
November 6, 2010

5 mistakes I made in my first stock market Investment

Do you remember your first stock market trade and how you behaved at the time? Just like you, even I, have made some really stupid mistakes in stock market Investment.

Today, I would like to share some mistakes (only the big ones 🙂 ) which I made during my first trade in stock markets. Its worth discussing, how I could have avoided those mistakes. You can learn from them too!

investors mistakes

Mistake 1 : Buying on Others Recomendation.

27th Nov 2007 : I had just got my spanking new trading account and I was so eager to trade and make lots of money(How to start in Stock Market) .

I saw an Orkut community recommending GTC India – a “Buy” Recommendation. There were several good reasons discussed there, and an extrapolation on how it can reach from current price of 600 to 2000 in some months.  It looked like a “don’t-miss” trade. I bought 10 shares @ 560/-.

Mistake : Buying only on recommendation and not analysing the opportunity well, over relying on others recommendation, buying a company which I do not understand enough .

Learning : Never buy, just on recommendation! Do your own study and analysis. When you buy on others recommendation, you don’t take responsibility if there is any loss, which is dangerous in markets.

Hear others but listen to your self. See other factors like market trends, sector view, global markets, future prospects et al. Once you are fully confident that its a good trade and you feel comfortable with it… go for it.

Mistake 2 : Being too greedy

After 3 days : Just after I bought the shares, it went up from 560 to 800 in 3-4 days. I thought that its moving as expected, and bought 10 more shares at 800. Within another week, it went up more to 950! Now, I was flying!

I bought 10 more shares @955 again, to reach the target of 1500+ . My average buy price was now 772 . I was feeling little bad for not buying 30 shares directly @560 in the start .

Mistake : Greed! Pure & simple… This is a very common mistake, a big mistake at that – so big that it will be among the top mistakes investor and traders do. Buying more wasn’t wrong. It was the intention behind the buy. There is nothing wrong in increasing the position once it moves to your target, but it has to be backed up with strong reasons and study.

It should be a trade with high probability of success. In my case, it was not. It was just a recommendation from someone in an orkut community, with a couple of lines, explaining, why it will go up .

Learning : There was no need to buy more shares that point in time. I should have just sat back and watched. The Stock market is just like our life, you need to have a level of satisfaction in your life and stock markets.

If you want more and more and more, you might not get anything. In fact, you can lose heavily. Because of greed, I invested more than I could afford to lose. I took an unwanted and unaffordable risk, because I only saw profits and never the potential losses.

Mistake 3 : No profit booking on Time

After 1 week : The prices were not moving now. It was going up a bit then coming down again and was stuck in a range of 900-1000. It went up to 990 once. For a time being there was doubt in my mind if it will not move up to 2000 and will return back to my buy price levels.

Mistake : No profit booking. There was a sharp rise in shares price from 550 to 900 in just 2-3 weeks and that is rare. It doesn’t happen to every stock, it was an excellent return, but i did not book profits.

Instead of making the best of the situation and taking the (not so bad) profits, the market was offering me,  I wanted more and more and lost even what I was getting.  The reason was Greed, again.

Learning : The better thing to have done, was to book profits, at least partially… Situations change in markets, I never checked on any news regarding the company after i bought the shares, and I was never updated about it. Every time you get some good profit, its a wise idea to at least book some partial profits out of it (Unless you have really strong reasons to hold it for long) .

Mistake 4 : Having Ego

In next 1 week : Prices now started coming down. It came to 900 first, I was scared and told myself that I will book profits once it goes back to levels of 950+. It never did! Then it came back to 800 and I regretted not booking a profit at 900 and said to myself again “I will book it for sure when it comes to 850.”

Guess what? It never did! Then it went up a bit again and went up to 850 . I forgot my promise to myself & allowed my greed to take over my promise. It went down again after that and now it was near my average buy price. This was the time I was feeling, “What a big fool am I, for not booking Great profits!”

I could have sold it at 0% profit, & yet I didn’t, because I would look a fool in my own eyes. Why Stock Markets Attract and Look Easy

Mistake : Ego ! Fear of losing part of profits, another mistake was the fear of not making any profits and fear of losing some money . Fear! Fear! Fear!

Learning : “When your boat starts sinking, you don’t pray… just jump” Once you are doubtful, surrender to markets wish. See what markets are showing you, not what you wanted to see. Markets are supreme and no one can be smarter than the markets.

Leave your ego at your home, when you go in front of Markets. The markets tell you what’s going to happen, not vice versa. Accept that you are wrong and you made a mistake. Then move on.

Mistake 5 : No Patience

After few days : Then the prices started falling and plummeted to 600 (my original buy price). Now I was in loss. I was proven wrong, but I just couldn’t accept it. I kept trying to prove myself right by holding it and hoping it would come back up. Yea, you know… It never did 🙂 .

It went lower and lower and lower and I was just praying &  hoping that it’d return back to a level where I’d be happy to sell it. It never did! It went up to 300 and I sold it all in frustration. Then, I saw it go down to 250 and bounce back to 500! Now, I was feeling like I was cheated by the market for not giving me the right opportunity to exit.

Mistake : Impatience, Fear  and not cutting my losses short. I exited at a very bad time, at almost the lowest price then. There was an opportunity for me to exit at small loss, but taking a loss hurts the ego and it did. Not cutting my loss in time was the result, of my not defining my loss early enough.

I should have had thought of it earlier. Then, I’d just pull a trigger, when it reached that level, without emotions. Fear overtook common sense, Fear overtook logic .

Learning : I should have defined my Target and Losses before taking the trade. I should have been realistic and logical. I should have waited little mo.re time and then exited at a better price. I should have consulted someone, better than me (At that time though, even a street dog could have given a better advice than me :))

Price of GTC INDIA after this Incident : It never went above my price levels after that and went to Rs 55 after couple of months , even today (Nov , 2010) , its hovering below Rs 65 only .

Conclusion and Summary

My first trade was not at all planned and “no plan” is “a plan to fail”. Fear ! Greed ! Emotion! Ego ! Impatience! These are the elements of Failure in Stock markets. Manage them well and you’ll do better !

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8 years ago

Nice Article..

Yes, don’t go by other’s advice. Pick your stocks, do some fundamental research and then invest. Be patient and track your stock price over a considerably long period of time.

9 years ago

Wow.. What if I say I had exactly the same experience during my first tradings.. But i did not sell my shares.. and everyday they are just going down and later i lost interest and only focussed on my full time work.. The shares that i bought are still lying there for 2 years now. And i am thinking of restarting all over again with more study and with all your recommendations. Any advice you would like to give me?

siva rama krishna
siva rama krishna
9 years ago

Thanks & Appreciation for your article !
Win and lose are two options one will need to face mandatory in Stock market.
Experience and emotional control will be learned & managed by time .
Intelligent Investor learn from others experience, beware of it and try to do the same (old or new mistakes) or correct by trimming with the article knowledge.
This article will help us by not letting the market saying market cheated me(Bear) ,out of market permanently ! Managed the cheating market(Bear) and some how finally jumped on the bull by the advice of this article.

9 years ago

excellent article sir, you are first whom i see say truth about your self, respect.

Sandeep Garg
Sandeep Garg
10 years ago

Hi Manish
Excellent aricle. It shows to be an intelligent investor, everyone should have a hold on greed, emotions, fear and have patience.


10 years ago

Hi Manish,

I am thinking to start investment into stocks and gone through your amezing articles which are very helpful for new-comers. I have one doubt, can you please help:

As on today, cost of SBI share is Rs. 333.15 so if I opened DMAT and Trade account and purchased 10 shares of total cost Rs. 3331.5 After few months or years cost goes to (lets assume) 500 then at that time can I sell my shares and I will have some profit. (I will not do anything with those shares until I get my expected price on share)

Is that much easy the Stock Market is? To be honest, I do not want to be a trader but want to invest so that I will get profit after few years (as like above example)

Please guide if any tricks or hidden stuff are there?

Thanks in advance.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
10 years ago

Thanks Manish for your response and Sorry for late.

Meanwhile on your response:

I’m confident enough to sit back tightly until I get good returns from my stock investment 🙂

Can you please suggest some good stock which are fundamentally good in all terms. I feel SBI is one of the good stock to invest.

Kindly suggest


K C Rana
K C Rana
11 years ago

Hi Manish,

A) I have the same kind of story ….I have invested in gold fund approx 2 months back …and now stucked in loss…. If I sell will have to face loss + exit charges as fund < 1 year.Don't know where to go….:(

B) My Dad has some shares of Bank of Baroda(approx 1 lakh)……bought 10 yrs back and have share certificate in paper format. I have below queries:
1)Can he transfer the same to me……if yes then how will the process take place as he holds the shares in paper format.Will my Demat account sufficient for this transfer or need to go through broker.
2)As per my understanding it will be benificial if he sell the shares when the prices are high…and I will buy when the prices are low.But I think he has to go through broker in that case as he doesn't have the Demat account.Can you please express your views on the same.

K C Rana

11 years ago

I have a old stock Triplex Overseas which is no longer trading. What can I do with that. How do I get rid of the same from my DEMAT account. I am going to be an NRI soon and cannot close this DEMAT account without releasing all the holdings I have in the account.

12 years ago

dear manish
please suggest 5 shares for long turm investment (10+ years & aprx 1lac.)

12 years ago

I Have a question related to demat account. I have demat account with Icicidirect. In my account I have 1000 no of Monalisa Infotech whose trading is suspended for long. Rematerialisation request for the same is returned showing the reason of “company address not found.” Now I want to close the demat account. How to close it then? Somebody told me that there is sebi rule that any demat account has to be zero balance before closing. Now Icicidirect is not willing to help as I am going to close the account with them. Please help.

13 years ago

Tks for sharing yr experience.

13 years ago

Good blog Manish…I was totally a real estate invester till this point of time…now that the goal seems to be achived in real estate…looking forward for investing in stocks…
First thing wanted to know is common mistakes…and found your blog and communications…after reading the entire content now in cross roads :)…
Seems like Mastering emotions will take me anywhere (well I assumed up side)…Was reading Warren’s message to stock investers and he also mentioned about controlling your emotions…but temme how you can control your emotions…being human we are emotional in nature…decipline is one thing which we always ignor, even following the traffic signals…
Making quick money is always a challenge to everyone…however if I understand it correctly no one can make quick money without hard work…eventhough we are prepared for hard work, but rarely know where to put it correctly which will give desired results…

Mayank Gupta
Mayank Gupta
13 years ago

Greed & fear factors do work well in stocks. But when you are a investor in astock like Unitech @ 30, panic is bound to come. So proper Research is more important & hiring a financial planner like Manish himself

13 years ago

Hi Munish,
I’m new to your site, but at first glance what you have have written is the gospal truth, right in front of our eyes: but even then we fail to read it. Over coming fear & greed is the first rule of learning how to trade. I’ve seen many of my accounts turn from positive to negative because i did not act, as i should have. Keep up the good work, hopefully we’ll learn from you.

Kunal Shah
Kunal Shah
14 years ago

Very, very well composed. You have gotten into the mindsets of all the young and hot blood folks who want to make money in the market….Kudos!!!

Jagbir Singh
Jagbir Singh
14 years ago

Good Article, Manish. I read and get opinion everywhere that almost 95% retail investors get assistance from media/brokers/so called experts to wipe out their money in markets. The challenge for me is to how I can put myself among those <5% who actually create/increase their wealth in stocks.

I started with 3 things:
1. Plan to put 30% savings in debt (PF,PPF) and 70% in Equity MF.
2. Read, read and read good books on investment/stock/finance.
3. Started investment in stocks without actually involving money in it. I created portfolio on Rediff site and keep updating it with imaginary purchasing/selling of shares of my choice. As no real money used, no stress when share go down or no such joy when it touch peaks but in both cases you learn something new. In mistake part, I entered in Sugar stocks at wrong time when sugar prices crashed after touching historical heights.

Anyhow, I continued maintaining this imaginary portfolio for several months and compared my return with best of equity Mutual Funds. I decided earlier that If I can't beat good equity MF and Index in returns, then I will stick with MFs only but My stocks returned better than both Index and MFs. In these several months, I finished around 10 books on investment/stocks and with some confidence decided to dive into stock market. So at this moment, I'm having a concentrated portfolio of around 8 stocks and having an average return of 44% as of now. Though its more due of sort of luck because market is heading upwards only, real conviction will be tested when it start nose diving and before your eyes your hero stocks will become red… but I'm prepared for such thing as well.
Few thoughts from my side:
* First and foremost, read and learn, knowledge is vital requirement. If you are not able to do at least basic/fundamental research yourself and can't tell why you invested in this stock, you are just in a play. There's no difference whether you are in a casino or in stock market in this case.
* Real investing is boring. Market/brokers makes money on activity, you make money on inactivity.
* Always invest in good company which enjoys leadership in particular sector, have good/honest management and excellent business prospective. Remember Good businesses never come cheap, so don't stress heavily on price.
* If you are invested in good company, the time to sell is NEVER. frequent profit booking/churning portfolio can not help you become rich.
* Dont diworsify your portfolio by investing in all tom, dick and harry stocks. You will never be able to invest enough in one if you have many of them.
* Take view of your portfolio every few weeks or months and only rebalance if situation demands, else remain seated.
* A Person who have a constant stream of cashflow (like getting salary each month) should invest in stocks/MF regularly, buy in bull market and buy more in bear market.

Desc: All are my personal opinions and I deserved to be wrong, so dont follow without your own thinking.


Jagbir Singh
Jagbir Singh
Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Thanks Manish for your views. Definitely I’m aware that returns are due to current bull run and I’m mentally as well as financial prepared to sail on steep correction or face even long run bear phase.

I didn’t sold anything yet except getting rid of 2 sugar stocks which I entered in wrong time. IMO a trader is one who buy/sell frequently and on this definition, I don’t find myself fit. I know I’m still a very immature in this journey but I consider myself a long term investor and intended to build corpus this way.


Jagbir Singh
Jagbir Singh
Reply to  Jagbir Singh
14 years ago

btw, just to add, I’m still having SIPs in equity funds and don’t want to stop that. The only change now is that the 70% of savings which are marked for equities are getting invested into direct stocks and MFs equally. and Yes, everyone can say fancy words in good times, its the bad time when we see the level of water the person is in 🙂


14 years ago

Hi everyone,
Stock markets are for those who invest for a long term. How long? Then ask your kids. I mean you take their view. Didn’t get it, you invest for there future. This way you got your time frame or rather they will reap the Benefit of what you do today. India is by far better than other economy’s and will be so because we are still growing and have faith in it. So what do we do here. Invest in company’s what you know the best, let say which is the best in cement,best in auto. what is your answer….. Just a bit of general knowledge. I am sure you would get many answer for different sectors. Allocate your portfolio, not more than 20. Once you have done this, keep a watch on those particular stocks/sectors. listen to the markets, what the industries are doing, are their competition growing. Thats it. Its so simple
TRADERS:- There are people who are in the markets for more than 15 to 25 years of experience, so next time when you think of trading please keep in mind you are playing with these people. YOU CANT MAKE MONEY TRADING UNLESS YOU HAVE DEDICATED 24HRS OF YOUR TIME.
TIME FRAME:- Once you have decided that you are not the benefiter but your kids(time frame) your problems are solved.
So next time when you think of investing, invest on those months where the channels are saying its a bad month for the stock markets. Like May, October. Yes those months are bad, bad for the Traders not for the investor. So Happy investing Guys…………..

Ravi Shankar Kota
Ravi Shankar Kota
14 years ago

Hi Manish ,
Excellent article..I enjoyed a lot.
I didn’t have a dmat account and not started buying any shares.
Can you please suggest me about a good dmat account and how to get knowledge on investing in stock markets?

Ravi Shankar

14 years ago

Hi Manish,
I read your site often and its awesome.
This is my first post here.
I have a query regarding Long Terms Capital Gains Tax.
I placed buy order[Delivery] on Glenmark Pharma on 30-Nov-2009 and it got executed on the same day.Now the Pay out date is 1-Dec-2009 and everything settled on 2-Dec-2009 through my online broking account.
Now i want to sell this stock saving STCG.
When can i sell the stock?Is it 1st December 2010 or 1st january 2011?
I tried google as well but no body explained it except saying LTCG is calculated from Date of Purchase:(

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

Hi Manish,
I am not too sure but i think i have seen you or some reader of this site commented something like
if i buy on december then 1 yr deduction will be calculated only in month of january..that is Purchase date is suppose 20th Dec 2009 then one year LTCG rebate will be applicable only from the next month i.e Jan 2011 and not 21st Dec 2010.
And surely selling Glenmark on Jan or Dec does not matter as long as the sensex keeps moving up 🙂
I am a new investor in stocks since 2009 End and only seen the markets moving up ..but from your article i can definitely understand how careful i have to be
with stocks ..
Already i feel i m too greedy with couple of stocks :(For Glenmark My buy price is around 230, i wanted to sell at 280 but could not..then it came down to 250-260 levels and i started thinking i am a long term invstor :))
now again the same happened at around 300-320 levels..:)
Now in last 1-2 month it has gained like anything and reached 382 today 🙂
still not able to sell as the Brokerage houses are giving 450 Target :))
may be i have to sell it at 180 in the end :((

14 years ago

The most important principles which I follow is :
1. Discipline – Easier said than done with so many friends and brokers influecing you based on their views and interests.
2. Defining your Goal and Asset Allocation
3. Don’t watch the NIFTY or SENSEX ticker nor get carried away by daily/minute by minute market movements.
4. Periodic Rebalancing.

Reply to  Jagoinvestor
14 years ago

I give you the most simple portfolio for a person about to retire or retired considering Indian Conditions and Indian Tax laws.

1. Keep that amount of money in safe instruments which earns you regular income for minimum tax. (1,60,000 + 1,00,000 (80C)+20,000 (Infra Deduction) + Mediclaim. This will have Zero Tax implication.

2. Rest of the money be kept in Balanced Funds like HDFC Prudence or Reliance Reg. Balanced Etc. This will have zero tax implication for Long term Cap. Gains.

Nothing more to do. Just sleep and automatic rebalancing will be done without any tax implication.