
January 18, 2008

How to calculate home loan EMI?

Taking a loan on EMI is a good option, but do you know how to calculate EMI? It’s not just about a Home loan, it can be any loan EMI.

In this post I will tell you how does the monthly EMI for Home Loan is calculated and how increasing Tenure does not help much after a certain point.

How to calculate EMI on loan

What is EMI?

EMI is an abbreviation of Equated Monthly Installments. The name itself explains what does it exactly means. It’s a monthly installment that a borrower has to pay to the bank or the financial institute from where he has taken the loan.

This EMI depends upon the principle amount of loan and tenure i.e. years for which the loan has been taken.

How to calculate EMI?

EMI can be calculated on the basis of 3 terms, which are as –

  • Loan Amount
  • Interest Rate
  • Loan Period

The formula for calculating EMI is given below.

home loan EMI formula


L = Loan amount
i = Interest Rate (rate per annum divided by 12)
^ = to the power of
N = loan period in months

A lot of people do not know that increasing the tenure only leads to increase in Interest amount payable and nothing else . The decrease in EMI is not proportional to the increase in Loan tenure.

In Housing Finance, Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) refers to the monthly payment towards interest and principal made by a borrower to a lender. Have a look at the example given below to get a clear idea about it.


Assuming a loan of Rs 1 Lakh at 11 percent per annum, repayable in 15 years, the EMI calculation using the formula will be :


   EMI   =     (100000 x .00916) x ((1+.00916)^180 ) / ([(1+.00916)^180] – 1)
   EMI   =     916 X (5.161846 / 4.161846)
   EMI   =     Rs 1,136


Note  at  i = 11 percent / 12 = .11/12 = .00916

You must have got an idea about calculating EMI. Some people think that increasing the tenure of EMI is a good option because it will help to reduce the EMI.

EMI Calculator:


Q. How much benefit we get by increasing the Tenure of the Loan. Considering a Loan of Rs 30 Lacs at 12% interest rate.

Ans: I did a bit of my so-called “mathematical skills” … and found out that EMI is of form

EMI(n) = C1 X C2^n / C2^n-1 , where
C1 = L * i
C2 = 1+i

So the difference in the EMI value for n+1 and n is nothing but

by a bit of calculation I got :

EMI(n) – EMI(n+1) = C1 x (C2^2n – C2^n) / (C2^2n – 1)

and when n becomes very large … and applying limit, we get

Lim C1 x (C2^2n – C2^n) / (C2^2n – 1)
-> Inf


Lim C1 / C2^n

and as C2 > 1 (C2 = 1+i)


Lim C1/C2^n = 0

Or in other words, if we differentiate the EMI formula … we get a constant …

It shows and proves that the difference in EMI value is not very significant compared to the change in tenure and at one stage its almost of no gain to increase the tenure.

To show this argument: I would like to present an example, considering my old question:

Q. How much benefit we get by increasing the Tenure of the Loan. Considering a Loan of Rs 30 Lacs at 10% interest rate.

See the table given below. In this table, i have shown how EMI changes with increasing tenure, and also the difference in your old EMI and new EMI you will have to pay after increasing the tenure.


 Period  New EMI  Difference between old & new EMI
 10  39645
 15  32238  7407
 20  28950  3288
 25  27261  1689
 30  26327  934
 35  25790  537
 40  25474  316
 45  25286  188
 50  25173  113
 55  25104  69
 60  25063  41
 65  25038  25
 70  25023  15
 75  25014  9
 80  25008  6
 85  25005  3
 90  25003  2
 95  25001  2
 100  25001  0


From this table you must have realized that after a particular time there is no sense in increasing the tenure because the difference between your old EMI and new EMI will be in some rupees which is negligible.

So it is advisable not to extend your loan tenure to much just to reduce the EMI.

EMI calculators of different banks

Interest rate on loan is different for different banks. So the EMI you will have to pay is also different from bank to bank. In the table given below, I have enlisted some top banks and their EMI calculators link. Click on the links to check the EMI of different banks.


ICICI bank https://www.icicibank.com/calculators/home-loan-emi-calculator.html
SBI https://www.sbi.co.in/portal/web/home/emi-calculator
Union bank https://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/EMICal.aspx
HDFC bank https://www.hdfc.com/home-loan-emi-calculator
Axis bank https://www.axisbank.com/personal/calculators/home-loan-emi-calculator
Bank if India https://www.myloancare.in/home-loan-emi-calculator/bank-of-india
Bank of Baroda https://www.bankofbaroda.com/baroda-home-loan.htm
Indian bank https://www.indianbank.in/emi_calc.php


Tips before taking loan on EMI

  • Check the EMI’s of all banks before tanking loan
  • Don’t extend your loan tenure just to reduce the EMI
  • Negotiate with your agent or loan providing institute when you are planning to take a big amount of loan
  • Pay your EMI on time
  • Make sure you have a good credit history and you are eligible for home loan before applying.
  • Do not expect from a sales person in a bank or the institute from where you are lending money to tech you how to use it. If you are taking a house loan then research for all the related expenses on your own and spend it accordingly.
  • And finally, collect all the documents after repaying your loan.

Taking loan is not a bad thing and it doesn’t carry a risk with it, but its only then when you manage it properly. If you have any doubts regarding this information please leave your query in the comment section.

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8 years ago

Suggestion on Part payment and Interest Payable

I take a home loan of 300000 lakhs @9.4% for 10 years. Total interest payable by end of 10 years to bank is approx 16 lakhs (calculated online)

I take a home loan of 300000 lakhs @9.4% for 20 years. If I do part payments annually (say 2/3 lakhs every year) along with regular EMI’s ; and repay the loan amount in 10 years ; will my total interest payable to bank be the same as CASE 1 (i.e. 16 lakhs)
Since time taken to repay is 10 years in both cases.

8 years ago

I want to Rental Loan form the Bank. And my lease agreement is for 9 years and my monthly rent is Rs.1,50,000/- which Increase every year 5% .
Request you please guide me how to get add my yearly 5% increase amount with my Original Rent 1,50,000 + 7500 =1,57,500 How to take and add my above amount every year.

8 years ago

Dear Manish,

I got a home loan from a co-operative bank. the details are as follows:-
Loan Amount: 15 Lakhs
Tenure: 180 months
Interest Rate : 12 % (Floating rate of interest)

The things is we have been paying the EMI of 18,003 regularly, but some months back the Bank changed the Rate of Interest but did not inform us of the change & we kept on repaying at 12%. The new borrowers are charged an rate of interest of 10.25% currently.
Which we feel is cheated, as the document clearly states that we have got a loan on floating rate of interest, and we should have also been passed on the benefit of rate cute & availed rate of interest of 10.25%.
After we questioned the bank, they were caught a spot of bother.
The bank is giving us an option of closing the current loan account & giving us a fresh loan on the remaining principal amount at 10.25%.
We feel we would end up paying more in such case. They are considering the last unpaid principal amount & this will attract high interest amount as the loan will be a fresh one.
Request your guidance, as how much should be the loan amount (Principal to be paid) if we were to be charged as per floating rate policy (according to RBI rules).
To simplify, giving the actual scenario.
Loan amount = 15 Lakhs.
Rate of Interest = 12%
EMI = 18003 for 180 months.
EMI paid for last 53 months = 18003*53 = 954159

According to bank Principal left to be paid = 12,91,485
Now, they will start a new loan account with this as loan amount & the EMI for this wil be Rs. 16702.
So, we would like to know under normal Floating interest rate account what should be the EMI for the 54th month installment if the tenure remains the same. (i,e. 53 months paid at 12% ROI & next 127 months paid at 10.25%)
Please help.

8 years ago

i have taken home loan of amt-13,50,000/- from SBI for 15yrs @9.55% …now this month i been paid 6,91,320/- as part disbursment, but bank say my emi is 14,300/- to be start from next month. Here is the doubt unless they paid full amt how they are calculating the emi on total loan value and how the emi comes with a value of 14,300/- i cant understand, please help me if there are some undercover rules for home loan not known to me……..

9 years ago

Hi Rahul,

I have a home loan of 2500000 for 16 years at 9.75% interest rate. I want to take full benefit of tax exemption of 2 lacs on interest. So just want to know how much should I pay in the year to get the full benefit.


9 years ago


Say, i am going to take a home loan in SBI for 30Lakhs, interest rate 10.0%. Now if i quote
1. for 360 months, the emi will be 26328
2. for 240 months, the emi will be 28951

how much will i save, if i opt for 360 months and pay 60,000 as part payment every year?


Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

ya thank you !!!!

9 years ago

Hi Manish,

I have taken a loan from LICHFL amounting 15 lacs out of which they have disbursed around 6 lacs.
This month they sent message of EMI due on 10th July for Rs. 13537. Ideally this amount of EMI is applicable only after 100 % disbursement.
They say you have to options i.e. pay as per disbursement or start the full EMI right from the beginning.

I don’t understand what to do. Please throw some light over this and guide.


Reply to  Rahul
9 years ago

Bank provides 2 options :
1.pay as per disbursement : It means you need to pay interest only for disbursed amount until full amount get disbursed .After full amount disbursed ,Full EMI will start .
2.start the full EMI right from the beginning:
From 1st disbursement onward start paying full EMI .Initially Principle component will be more and interest component will be less in EMI .

If you have money to pay ,it is good to go with 2nd option because less outstanding amount will cause less interest to pay.

s t desai
s t desai
9 years ago

loan amount rs.1000000 rate of interest 9.90% tenure of repayment 240 months what amount of monthly emi.

9 years ago

pls let me know the calculation for loan amounting to 150000 at 2.99 as intrest with 36months and 189000 at 2.99 as intrest for 48 months.

Reply to  Neil
9 years ago

loan amount rs.1200000 rate of interest 10.5% tenure of repayment 114 months, after the fourth emi i will do a partial prepayment of Rs.500000 keeping the tenure same what will be the revised emi

9 years ago

Dear Manish,
I had taken home loan of Rs 21 L from LICHFL for 20 yrs in July 2009. For only about four months the rate was 8.75% and then they increased to 12%, its continued so till now. I paid EMI of 22007. Now I have savings and want to return the loan ASAP. Is it a good strategy if I pay RS 10 Lakhs now and then the rest (My o/s loan is 19,40,000) after another three months from our savings (my, husband and daughter). Some people say it was useful had you paid in small amounts from the beginning. Now its not very useful to pay, and that we should invest the amount elsewhere. Would like to know your opinion.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

You need to give application to wave off penalty for pre-payment in case of LICHFL else they may charge for this prepayment .
There is another condition which LICHFL has ,you can’t do pre-payment for first 6 months .Pls cross verify with LICHFL before paying .Clear all penalty clauses related doubts .

varun taneja
varun taneja
10 years ago

Dear Manish,

You need to be thanked for the work you are doing , I regularly read your comments and the way you answer all the queries is commendable . now coming to my query , i had taken a home loan for Rs 30 lacs ( under construction flat , payment goes based on amt disbursed) at 10.25% interest rate for 20 years from x bank , now i am transferring this loan to Y bank at 10.1% interest rate and was also thinking of reducing the tenure from 20 years to 10 /12 years , what do u suggest . thanks

Shyam Ramani
Shyam Ramani
11 years ago


I have taken loan of 19,30,000 at 10.5 % variable rate of interest for the period of 20 years. The first part disbursement of the loan was for amount 13,00,000 (13 Lacs) done in Dec 2012. After two month of disbursement (i.e. in Feb) the rate of interest was reduced to 10.25%, and again in Sep 2013 it was increased to 11.00%. I had signed an agreement for reduced rate of interest at 10.25% from Dec 2013. The remaining amount of the loan (i.e. 6,30,000) will be disburse in Feb 2014. Kindly let me know, how to calculate the tenure after full disbursement and also if the rate of interest changes later on.

Chetan Ambi
Chetan Ambi
11 years ago

Thanks for the detailed explaination on home loan. I don’t have home loan but in future this information is going to help me a lot. Thanks a lot!!

11 years ago

Hi Manish,

I have taken a home loan from ICICI bank “EMI Under Construction”, So far I have got two disbursements and two more disbursements are pending. When I got the sanction letter of home loan the interest rate was “10.5”, I had to pay EMI say “x” for 20 years. So far I have paid EMI for 9 months. Now, the interest rate has been increased to “10.75” and I was informed that still I have to pay EMI for 20 years and 4 months. I understood that “EMI under construction” doesn’t increase the EMI amount instead the tenure. But I am shocked that 0.25 increase in interest rate costs me so much i.e. increase in tenure means obviously I have to pay 12 months EMI extra?

Could you please throw some lights on this?

I am really confused about this loan and its traps


Reply to  Jagoinvestor
9 years ago

If you have some money to pay as re-payment ,pls pay ,it will reduce your tenure a lot .Suppose if you do prepayment of Rs.100000 ,it will reduce your tenure a lot .As said by Manish ,in starting year it makes lots of diff .Inquiry with your bank and if you have low interest generating saving use them for pre payment.

Rohit Prajapati
Rohit Prajapati
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

I have two queries,

1) In my Provisional certificate the intrest expected amount written as 59000/- per anum, However in final Intrest certificate the actual amount written as 83000/- per anum, How the calculation is been done? and To whom i concern about this(The Branch or Home loan department)

2) My Rate of Intrest gets down from 10.75 to 10.50 and 10.50 to 10.25 but no change in EMI. how do bank is working on this calculations….. would they decrese my loan tenure or intermediate amount adjustable?

Loan from Bank of India.

Please guide me on same.

Rohit Prajapati

Pranav Wagde
Pranav Wagde
11 years ago

Hi Manish, your blog is very useful.

I have my home loan in SBI with 10.25% for 20 years for loan amount of Rs. 17,60000/-
I did the calculation as per the formula given in your blog.
It says my loan amount should be 17296/-, but i am paying 17580/-

Am I missing anything in the calculations?

Reply to  Pranav Wagde
8 years ago

I had availed 1500000 housing loan from SBI in may 2015. I ve got last intalment of my loan on march 2016. Now i ve to repay my EMI from may 2016. My bank says it will be around 18000 pm for 14 years but my EMI calculator says it is around 16000pm plz solve my problem and calculate my EMI pm for sbi housing loan of 1500000 for 14 year

11 years ago

Say i have taken a home loan with following details:
loan amount: 3000000 (thirty lakh)
tenure:25yrs(300 months)

Now my question is if i don’t pay any emi and I say that I will pay full amount after 300 months. What would be the amount I have to pay after 300 months

11 years ago

hello sir,
im plannin to construct a home, hence forth im applyin loan for 15lakh, where in interest rate is 10%.. hw 2 calculate emi?? usin ur formula, im endin up in an unknown number.. can u plz explain me.. thank u in advance

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
11 years ago

sir for the loan amt of 1500000/- fifteen lakhs for 20 years, sir give in detail what the EMI Would be
+principle amt monthly

santosh kumar khanna
santosh kumar khanna
11 years ago

Dear shri Chouhan,

I shall be highly obilized if you please send me per year interest and principal for a housing loan of rs 2000000 for a240 months tenure @ 9.95% intt
Thanking you


Budhi Singh Negi
Budhi Singh Negi
12 years ago

hello sir I ‘ve taken a loan of Rs. 23,00,000 @10.75 for 20 years period. please calculate EMI rate as per above loan amt, interest and period.