
May 13, 2009

Everything you want to know about Super Annuation

The only schemes that comes in your mind when it comes to retirement benefits are EPF, NPS & PPF. But there is one more scheme i.e. Super Annuation about which lot of people don’t even know. And those who know about it they don’t know how much corpus they have as their super annuation.

In this article I’m going to tell you what is super annuation and how to check your superannuation balance if your employer maintains it with LIC.

Super Annuation

First of all I would like to share with you an important thing, which one of my friend Subbu has figured out himself . Credit goes to him.

A lot of employees do not care to check there Superannuation amount, or they are not even aware that it exists. Knowing the amount of your superannuation can be helpful, because then you know that you have that much saving and hence when you plan your investments, you can factor in this information and take better decisions . This small amount make big chunks of your portfolio .

What is Superannuation?

Superannuation is a retirement Benefit by employer . It is a contribution made by employer each year on your behalf towards the group superannuation policy held by the employer. This is an important part of creating wealth for your retirement .

Features of Super annuation :

a) Superannuation Fund is a retirement benefit given to employees by the Company.

b) Normally the Company has a link with agencies like LIC Superannuation Fund, where their contributions are paid.

c) The Company pays 15% of basic wages as superannuation contribution. There is no contribution from the employee.>

d) This contribution is invested by the Fund in various securities as per investment pattern prescribed.

e) Interest on contributions is credited to the members account. Normally the rate of interest is equivalent to the PF interest rate. Read what is EPF and PPF ?
f) On attaining the retirement age, the member is eligible to take 25% of the balance available in his/her account as a tax free benefit.

g) The balance 75% is put in a annuity fund, and the agency (LIC) will pay the member a monthly/quarterly/periodic annuity returns depending on the option exercised by the member. This payment received regularly is taxable.

h) In the case of resignation of the employee, the employee has the option to transfer his amount to the new employer. If the new employer does not have a Superannuation scheme, then the employee can withdraw the amount in the account, subject to deduction of tax and approval of IT department, or retain the amount in the Fund, till the superannuation age.

Source : https://www.citehr.com

What happens with your superannuation after your retirement?

Once you get retired you can use the amount of your super annuation in 2 ways, either withdraw the total amount which will be completely taxable if withdrawn at once, or withdraw 1/3rd of it which will be tax free and convert the 2/3rd amount in regular pension scheme.

Tax will be applicable on the remaining 2/3rd of the superannuation amount and returns on it.

What happens if you resign?

This is the concern of most of the people today. When you resign the job, you can transfer your Super Annuation from your current employer to new employer and can continue it till your retirement.

If your new employer does not have the superannuation scheam, then you have 2 options, either withdraw all the money on which tax will be applicable, Or let it be in your superannuation fund and use it after your retirement as per the above mentions tax rules.

How SuperAnnuation is calculated?

The interest rate on Super annuation is similar to the interest rate applicable on PPF. Whereas the returns may differ depending upon the underlying insurance company and the superannuation scheam that your company has taken.

The interest in calculated and deposited to your account yearly. This is the interest paid by the insurance company and also your employers contribution.

Super annuation chart:


Years of Employment  Amount of Super Annuation 
  Less than 1 year   NIL
  Between 1 and 2 years   50% of the contribution + interest earned
  Between 2 and 3 years   75% of the contribution + interest earned
  More than 3 years   100% of the contribution + interest earned


Interest Earned :

This is interest paid by LIC every year on the contribution by employer.

Rules of Superannuation on Maturity

Once the employee completes 3 years of service and works till his/her retirement, he/she can make use of superannuation balance as a form of pension. He/She can withdraw 1/3rd of the accumulated balance after retirement and the rest can be availed as monthly pension till end of life.

Steps for checking Superannuation balance online?

1. Go to licindia.com

2. Register for a user id and password.

3. Login.

4. Click on ‘Group Scheme Details’ tab.

5. Click on ‘member’ radio button.

6. Get the group policy number for super annuation from your company’s payroll department and enter ” in the policy number text box and click ok. (Talk to your finance department for getting the group policy number , this will be unique for all the employees of a company).

7. It will ask for LIC Id no and Date of Birth fields.

8. To get LIC Id no, call LIC branch with which your employer has a super annuation account and inform that you are calling from your company and provide your name to the LIC official. They will give your LIC ID No.

9. Since most companies had not furnished the date of birth details to LIC, enter ’01/07/1960′ / ’07/01/1960′ (forgot the order, try both n check) in the date of birth field.

10. You will get the policy enrolled and you can click on the policy number to view the details. The details will contain the accumulated balance till the last financial year. It also shows contribution made by your employer i the current financial year.

Are you able to see Superannuation Balance for yourself ? Were you aware of it ? Please share with us in comments section . Also please share if you find any discrepancies with the steps .

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7 years ago

I got retired from my service in Jan 2016. I’ve opted for to receive pension for full amount from LIC. Now let me know how long this will continue and when my family should get the Lupsum amount of my superanuation deposit from LIC

I P Hirwani
I P Hirwani
8 years ago

I have resigned from my company. my age is 47, I want to get full amount of my superannuation fund after deduction of applicable tax, but my company says they do not have this option, I am being forced to get only 33% of money and have to put 66% money in a pension plan through LIC, or I have to keep this money till my superannuation age.

Is it true that an employ who has resigned do not have option of getting full amount after tax ? after all the full superannuation fund is coming from my own CTC. Company does not have any contribution.

How ridiculous it is if you resign at the age of 35 than also your 66% of superannuation fund will go to LIC and you will receive pension after 58 age, meanwhile you have to submit live certificate every year to the company?!

I have searched in the net, I found that in case of resignation I can withdraw all superannuation fund but it will be taxed, nowhere I found that for a resignation case before superannuation pension plan is the only option.

Please comment. If an employ resigns before superannuation age ,can he get full amount after tax? can any company deny this rule and force the employ to buy a pension plan ? do we have right to know the rules of the company in writing? After all, the superannuation fund is managed by a trust, and the trust is taking care of its members money. do I have a right to know the rules of withdrawal of the trust I as a member ?

Pavan Kumar
Pavan Kumar
Reply to  I P Hirwani
4 years ago

Similar case for me also, I only got 33% and remaining 66% put in Pension plan of LIC.
Not sure on the company rules

8 years ago

Hi Manish
My previous employer had SAF with LIC and a corpus is now available. If I choose not to annuitize the corpus now and wait till I attain retirement age (55), will the corpus continue to earn interest till my retirement age? My understanding is that the later I annuitize, the higher my monthly annuity amount – please confirm if this is correct. Thanks.

8 years ago

Hi Manish,
Nice information……Can we transfer superannuation amount to NPS (New Pension Scheme) one time and exit from super attenuation scheme?. If yes what is the procedure for the same? To whom should I meet first…LIC / Employer / NPS?

8 years ago


My father was NTPC employee. He passed away on JULY-2000. We are receiving LIC annuity pension cheques every year since then. I was very young at the time Super annuition was discussed and it was decided to take the monthly amount of 15k for 15 years. I now want to understand what will happen at the end of the 15 year term?

Will I be getting the amount back or they will continue with the same policy?
How should I be contacting LIC for futher details of my policy?

Iam sorry Iam failrly new at all this, any help assistance would be greatly appreciated.


8 years ago

Hi Manish

After resigning from my previous company, where I’ve worked for >5yrs, I was getting pension every 6 months till Feb 2016. I resigned from the company in Feb 2011. But it stopped from thereafter. I couldn’t find proper reason or info, why it stopped. The annuity letter mentions “FOR LIFE TILL DEATH” under the column “type of annuity” and “5 ” for the column “certain period”.
Please help in understanding this.

8 years ago


I worked for 9 years with the same organization and I resigned in Dec. 2015. Now, shall I eligible to withdraw a total amount of superannuation? I am 36 years old now. My company personnel asked my that I can withdraw only 1/3 of corpus this time and balance 2/3 of the amount I will get at the retirement age in the form of pension. Is it correct?

8 years ago

Dear Mr. Manish,
I am retired from service after serving for 65 years of age in senior position. The last service in the organization was for +18 years. My queries are as below.
1. How much leave encashment on retirement is ‘tax exempted?
2. How much amount out of gratuity received is tax exempted?
3. If I am opting for commutation of 1/3rd of Superannuation fund, is it to be taxed at source or afterwards? Regarding balance payment on annuity basis, is it to be taxed along with returns afterwards?
After my death, the balance corpus shall be paid to my son as nominee as lump sum. Is it taxable to my son?
4. How can I know the annuity plan for different options, M/Q/Y ly basis from LIC site?
5. I am told that after age of 65 years, I cannot work as ’employee’ with any organization. Is it correct? If yes, I can take assignment on ‘ Contractual basis’. In such case which options of ITO can be availed for tax exemption?
Thanks in advance for replies awaited.
With kind regards,

8 years ago

Dear Sir,
I left an organization in March 2013 [ where superannuation trust was managed by ICICI prudential] to join another org. [ here LIC is superannuation managing trust]. i am told that since Feb 2013, no new superannuation account can be created as per govt order. Is this correct? [ I do not believe there can be any such govt rule.]
if indeed there is such rule, then
My query is:
1) Can I get my superannuation transferred from ICICI Prudential managed trust to LIC managed trust?
2) If answer is ‘yes’ for above, then I presume I will get an equivalent LIC superannuation account ID. Can I then start contributing to LIC managed account ID.
Kindly advise,

8 years ago

Dear Manish,

Recently I have opted for superannuation in company but now I feel to discontinue it. It’s been only two weeks that I have opted for superannuation in company. Please guide what are the ways to discontinue superannuation now or how to roll back this option. It would be helpful if you will guide.

Is there any policy within which particular days this superannuation roll back could be done by me.

8 years ago

Dear Manish

After my resignation from the MNC I have received some lump sum amount under superannuation from LIC and also I am receiving some amount from LIC to my account on monthly basis .
Now need your valuable inputs for the following points
1) The received lump sum superannuation amount is taxable ? If so where I have to show this amount in ITR.
2) Monthly receiving amount from LIC is taxable ? If so where I have to show this amount in ITR.

Also I need your valuable inputs a about EPO
Provident Fund amount is taxable?


Reply to  Raghu
8 years ago

Dear Raghu, I Also resigned from a company and I also planning to withdraw my SAF.
My query is : Can we get some lumpsum amount without attaining retirement age?
Can we get monthly pension also without attaining retirement age?


8 years ago

I have been contributing to superannuation fund since April 2014. I have registered in LIC site and am able to view by contributions online. But I am not able to view the interest accumulated/credited to my account.

8 years ago


I have resigned from organization and with drawn 1/3 of amount from the superannuation fund. (remaining kept as annuity.

My question is , the amount which I have got (1/3) after tax deduction, does this need to be added to my total income during Income tax file?

8 years ago

Manish – this was very useful. Thanks. I successfully registered and can now see my balance online. Thanks

Reply to  Manish
8 years ago

Hi Manish

I am struggling to register. The Portal needs a numeric policy no and my company has a alphanumeric code! One also needs to indicate the premium – what will that be in case of Superannuation?

Anil Bagga

8 years ago


Ravi is trying to register Group Pension policy under normal policy section. That’s why he is being prompted with those questions.

May be you are not aware of this, but the article is about group pension policy which does not require a premium.
How come you comment on something without knowing what the article is about !!!


Reply to  Kabali
8 years ago


‘licindia.com’ site does not exist……..when I type ‘licindia.com’ it takes me to ‘licindia.in’

Try it yourself.

Guide/Help me to use the site……..I’ve all the details required like GSCA policy no, my LIC ID, etc

Steps given above in your article does not work for me……..Help me plzzzzzzzzz

8 years ago

Hi Manish,
How do you get registered??? when I type ‘licindia.com’ it takes me to ‘licindia.in’.
When I go on the New User Registration it is asking below details……..whose details are to be provided…….How do I know the Premium??

Policy No. *
Installment Premium (Rs.) (Without Taxes) *
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) *
Mobile Number *
Email Id *

Guide/Help me to enter the site……..I’ve all the details required like GSCA policy no, my LIC ID, etc

Help me plzzzzzzzzz

8 years ago

My employer says that as per revised superannuation policy one cannot withdraw 1/3rd of the funds. and hence while withdrawal I have to take 100% annuity option. Is there a change in policy?

8 years ago

What is the appproximate pension you receive after retirement say on 10 lacs of accumulated fund?

I was transferred to another group company and have a different superannuation account since last 2 years. I have 2 superannuation accounts (one 10 years old and other 2 years old). If I leave the job now, will I get the 100% amount or 75% amount?


8 years ago

I worked earlier with one company before 3 years and worked there for 1.5 years. Because of company policy, I could not have superannuation before 2 years. Now, I joined once again the same company. Can it be continued by clubbing earlier corpus?

8 years ago

Hello, I followed each step as explained by you & entered all details. But in the end it gave me error that “LIC ID does not exist, please enter correct LIC ID”. This ID was given by my employer. What should i do now?

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
8 years ago

1) Can i apply RTI online….because in this busy life, we don’t have time to go physically & apply RTI. And who knows whether i will get my money or not?
2) What if i do not follow up for my money,,,,are they bound to clear the funds & return money?

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
8 years ago

Thanks !
Can you please tell me, this “Super annuation” issue comes under which Ministry?