
November 25, 2009

Happy To Announce JagoInvestor Forum

Jagoinvestor now has a Forum !! . I am extremely happy to announce that I have added Forums to this blog and how are one step ahead of what we were earlier . I was working on finding the best forum I can integrate and Finally I used SimplePress Forums which is a Plugin in WordPress . The link of the Forum is https://www.jagoinvestor.com/forum


Main Points

  • You can now Interact through Other readers and do all the discussions on the Forum
  • I have added 4 main forums currently called Insurance , Mutual-Funds , Tax and Financial Planning . I can add more Sub Topics like “Stock Market” and many more .. this is just a Start .
  • You can register on the Forum from Register Link which you can see on Right hand corner at the top of Forum Page .You can then fill your Profile Page and don’t forget to use gravatars so that I can see your Face 🙂 .
  • I am sure we have lot of knowledgable people here who can help newcomers with their basic questions and this will save me a lot of time answering the question . I can also make some of you as moderators when I feel you are perfect 🙂


The Forum is in Initial Shape and I am learning how to make it better Look wise , So feel free to post your Suggestions Here and May be your tips if you are a Forum or WordPress or CSS expert here 🙂

Click Here to Make a Suggestion

Feel free to tell me how you like it and if you dont like it and It sucks 🙂 . I am learning WordPress slowly and making changes in the look and feel of blog , Wait for some weeks (read months) and It would look much better and beautiful than what it is today 🙂 .


Jagoinvestor Has Collected Rs 3,600 for the 3 families we Talked at 3 stories that might change your perception about your own financial situation .

Here is the list of people who made the Contributions and I would like to thanks them for their Kindness and Help , every help is a Big help . I will be sending the money to My father who will hand it over to each of them . In case you want to make any contributions , It would be great .. you can make as small contribution as you wish .

Contributors List


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Sanjay Dubey
Sanjay Dubey
13 years ago

Dear Manish
this is great job done by you if favour of all investers this mu suggestion if you promate all blog thinsg in bylengual so this blog more populer

14 years ago

Hey all, could a person if possible help me out? I arrived here another day by way of google but now are unable to find once again the post I was reading that day :(. And before somebody asks, no I am not blond simply not that excellent with pcs hehe.
Thanks 🙂

Amandeep Singh
Amandeep Singh
14 years ago

Nice to hear that you have finally come up with the forums too after the big WP migration 🙂

I am still struggling to move to WP (since we last talked, if you remember); not getting time out of my full time job 🙁
.-= Amandeep Singh´s last blog ..EquiTipz is still Alive!!! Stay Tuned… =-.

Dr Mohammed Ali Khan
Dr Mohammed Ali Khan
14 years ago

Dear Manish.. I want to open 2 independent topics on “Real Estate” and ” Gold or Commodities”in the Forum.. How do I do it ? Or please do it for me..

Dr Mohammed Ali Khan
Dr Mohammed Ali Khan
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

I’m writing an article on Real estate.. Will post it soon in the forum

Dr Mohammed Ali Khan
Dr Mohammed Ali Khan
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Thats a good idea.. I will forward my article to your email address..You can correct any factual or grammatical errors if any and then post it your blog.. I do not have your email address with me.. Can you please send me a check mail to my email address?

14 years ago

Congratulations Manish, in stock market category you havn’t started anything yet.
.-= duncans´s last blog ..Indian billionaires club : As per Forbes =-.

Dr Mohammed Ali Khan
Dr Mohammed Ali Khan
14 years ago

A forum is a good idea Manish..
But we wish that you be like a stabilising influence in the Forum when the discussions become too extreme, false or stupid.

14 years ago

Hi Manish,

Good Start and soon your forum will be more popular than your blog.
Because it directs when your forum very quickly than your blog with the help of SEO tips and techinques and redirects users to your blog and keep them as your regular users.

My View : BBpress is a good and best one! You have lot of options when comparing to this simplepress. This is more light weight and you have great support from the admin.
Try once BBpress in your local machine by installing EasyPhp2 and check the features.
Its has good support also when we face any problem , the Admin guys will be very helpfull but initially we face small troubles for finding the plugins and getting installed.

Give a try if possible in your local machine, it has lot of themes as well where the end user can change the theme look in his browser.


14 years ago

nice to hear that! I am sure forum would be a great place to discuss in detail about lot of things.. good going Manish.
.-= Mohan´s last blog ..Solar Electricity – Part 2 =-.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

I haven’t evaluated SimplePress, but phpBB is too good 🙂 Will come up with a review and comparison of the two sometime when time permits 🙂
.-= Mohan´s last blog ..Solar Electricity – Part 2 =-.

14 years ago

Congratulations!!! it’s really good to see a forum on jago investor.
now we can share a good and useful knowledge form each other.