maximum number of comments wins a free one year subscription to MProfit – a desktop portfolio management software worth Rs. 1488.

Second Prize : The second prize would be the person who gives the maximum good answers and helps others in clearing their doubts . He wins a personalised Tshirt or a book of his choice worth Rs 500 .

I would like to hear back the feedback of readers on the forum , Is it useful ? What changes are required to make it a better community ?

Winners Please contact me for claiming the Prize 🙂

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13 years ago

I havent received anything and neither am I able to post jagoinvestor forum

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
13 years ago


I am talking about the free stuffs meant for all registered users. Also an error “Invalid User Login or Password” appears when I try to post on the forum

13 years ago

i have not received those listed free stuffs meant for all registered users

14 years ago

i have not received those listed free stuffs meant for all registered users

14 years ago

Congratulations to the winners.

14 years ago

Thanks a lot to everyone. I will continue to share my little knowledge in future also.


14 years ago

I hope there is not much spamming just to increase posts count 😉

14 years ago

Any ideas if the winners are too lethargic to claim their prizes ? You like friends, don’t you ?

Tweets that mention Winners of JagoInvestor Forum Contest -- Topsy.com
14 years ago

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by MProfit and Manish Chauhan, Manish Chauhan. Manish Chauhan said: Winners of JagoInvestor Forum Contest: Last month we launched Questions Forum, which is a place where you can ask … http://bit.ly/bH06cG […]

14 years ago

Congratulations to the winners!!!

14 years ago

* Heartiest congratulations to all the winners! *
Like the choice of Gifts to the winners…good one Manish!